StarCraft:Remaster encountered bad game data

I tried yesterday, received the following error “Starcraft encountered bad game data that must be repaired. Please run the Blizzard app to repair the game. If the problem persists try reinstalling the game.”

I received this yesterday, repaired multiple times, and sent info to Blizzard. I reinstalled. Tried all again today, nothing, same error.

Why create patches that make the game unplayable?

Why not erase this patch altogether and set patch for one prior? When the game actually worked!


Same issues guys. What should I do to fix it?

there is no fix yet, hopefully they will roll back the old patch, or fix whatever they are doing and release a new patch that works…

Is it possible to roll back manually? Any ideas?

About 1-2 weeks ago the problem was solved (by a rollback update I guess). But now it is happening again but two errors alternate:

StarCraft encountered bad game data that must be repaired. Please run the Blizzard app to repair the game. If the problem persists, try reinstalling the game.

StarCraft is missing game data and cannot start. Try reinstalling the game.

Linux / Wine 5.0 (staging, 64 bit prefix).

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Ya this problem is persisting LOL. Please don’t make patches if nothing is truly broken. It was working fine before yesterday, and now I can’t get this resolved by repairing and uninstalling. Something that Blizzard done in new patch is making the game unplayable. I can’t get past the SC BW screen. Like I can’t even get to play single player lol

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Same issue on Win 7 here since latest patch.Cannot start game, repair/reinstall changes nothing.

Same problem, I was going to post last night ranting, but I tried to have faith in blizzard’s team. Maybe I should have known better. What is being patched? I cant seem to find the patch notes. The game wasn’t broken now it is. please roll back and leave it, or figure out what is causing this. There is no reason why a live patch should disrupt so many people playing. And to make it worse this is reoccurring. Does blizzard test their patches, or are we the test rats? I would like to know what is being patched, and what measure you took from your last failure to prevent what is happening from happening, and lastly what you are doing to fix it now that you have made a mistake again. I’m beginning to wonder if Blizzard wants us all to leave. Blizzard listen to your fans and customers and make a timely correction, roll back and figure out what you messed up, or if you know then release a hotfix patch. And inform your players what is going on. There is no reason your game should be unplayable for any more than a few hours to any amount of players because of an error at your end, that you are not even discussing. I find this a disgrace for a company of your stature even if this game is barely on your radar anymore. if you do not want to work on it, then roll it back to playable and leave it never to be touched until you take the servers down. After the servers are down still leave it alone and do not make unplayable for single player. And if you want to keep working on it and supporting it then do that but in the right way do not present a makeshift project.


it’s working again! Looks like it rolled back to

Stop writing fake information!

Yeah it’s still doesn’t work :frowning:

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I had the same thing occur last night. I had an auto update run its course, and the error popped up after attempting to enter the game. I reinstalled and updated/repaired again and the error still pops up. Can this auto update be rolled back again? Anyone else having this same problem twice in the same month?

Actually, it did it for me, really dont understand but, this time the game updated and now it goes normal, maybe they backrolled again

Which version do you have right now? It’s still doesn’t work for me v

You must change Region (in settings Battle Net/SC) to Asia. In my case this changes downgraded version and i can gaming.


thanks StrangerWolf…
In the app, bottom left corner under GAME VERSION…click on the globe and change it to ASIA and it will re-update. Then start the game and choose US-WEST and it works now.


Yeeeey. It works. Thx a lot @StrangerWolf and @Mortaur. Have a good one :wave:t2:

yeah so that doesn’t work. must be nice… when is blizzard going to get involved?!?

it working perfect in asia version, thanks

Gusy I change Asia region and work it, try it