The terrain looks horrible....what happened?

I can’t be the only one who thinks that the textures need a major revamping. Some people are FINE with it but coming from an art background I can already see that it’s lacking the quality normal mapping to give us the pop up effect. Even hand-painting them like in WoW can help. Instead what we got here is a very flat looking ground that looks like it’s been filtered using photoshop. Not good, considering this game will be released by the end of this year.

What do you guys think? Is my complaint legit or are there other ways to improve the aesthetics?


Someone in the other thread mentioned that texture, models, animation setting are forced to medium so maybe it has something to do with that.

Agreed, looks like the floor is shining.

If that is what we are getting for the updated tile-set it will be a huge disappointment.

Looks to me like Blizzard is just running out of time and the tile-sets haven’t been given the development time they require.