SC remastered crashes at startup new Mac BigSur M1

I just bought a MBP m1, my favorite game doesn’t run. and it seems that Blizz doesn’t care as well. What a shame!

I got new 24 inch M1 iMac.
As told here, SC crashes.

Any reply from Blizzard?

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Mac mini with M1, same issue.

I opened a ticket today. Please others do the same to keep this on the Dev’s priority list.


If someone can share the system profiler file, then I can open a support ticket. But I don’t want to buy a non working game.

I’ve opened a ticket and reopened it. I get the same response. Essentially it’s, “We don’t have an update, but we are aware of it.” Others are getting the same thing.


Since Blizzard is a garbage dumpster-fire company that doesn’t care about it’s customers or games anymore, I’ll help you guys out instead.

The key to getting this to work on a Mac is using Wineskin / PortingKit. It’s possible to run many/most PC apps with this process. You can install, but for me - the client is just “blank.”

I’m assuming someone with more experience than me could figure out how to fix this, and install SC:R normally. It MIGHT run if we can get the agent/client to work with porting kit.

Thus far I haven’t been able to get Crossovers to work with SC:R. I can get it to install Battle.Net and SC:R, but all the text fields are blank. Someone has already posted about trying and failing to use Parallels.

Apple’s Rosetta 2 has been a great translation layer for everything else I’ve tried to run. But with Rosetta 2 failing and Parallels/Windows ARM failing I think the issue is much deeper.

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Thank you Dreygon! I am also going to be keeping my ticket open. Blizzard will reply and mark it as “answered,” but not “resolved.” Every week I’m going to make sure mine is still open.

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I actually run a service team for a technology company, and if I handled this the way Blizzard is, I’d be laughed out of my industry.

Mac users, have you tried using a Windows virtual machine?
It’s obviously not the best solution, but maybe in the meanwhile it might work.

I want a native Mac version, which never was a problem at Blizzard until Activision came along the road.
It’s a shame that they sell you a key and then it doesn’t work on the great M1 Macs.

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Just got my new Mac. SC2 works fine but SC remastered doesn’t?? PLEASE FIX THIS BLIZZARD. I want to play my game I payed for.


Diablo 3 also works like a charm. So why not SC Remastered?

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You’ve seen the replies from Blizzard. All Customer Support does is close the ticket.

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That’s pretty much all they do. No news, no updates, and from what we can gather … no effort.

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I’ve given up, Blizzard won’t fix this.

Blizzard c’mon and fix it we are the ones who love this game and just want to play it on our New Mac’s. I switched from HP2000 Laptop to MacBook Air. I like this new MAC computer and just wish I can play Starcraft 1 with a good processor. :cry:

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I also registered an issue with a link to this thread and got the following response after reopening it when it was closed as being a known issue:

" I understand the annoyance with this issue. We’re aware of it and we’re currently working with Apple to have this resolved. Since this issue also requires Apple engineers to fully resolve, it is taking longer than normal to come to a full resolution.

The best location to track this issue is through the forums via the link you already have. And while you may want to keep the ticket open, responding it will simply get it back to our systems for us to reply back. So you can simply keep it open without need to mark it as Resolved."

They’re acknowledging that we should be keeping the issue open, which is an improvement! I’m doing my weekly-ticket-reopening right now.

Blizzard is acknowledging this, I encourage others to open support tickets!!

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I would love to open one, but without buying this, I have no system profiler output and I will never buy this game without working M1 support.
It would be interesting to know which issues they encountered that can only be solved by Apple engineers.