There’s still a button like that, last I heard.
So yeah, there’s still a Reforged campaign. Just no narrative retcons that would require them to re-voice the entire campaign.
There’s still a button like that, last I heard.
So yeah, there’s still a Reforged campaign. Just no narrative retcons that would require them to re-voice the entire campaign.
It would affect me in that I’d be paying full price for less promised content.
If they were just gonna leave the campaign as is, then shave off $15-20 from the cost. SC:R was $15.
It really depends on what they mean by keeping out retcons. If its literally the same broken campaign and they’re going back on the stratholme changes from last year, then that does not justify the $40 price tag.
Well, we’ll find out soon enough! Less than a half hour to go!
If something gets retconned, WoW should be, not Warcraft 3.
Even the big and main character of Battle of Azeroth like Saurfang is not going to be in reforged such a shame.
I’m just kind of impressed about this whole complicated, layered narrative you’ve concocted in place of “hey maybe people are coming out of the woodwork to discuss/express how they feel about what is or isn’t happening with the Reforged campaigns” in light of recent news.
blizzard has a real issue with retcon. it’s something like self erotism and it eventually damages the games, their stories and all the lore.
i think that they should change NOTHING from the original story. WOW already destroyed part of the game bible warcraft had built until its release, now many of the authors who gave birth and nurtured it have left the company (e.g. Chris Metzen, which i knew from his artworks on my wc2 and diablo game manuals) and i think IT IS A VERY BAD IDEA CHANGING THE STORY OF A REMAKE.
so, no.
let this be the first good decision blizzard made in a long time. leave WC3 the way it was.
If we keep making posts about how we want the game retconned then we might get through to Blizzard. Hopefully they will understand that there decision was wrong and we want the game retconned!
i, for one, dont want it to be.
Portions of Warcraft 3 – have – been retconned. They are canon, whether you like it or not. Those campaign revisements make sense to match the official continuity.
in fact, i never liked what blizzard does to estabilished lore. retcon is something that is tolerable just in sequels, if i want to play a remake of a game that - thank god - existed before WOW, that story should stay the way it was. let the other game go on ranting about what was not in the original story, if i want to play WOW i’ll play WOW, if i play WC3 i don’t wanna play WOW’s version of the past.
And these are the people Blizzard listened to about the campaign? People who don’t even give a flying F^$& about the campaign?
I just love this thought process here. “Don’t change the campaign. Not that I care or even play it because the real fans only play MP, but still don’t change anything in the campaign.”
Yeah, good call.
Well you see, those retcons didn’t even have to be retcons. You could call them enhancements of the same story. Arthas having dialogue with Anasterian is a great part of ROTLK, and that would have only added to the game.
Fun fact: only 10% of the buyers of SC2 remained to play multiplayer (and 10% more for the Co-op).
That is kind of funny. I actually play mostly campaign and only play MP with friends as the competitive side of this game is quite toxic. If you aren’t pro you just get sh*t talked and also most people who play it just steamroll me, so it isn’t fun.
Due to playing mostly campaign, I was looking forward to the extended sequences and all that. But thanks to people who don’t really care about the campaign anyway, I’m not getting what I was looking for.
Well I for one am VERY glad that Blizzard/Reforged team would have actually listened to what we fans who actually BOTHERED to comment here wanted from Reforged. And what we DONT want is them to please WoW fans by replacing all the original voice actors and trying retcon something that DOESNT NEED to be done in the first place!
You had your chance to be vocal about this year ago when they said they would re-record all the voice lines and add additional story. Vast majority of people back then here and in other forums said NO, we DONT want you to do that. Just like vast majority of Warcraft RTS fans here wouldnt want Warcraft IV to have ANYTHING to do with storyline of WoW.
So again Im really glad that Blizzard/Reforged team chose to listen/read what most passionate fans here had to say. Perhaps they might even listen to us instead of WoW fans in regard of Warcraft IV if they ever decide to make one…
Are you one person or a legion?
Yep, the small supposed “pro’s” who play mp ranked like grubby think they’re better than everyone, that they should get a bigger vote, they proboly dont know sh1t about the lore but complain about it anyway. Because of them we are getting some cheap asian knock-off for WC3 reforged because they have the famous Peter Pan Syndrom.
Wow Sylvanas VA is way-way better.
Wow Jaina VA is better
Wow Illidan VA is way better
Original Arthas VA sounds like a whiney kid, not enough experience with the Wow VA so that.
We are not getting the reworked cinematics, which were jaw dropping to look at. Bye bye cool immersion.
We are not getting new cameos which would just be awesome.
These “purists” are only mocking themselfs.
I played WC3 continuesly troughout 16+ years. And i loved the original and i would have loved the new reforged version, you people just have to ruin everything dont you?
Blizzard devs stated that lines in the OG were litteral place-holder texts, but noo…”the game is perfect” no its not. It was good, and could have been vastly improved upon, but because of you idiots it wont be.
We have been scammed for a whole year, and blizzard should show some balls and acknowledge this.
Still using false advertisements on the website.
I mean, lots of people surely thought they would stick to their guns and deliver what was promised? Just like the WoW forums only a small section of players post here. That being said how’s it working out for them now? There’s a huge outrage about the Campaign for good reason.
Most of the pre-orders were incentivized by those Campaign revisions. Imagine how many people are out there still that pre-ordered that aren’t even aware of them copping out at the last minute. They aren’t releasing it as a public statement, and the website still has “40+ hours of reforged cutscenes” bullsh!t.