As a shareholder, I would like to thank all that whiners for cheap stocks I just bought

Ya that’s not how investments work buddy. You’re not a shareholder unless you own shares.


There are a bunch of placeholders in the current beta version (like almost everything), and it will stays that way until the release. Are you a newbie in beta testing or what is that comment exactly lol?

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You are incorrect sir, from what I have played I do not see any placeholder models. Placeholder models are typically untextured and very minimally animated. Why would they go through the trouble of making a rig, putting textures on it, adding full animation to a placeholder model. Also beta is not a stage where placeholder models would even be used, that would be early alpha stages. Models and textures may get changed slightly but rest assured they are not placeholder. If a model is totally textured, animated and has shaders applied it is not a placeholder. It would be a complete waste of money/time to do that work for placeholder models.


Why you thanks us for cheap stocks you just bought you piece of sh!t? Thank Blizzard for it for ther inability. Also brace yourself cuz they about to lose value even more.


Pretty false statement but nvm.

I don’t see how it is false. The use of place holder models in a beta stage is a nono and a sign of poor project management. Either your confused about your software development stages or doing things in a round about way. Unless it is those older original wc3 drop in models like in the early footage of reforged, they are not place holder. Brand new model, textured, fully animated, how could you consider that place holder? So I ask , please explain why you think it is false.

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Still waiting for you to explain why you think my statement was false? Please back up your comment accusing my statement of being incorrect. Don’t wait until your already proven wrong to go silent.

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There is nothing to explain, it’s common sense.

Ok, it is clear you have nothing to back up your statement so I ask that you please hold your tongue when you clearly don’t know what your talking about. Why don’t you check definitions for placeholder or beta in software design before you chime in with your ignorant opinion.

“And yes, they dont gonna have ladder on launch, we must wait AT LEAST 3 months.
Stop defending this, this is just a scam.”

“they dont gonna”. I agree with this 4 year old’s expert analysis of the situation.

Maybe my english is bad because im from Argentina, clever boy.
But you understood what im saying, so there it is.

Stop taunting me master troll and grow up if you can’t face the facts.
In addition stop whining on this forum, nobody will feed you here.

No one is whining, I just asked you explain your statement. Which you refuse. You have stated zero facts so there is nothing to face.