Beta Roll Out

Yeah, i have been upset about this as well, we were told that spoils of war people would get priority first and then standard users later, but meanwhile one of my friends who bought the game last month which is a standard edition already got access to the beta, so it makes me wonder how broken the que is do they just throw it out randomly without actually prioritizing to the ones who ordered at the very beginning. Just disappointment after disappointment .


Yep my words. one official statement would be nice! So we know what´s going ON

keep up the great work pete, i am pleased with the direction the game is going!

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R-N-G. It sucks I know.

Yeah my brother just bought his today and he has the beta and it’s the standard edition. And I bought the spoils of war edition the very first day and I don’t have the beta.


iám so happy that i´m not the only one with this problem

stop treating us like its free2play invitations, we paid money, send invitations to people immediately… wtf


I’m just more upset that my brother who bought the standard edition has the beta before and I bought the spoils of war edition on November 3rd 2018 and I don’t have it


Some people refunds the game, buys it again and gets the beta.

I bought it on january still no beta yet am i a joke to you?


I just bought the game this morning, and I got into the beta. Keep in mind
though there are issues with it of course. Check the drop down menu

Still no access for me. No drop down menu to be found (neither in current BattleNet Launcher, nor in its beta).


So idk if this will work for you fellas, but i refunded the game, and then bought the game again the standard edition and instantly got access to beta, it shows how broken the spoils of war que is literally. I’m not saying it will work for everyone who will do that but it did for me. Anyways best of luck to you all.

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His Beard looks epic in Blizconn, wOW

Unlike that Failed to autheticate 2.51 Eror many people seem to be having right now :confused:

After watching a video that was posted elsewhere on these forums, I lost hope of getting an invite as a pre-purchaser from last year, as everyone of us should already have received the beta invite, before BlizzCon Virtual Ticket holders.

So I caved in and bought the ticket and also got access right away. Can’t post in the beta forums though.


If it makes you feel any better I pre-purchased last blizzcon and then bought the virtual ticket for the “for sure” access on the 5th and still don’t have access.

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I think that, if you lost the invite lottery, the only guaranteed way to get access now is to purchase either the Virtual Ticket or to pre-order the game again.

I prepurchased they game before summer and still no beta… I don’t get how people with virtual tickets from a few days ago get preference over people who actually bought the game…makes not sense to me

Edit. Also own both original Warcraft 3 and TFT from release


Or just wait…

Are really ppl who bought the Virtual Ticket post BlizzCon only for the beta access ‘first’ ? That’ll make an expensive War3 Reforged for you…

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you guys are just unlucky. I gifted 2 times Reforged with Spoils of War to my friends and they get instantly beta access

Got the Spoils of war edition but even after 1 week they said that the virtual Ticket holders get the invitation im still waiting and i thought Spoils of war would be prefered. Is it possible that they forgot me xD

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