Being brainless fan of old lore is stupid

As a radical fence-sitting playing-safe centrist, I stubbornly stay say we should get both since I’m such a hypocritical man of peace and I prefer both sides get what they wanted

Oh well, the main reason why I just want a second additional Reforged campaign is just because of the excuse to get new models and resources (and I also wanted to see some more characters from pre-WC3 novels)

But if Blizzard indeed decides we go for reskins, then at least…

Polish or expand on some things that were left unanswered, like how did Jaina manage to convince the people of Lordaeron to believe her and convince other Kingdoms to assist her, particularly Gilneas and Stromgarde; as well as how Sylvanas managed to get her body back

Or fix the inconsistencies since we care about the lore so much:

If they get answered then WC3 will be at least more polished (and expanded) without relying on the retconned WoW updated lore

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