SC remastered crashes at startup new Mac BigSur M1

My PC just got a update. I don’t have the game on my Mac any longer, though, so I’m installing it again to see if this fixes it. So far I can’t find any notes beyond .9411

Sorry, never mind. I should have known not to get too excited. It’s still broken.

imgur dot com slash a slash khROFLz

(not allowed to post links, I guess)

I opened a new ticket because there’s a new version of the game.

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The new update ( seems to have completely broken Wine support :frowning: when the game starts it says it requires some missing files and the game need to get reinstalled


oh that’s totally not awesome

The same…When the game starts it says “Starcraft is missing data and cannot started. Try reinstalling the game”
I tried to reinstall BNet and all Starcraft several times :frowning:

I’m getting the same problem, it was working fine with an old version of wine 5.13 on Debian 10 using intel graphics, but after today’s update it launch the game’s loading screen and it crashes.

Blizzard pls fix this problem 씨이이이이발

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Wine issues should probably be logged separately. This is about M1 Macs.


Someone in another thread mentioned that Mac OS 12 Monterey solved this and SC Re is now working on it. Is this true? Has anyone tried it?

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I downloaded 11.5 beta 2 last night, and that did not resolve it.

Now I’ve got the Monterey beta downloading. Will report back later today.

Blizzard, please give us any update and fix this issue. There are still old SC fans want to play this game on M1 chip.

I can confirm that it at least runs as far as playing the opening sequence and gets to the main menu, which is far more than it did before!

What I can’t confirm is how it plays. I’m supposed to be working right now. :stuck_out_tongue:

Would never recommend upgrading to a beta OS on a production machine, but this is just a fun box for me, my work machine is a 2018 Intel Mac mini.

https colon slash slash imgur dot com/a/tNsvcOl

(sorry it won’t let me include a link for some reason)

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OK so there are some caveats:

  • I have no idea what the resolution is, but it’s not my display’s native 4K. Looks like either 720p or 1080p. Whatever, it runs
  • If you Cmd+Tab out of the game, the mouse no longer responds
  • After you quit the game, something called BrowserProxy crashes. This seems to be ignorable.

Otherwise, it’s StarCraft. Runs at 100+ fps in a 1v1v1v1 single player game against computer components. No glitchiness in the game, aside from the mouse thing. I can likely quit using my PC for this game, which means I won’t be using it much at all except for work stuff.

Good news: I’ve played a couple of ladder games without issues, so net code seems fine.

More good news: if you play in Windowed (Fullscreen) it will let you move the mouse after Cmd+Tab to another app.

Also, Windowed Fullscreen looks like a higher resolution. My guess is it’s at 1080p this way. Looks much nicer than plain Fullscreen.


Awesome! Basically Apple fixed it.


Sorry if this is spamming, but I’m adding one last hint:

Turn on hardware mouse cursor. Even in Fullscreen I started having issues with the mouse responding, but once I turned on the Hardware mouse cursor, that fixed everything.

I’ve played the entire Terran campaign of the original SC this weekend. Not a single glitch or crash. I’m in my happy place.


But if you have an intel mac mini, how does that relate to M1 problems? Or am I missing something here?

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Yep, just bought this game, pretty frustrating to see its still not available 6 months after the problem has been recognised.


i am wondering the same thing

Blizzard, this is just ridiculous. A big tech company like you is ignoring your customer, letting customers purchasing without any chance to play. This is very close to a scam.