yup you are absolutely correct. The blue offiical statement today claiming they wanted to keep all the cut scenes true to the original WC3 vision is complete BS as they remade the Arthas vs Illidan scene
So its our fault that the game is not what they said it would be?
Isnt that called victim blaming?
Because you’re not a victim. You weren’t ‘taken advantage of’ you simply didn’t pay attention to things that were openly disclosed to you.
If you walk across a busy street without paying attention to what’s around you, and you get struck by a bicyclist who was doing everything he was supposed to be doing, it’s not victim blaming for any spectators to say “Yeah nah, you should have paid attention.” when you get enraged because you got hit by said bicyclist.
Everyone misunderstood. They weren’t adding four hours of cutscenes, they spent four hours making the cutscenes.
if they wanted to keep it true to the original game and that’s why they didnt’ do the culling treatement for all the scenes… why did they give the culling treatment to the Arthas vs Illidan cut scene?
The same Deep Dive where the announced the level squish for World of Warcraft after the big Shadowlands announcement lol
But I did pay attention. The redone UI, the non existent Stratholme cutscene, the reforged cutscenes and you can claim that the new models count as being “reforged” but you would be wrong.
Blizzard showcased an entirely remade CGI cinematic and and a completely redone in game cinematic. They never once said that they are only doing the single CGI cinematic and the rest would be upscaled to 1080p and they never disclosed that the ingame cinematics would just be redone with new models.
they said “REFORGED CINEMATICS” this implied along with what they teased us with that we would be getting the same story but with NEW cinematics.
They mislead us.
Defend them all you want but you are wrong.
What are you talking about? They stayed as true to the original as possible, although they expanded a few scenes. It’s a fairly simple fight scene created using the in-game models.
There’s nothing really that ‘special’ about it compared to what was originally there. It’s nothing close to the ‘culling treatment’ that Blizzard was referring about in 2018.
Well then you’d know they were scaling back development and keeping the game as close to ROC/TFT as possible.
That means using the old UI (although upgraded a little visually), no Stratholme cutscene as shown in the 2018 trailer, no ‘reforged cutscenes’ in the same vein as the Stratholme cutscene from 2018. You’d also know that they were not going to be redoing all the rendered cinematics, something they stated not only on the Blizzcon floor, but also during multiple interviews.
So clearly since you’re still bringing up those points, you obviously weren’t paying attention.
that’s an absolutle lie
This got the culling Treatment.
AFTER they said they weren’t going to do the culling treatment.
I’m not going to get into another lengthy debate with you where you claim things that aren’t true just to twist the argument in your favour.
What you see in the reforged Arthas vs Illidan cinematic is not a ‘culling treatment’ cutscene. They took the new models for Arthas and Illidan, used some custom animations and visuals, and had them fight it out. Nothing special, certainly nothing close to the ‘Culling Treatment’ that was used in the 2018 trailer.
Feel free to disagree, I won’t be responding to you further.
that’s a lie
define the culling treatment then because everything you just said fits the culling treatment.
It has new animations, different angles, new visions and is very special so special they used it at the Blizzcon 2019 QA and even said it was something special
So what makes the Culling of Stratholme from 2018 so different?
I understand if you don’t want to answer that question as doing so would clearly show you are wrong so i guess i’ll just say concession accepted.
have a great day
IF that were the case, why do they still use the Culling cutscene to showcase “new” features? Why does the website still mention an updated UI?
Again, defend them all you want, just know that you are wrong.
Blizz has mislead people on what the “reforge” was going to be.
And if they wanted it to be as close to the original as possible… why is it worse? Why does it have features removed? Why cant you rebind keys? Why does it have the same bugs that came out with it nearly 20 years ago?
YOU are wrong. Blizz has mislead people on what this game was going to be by being purposefully vague about what they doing and now people like you are shilling for them to justify this pile of trash they have rushed out… even after it was delayed.
This game, this reforged edition is NOT what they made it out to be.
Its because they are going Bioware route. What you see in the trailer does not match the gameplay.
Your metaphors are really quite terrible. So how would you factor in the concept that they’re still advertising the Culling graphics on playwarcraft3 dot com into your bicyclist metaphor you’ve got going on here?
I think it’d go something like this: The pedestrian crossed when it was their turn legally. The bicyclist hits them and tries to excuse themselves by saying “It’s not my fault. I quietly announced up the road that I was going to ignore the crossing law”
They’re lying about the game. If they weren’t, the would have taken that video down, or make a video of the actual Culling scene in game and use that.
They still have the false-advertising video on their site. If they decided to pull back and just keep the old storytelling in-game cutscenes then they should bring down that particular video. But no, let’s keep selling this product under false assumptions.
I am SO thankful that this time I waited a bit before I buy a Blizzard product, I saved myself some money. Sadly, that’s Blizzard today, a once beloved company where their games were instant buy from me, reduced to this thing…
The website hasn’t been updated since 2018, which is a mistake, something Blizzard should fix asap, but that’s a fact you’ll need to grapple with.
I am relaying what Blizzard told folks at Blizzcon. The fact that you feel that I am wrong is irrelevant, as I’m not the one telling you how it is, Blizzard is.
Another lie by you https://web.archive.org/web/20181102203749/https://playwarcraft3.com/en-us/
since Blizzcon 2019 they updated the website with the new rewards for the other games as well as made format changes and added adtional info about the races.
After Blizzcon 2019 they also changed the auto play background video at the top using completely different footage. So yeah after they made that annoucment they updated the website to add new footage of gameplay and cinematics. You need to stop lying you are embarrassing yourself.
So what makes the Culling of Stratholme from 2018 so different?
I understand if you don’t want to answer that question as doing so would clearly show you are wrong so i guess i’ll just say concession accepted.
No matter how much you white knight for Blizz they aren’t going to hire you and they aren’t going to thank you.
have a great day
Small indie company which fails to update website for a year? Is that your argument?