As a shareholder, I would like to thank all that whiners for cheap stocks I just bought

and that stream had the old no-changes stratholme?

He was playing the Culling of Stratholme Reforged Demo map that was debuted on the day that Warcraft III Reforged was announced.

The point I was making is that on this demo map, there was a Warcraft III Trigger Editor typo that is visally evident. This proves beyond any shadow of a doubt that the Warcraft III engine was the engine used on the stage in 2018.

Hence why that demo looks nearly identical to what I downloaded in the Reforged Beta, although a large number of forum users apparently want me to believe otherwise.

This is that the 2019 beta is missing! Quote from other topic!

what typo?

Misuse of global variable when it should have been local. They wanted right click on neutral units to auto attack those units and make them flash yellow, like destructables do.

Units do not offer that functionality, though. I was asked this question when I had no knowledge that Reforged existed, probably in mid 2018, just offering help through Hive Workshop.

Rewatch Grubby’s stream and think about how villagers and houses flash yellow when arthas right clicks them. This is nonstandard for Warcraft III. It requires a custom trigger.

After I offered a JASS solution, we discussed it and I also gave a GUI solution to try to make it easier to use. When I transcribed the JASS to GUI for this purpose, I used a global variable for the “right clicked unit” instead of a local variable. This means that if you right click a second unit while the first one is flashing yellow, the global variable changes to refer to the second unit and the first unit can become stuck yellow and never change back to normal coloration. It is a very basic Warcraft III Trigger GUI mistake to use a global variable together with a wait function. I was not asked for trigger/jass help after this, when I informed them about this bug affecting the demo, and I appreciate why not.

The effect of this mistake is that right clicking villagers on the stage in 2018 to auto attack them, if you click them in sequence fast enough, will cause some villagers to turn permanently yellow. You can find cases of this happening in Grubby’s stream that day.

The Starcraft 2 engine would never have that problem, because its GUI system includes local variables. Anybody who says that the 2018 demo on the stage was the Starcraft 2 engine is verifiably wrong. That is all that I am trying to say.


More quotes from the discussion about what is missing now in this beta 2019, lets hope that things back in final release! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Watch this video at time 19:25 if you wish to see the truth as I have told it.

Honestly the 2019 beta is just the same 2018 demo, but with more work done and more improvements. It’s getting better and Blizzard is working hard on it.

That happens only in TFT missions, not in ROC. If this was dictated by the engine, then they’d definitely use TFT one.

This happens everytime he attacks something, and even when picks up a treasure chest and marks trees to chop.

And it happens in the beta too.

Right, they stay yellow. Seems more like a bug that doesn’t make them back white, tbh.

And, since you say it’s only on the demo - it indicates that there is something special with the demo

Yes, it is special to that demo. I am saying, I talked to one person who helped make the map, and he made a trigger and I was aware it had a bug, then I found video footage of the bug.

Go find a TFT mission where right clicking a unit (as referred to in the jass typing system, unit child of widget child of agent child of handle) (not a destructable) makes it flash yellow. Then again, I’ve already said too much.

I’ll leave you to think for youself from here. It’s better if I don’t say more. Maybe it’s just yellow magnets, how do they friggin work?

These are not place holder models, and I don’t even get how you can consider something that polished to be a placeholder model. Also in the next paragraph you state you think the models are done. So which is it, do you think it is placeholder models or near completed models. It is the latter btw. Also what is likely holding things back is UI issues which I bet there are plenty of as well as general network performance. The code at this point in beta is likely very locked down with next to no new check ins taking place that are not directly approved from the art director and game director as well as lead engineer approval. First week of December I think is wishful thinking, this release will be either on the last day of the year if not pushed to early January. What do I know, I’ve only been working on AAA games for years.

Ya that’s not how investments work buddy. You’re not a shareholder unless you own shares.


There are a bunch of placeholders in the current beta version (like almost everything), and it will stays that way until the release. Are you a newbie in beta testing or what is that comment exactly lol?

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You are incorrect sir, from what I have played I do not see any placeholder models. Placeholder models are typically untextured and very minimally animated. Why would they go through the trouble of making a rig, putting textures on it, adding full animation to a placeholder model. Also beta is not a stage where placeholder models would even be used, that would be early alpha stages. Models and textures may get changed slightly but rest assured they are not placeholder. If a model is totally textured, animated and has shaders applied it is not a placeholder. It would be a complete waste of money/time to do that work for placeholder models.


Why you thanks us for cheap stocks you just bought you piece of sh!t? Thank Blizzard for it for ther inability. Also brace yourself cuz they about to lose value even more.


Pretty false statement but nvm.

I don’t see how it is false. The use of place holder models in a beta stage is a nono and a sign of poor project management. Either your confused about your software development stages or doing things in a round about way. Unless it is those older original wc3 drop in models like in the early footage of reforged, they are not place holder. Brand new model, textured, fully animated, how could you consider that place holder? So I ask , please explain why you think it is false.

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Still waiting for you to explain why you think my statement was false? Please back up your comment accusing my statement of being incorrect. Don’t wait until your already proven wrong to go silent.

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There is nothing to explain, it’s common sense.

Ok, it is clear you have nothing to back up your statement so I ask that you please hold your tongue when you clearly don’t know what your talking about. Why don’t you check definitions for placeholder or beta in software design before you chime in with your ignorant opinion.

“And yes, they dont gonna have ladder on launch, we must wait AT LEAST 3 months.
Stop defending this, this is just a scam.”

“they dont gonna”. I agree with this 4 year old’s expert analysis of the situation.