Grass texture needs major improvements

I’m not asking it to look realistic, but so far from what I’m seeing on the previews and the demo is that the texture is looking far too flat and plain. Take a look at this screenshot I found on reddit imgur(.)com/a/KuzH3vH, the grass looks a lot more interesting and it appears to be part of the environment. What do you guys think? Do you agree or disagree?

Hey Toaster,

They announced in a recent QnA that they are actually re-doing the entire terrain tiling system for WC3 Reforged and that what was shown at BLizzcon will change entirely.

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Agreed, fortunately that was basically alpha footage, I’m sure it’ll be better at launch

It’s funny that you mention that because in an interview by the people from back2warcraft with Pete Stilwell that was recently uploaded, Pete talks how the terrain could and probably will be improved.
So I would expect some changes to that already and prepare to give feedback on that new terrain.
Interview by back2warcraft:

where to find that? would love to hear/read that by myself

agree with OP. Grass needs to be improved and if they are already looking at improving, that’s a great sign.