Blizzard cancelling the new voice lines is the best thing to happen to this game

It also doesn’t mean it “taints” the brand or anything.

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Toggle yourself to WoW forums.

It tainted the lore and good writing… Why should anyone want that crap?

Probably to spite people like you now since you’re being obstinate which is fine, it’s your opinion and all, but you’re just being inflammatory and kind of spammy on top of it.

EDIT: Alternatively, people have fun with it.


Only because you insist on literally making wc3 a prologue to WoW…

Well i have fun playing WoW too, but not thanks to amazing lore, but rather pvp or m+ experience.

I mean I didn’t know I had to ever explain to people how a series works but here we are.

I can’t believe Warcraft 3 made Warcraft 2 a prologue…

Also. I don’t insist on it. I don’t own the IP or the direction it heads. You might want to address the direction of the series with Blizzard.

Difference is, both of these things are awesome… a bit different ofc, but still very cool.
WoW lore is not cool, WoW lore is not good… and that is the whole point.

I just want people to stop insulting me for fighting for the game to remain what it is, rather than some WoW modified brainwash.

As simple as that.

You really don’t have to think i find you responsible for anything, you are one among many others i try to give honest opinion on why that would be ultimate downfall of the game we all know and love. (I know some want it to be toggled, but it doesn’t change the fact that it would be beginning of the end)

As it might result in slight rise with players with that… ultimatively it would destroy the spark that held people to stick around for 20+ years and discuss many things over those decades.

I don’t think the melee turned into 0 players, ofc not… that would be foolish to say, but it would certainly ruin all the memories and wash off the hope that one day… Any day of the future, we might have actual satisfying conclusion in wc4.
Regardless of how it would end, with its own ups and downs as any game has, regardless of which side would be victorius… All we want is decent end.

People can keep spamming WoW is that conclusion all they want… As long as i breath i ain’t accepting that end. You can either join me on a journey to witness this campaign to perhaps overthrow SC as perhaps best and most attractive ever, or you can feel free to say… you’re a lunatic and do whataever makes you happy.

People had a chance to stand up for WoW, and they failed to do so.
This may be a whole lot smaller community, but i am thankful to know there are many others like me, who think they deserve more after 20+ years.

None of us wants nor Arthas, Illidan, Tyrande and many others neither to win or lose… we just want proper end, that will leave everyone hold their breath and say… damn i did not expect this.

Implementing things to “fit WoW storyline” and not reacting to it, is putting a stamp on a cancellation of wc4 once and for all.

New campaign is fine, WoW campaign is not…

This is democratic society, and you can be for it, or you can be against it.

For now, we have won the battle, but we’ll see who wins the war…

(Sadly seems like 4th war is not Alliance vs. Horde, it seems it’s people who want proper wc4 and people who want WoW campaigns in reforged).

Not the war i was hoping for xD

That’s cool but what you think doesn’t change the official stance on what is or isn’t canon in the Warcraft series because it’s not decided by you or me.

TL;DR the rest.


What does this mean? I am not really sure :confused:

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Are you okay?

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Maybe they should make a DLC later for people who have WOW subsctription :smiley:

And retcon the story

But for us.

Reforged and and alternative storyline is better


I wouldn’t go that far.

What’s wrong with Ragnaros and Neferian in Blackrock Mountain?

Or the Old God C’thun in Silithus?

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They believe that it blocks possibility of Warcraft 4. Which is not true as Warcraft 4 can happen after or alongside WoW events. The only blockade is Blizzard not being eager to make a new RTS game that could be great hit against Starcraft.

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I’m pretty sure BFA is the Fourth War, so it may be the setting stage for WC4


Yes, but first we need “new” Warcraft 1 and 2 because a lot of things have changed respect from the old times. Like Medivh that in Warcraft 1 was a bald crazy wizard that summons scheleton. We need a better scenario with Khadgar, Lothar, Garona and a quick Cutescene where khadgar take the aging spell in the face

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Yes, we would also need to retcon WC1 and WC2 if we would reforge them, here’s some observations by deestrasz:

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I dont understand all those people trying to find a way for a wc4 to exist xD
They cant even deliver a WC3 remastered right. I mean it’s all there WC3 classic is right there you just have to deliver the same game update graphics add some more story lines and do some cinematics add some way to reconnect a game when dc. It’s impossible to f*ck it up and yet they manage to let everyone down.
My point is, you dont want a wc4 developed by this company which is all about greed and money anyway.
If you want a WC4 riot for CD Red Projekt or someone else to buy the warcraft franchise and then you can have something worth playing not that crap that is gonna be reforged or as i call it way for them to get 40$ out of everyone thanks to nostalgia without actually delivering any content.
I’d like to see a WC4 too but just not from Blizzard

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Agreed not all of its bad, but much of it is, especially the major/main storyline/storytelling that has suffered heavily from the MMO concept.

Smaller storylines that have not so big impact on the overall lore are much better told in WoW though as there is more room for that kind of smaller side stories than there would have ever been in RTS game.

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I am sure we will get first and second wars as DLC.

There is no need to retcon the heal. They retconned it back that elves taught humans arcane magic and they got heal from the Light(visions of naaru given to Mereldar) itself.