I understand that the released game will no longer going to have the same graphics as the demo. No problem. But can we please please fix the atrocious grass colors on the current terrain? As it stands, when we enable the foliage, some of the grass blade colors are too dark and becomes blended in with the tileset palette. The result of this is that we don’t see any 3D foliage standing out and the terrain looks worse with it enabled. I dabble in art design myself so I hope you see this problem as well as I do. This should be simple change, literally lightening the grass against the terrain texture makes a whole world of difference.
Biggest complaint are the sunken ruins and northerend tilesets but this should be implemented to all the problematic ones. See my images for reference. Check marks good, crosses bad.
Edit: Actually the Sunken Ruins grass texture needs a lot more improvements. Perhaps lower the contrast so the foliage can shine more?