Beta Roll Out

Yeah I’m pretty sure that if you have pre-purchased the game before the roll-out and you’ve not had your invite yet, you’ve been forgotten. Some ppl have gotten refunds on the game and re-purchased it to get the beta, it should be automatic if you buy again.

Preordered as soon as reforged was announced, more than a year ago, and i still have no beta access :upside_down_face:

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refund it buy it again and u get acces i ve done the same u were simple forgotten sad but true

As it was said yet, we bought spoils of war in a bundle with 2018 blizzcons’ ticket, so blizzard argues we CANNOT have a refund, so we CANNOT buy it again. We re just f***ed and unable to get beta while some who just bought classic version are allready in. Blizz just dont care of us.


i purchased the spoils of war edition and was one of the first that got in.

Same here was probably in the first 100 to buy it and no access to BETA. Seriously… Blizzard seem to threat base fan like … (put the word you prefer).

it seem that we have a scroll button to switch to beta now on Bnet launcher… i installed the beta actually… so might be my mistake but without receiving an official email… i had to figure out myself i have access to BETA that is definately the case for me. Hope it will help others to figured that out!

The invitation emails have always been flighty, even across all the games. I wouldn’t depend on them.

Always using something more official. For example, if the option is present in your (fully updated) launcher.

yeah but the option is not pretty clear… it’s a small arrow that open the menu to switch to beta.

Yeah, it’s not huge. But one definitive way to know that a Battlenet account has been flagged for something is by that drop down appearing or the list within it changing.

Have you a screen of that “scroll buton” plz ?

if you can explain me how to post the screenshot on the forum will surely do

Well, i refunded the game which i bought the moment it was shown and spoils of wars a lot later but and i never got beta access got fed up, refunded the game and then repurchased standard edition and BAM the BETA was there for the standard edition user.

Once you have the URL, paste it and use the “Preformatted Text” markdown on it. That’s the </> button on the toolbar. For example:

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TY. I confirm I have nothing…

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One easy step to help make sure you are/aren’t flagged for beta is to make sure that your BDA is fully updated. Some ways to make sure are:

  • Close, wait 15-20 sec for the background processes to close (specifically Agent.exe), reopen.
  • Do the same as #1 above, but first log out, and relogin afterwards.
  • Uninstall and reinstall. This will forcibly install the most recent version.

The BDA is supposed to automatically stay updated, but sometimes it can get stuck.

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What is BDA ?

The launcher.
Battlenet Desktop App

Ok ty mate !

can i deinstall it without deintalling all games?