Zergs work harder for their wins

I’m going to leave you alone. You’re wrong about this, I know, but you don’t.

I’m simply a person that called out BS when I saw it. I was actually on your side, but you made some dumb remarks. This thread is proof.

Sure, sure. I guess you’ve seen bigfoot and you’ve got a unicorn in the backyard of beachfront property in arizona.

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I’ll tell you something funny. I used to play alot of videogames, rather competitively. Well after that, I started believing the weirdest things. It messes with your brain and makes you angry.

I repeat:

20 chars.111

Yeah, it might take years to fix the paranoia, it’s all you know.

You have become fixated on fantasy violence, it’s only natural that you would think like this.

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See? See. I told you. 100% is kelthar. Dude can’t ever condemn himself even on his alt accounts. Why do you have such strong affinity for that account if not being the person who posts on that account. Lmao. It’s just too obvious dude. 2024 and you are using the same old tricks.

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I’m not going to try to convince you.

Anyway, I have a life to live. Good luck trolling the forums. I just might do what you recommend and leave. Then you have nobody to warn your victims before you strike. But then again, as soon as I leave there’s nobody here except your alt accounts.

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Buddy, ive been asleep until like 20 minutes ago.

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When was terran your main ? You are tehbatz who played zerg (and whined about zerg being underpowered) your whole life.
On liquipedia there is player named “tehbatz” and he beat protoss named Seigifried 2-0 and lost to Romson 2-0.


Even if your MMR was remotely close to 6.2k then it was like 6-7 years ago where by today standards it would be equal to 5.4-5.5.
Stop lying batzy.

Which one are you referring to? Jakamakala was tehbatz. Patchtoss was tehbatz. The tehbatz you link to on teamliquid can’t even be identified, so we have no clue who that is aka a possible third tehbatz. He beat siegfried (5600 mmr toss) which is far above the mmr range of either patchtoss or jakamakala. Translation, definitely a third tehbatz. Jakamakala was known to play Zerg, too.

I’ve never competed in pro play my man. I despise sc2 pro play and the sc2 pro play community. I just don’t get along with them. American Punks just do not get along with EU clowns who would throw you in jail for making a joke on facebook. The idea of punk is to say and do the opposite of what the system wants you to do specifically because they told you to do it. If they tell you to do it, you do the opposite merely because you detest authority. What do you think slammer is. You’re supposed to be a good little boy who types “gl hf” and “gg’s” at the end of the game and I do the opposite because I find societal standards vomit inducing. The mere idea that someone thinks they can boss me around over something as stupid as smack talk in a video game absolutely enrages me.

Tehbatz was a right wing authoritarian simp with old man professor vibes who was permanently hardstuck in masters 1 and obsessed with perfect grammar and logic. His vocab and demeanor were obviously that of a 60 year old man. The only time he got grandmaster was at the end of wings of liberty when everyone had switched over to the hots beta. Grandmaster is so flipping easy for me to get that I don’t consider it an accomplishment at all.

I couldn’t be more different from the dude. I don’t know what your problem is, but if you were saying these things to me in real life I would’ve sucker punched you a long time ago. People on the internet just get way too comfortable saying things they’d never have the guts to say in person.

To quote Limp Bizkit:

:musical_note: Why’s everybody always picking on me?
Does anybody really know a thing about me?
One of these days we’ll be in the same place
In the same place punk, at the very same time (Yeah!)
And when it takes place and you wanna talk ----
Then step your ---- up and say it right to my face!
You’ll get knocked the ---- out! :musical_note:


You = tehbatz, ztabhet, maskedwords, slammer, bowlcut, khabiraminh, adventurer.

I love how you try to escape your original name, but that’s why we are here to make sure it is remembered :slight_smile:

I am sorry, remember what? :rofl:

You need medication, dude. I can see that from the other side of the planet. This behavior of yours is not normal. “I can track down the alt accounts from 11 years ago” no you can’t. “I care a lot about what happened 11 years ago” well you shouldn’t. No normal person cares about any of this, at all.

I’ve been very patient with you because I’ve known people with mental health issues in real life. I know how hard it can be. But let me tell you, “Alex Jone’sing” your way through life is not a good strategy. Seek help. Talk to a therapist. Don’t vent your trauma to the internet. Nobody cares. Just being realistic. My patience & care for you, to help you reason this out, is extremely rare and is only happening due to my ex religious background. Nobody here cares. Not one person. Go find somebody in the real world who does care. Go find a church and talk to a pastor. You’re carrying some kind of weight. That’s obvious. Find a pastor and pray to jesus for forgiveness. It works for a lot of people.

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Tell me why are you trying so desperately to escape your old identity ? Do you think that after pestering this forum for 11 years or longer people can forget who you are ?

Ask Miro, Terranic, Thrasher, Goba, CollegeWings, Playa, Sentry, Kelthar and many many more. We all remember who “tehbatz” is. You can’t get away with this. Spam as many alt accounts as you want - won’t help. Simply accept that on this forum you will ALWAYS be tehbatz. :slight_smile:

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Make big posts comprised mostly with awful takes or whining. Edit lots of times. Finds the social contract bad. Belittling others. Diction. Disrespect for authority. Style of posting images. Bringing up their personal life in longform tangents and stories that don’t matter. Necroing ancient posts over small vendettas, especially when the other poster hasn’t been seen in months.

I really don’t care one way or another, but these are all things both handles’ posting habits include.


Uh oh, I shared images, edited posts and talked about myself! What normal thing might I do next! Watch out guys, I just drank some water and Hitler drank water too. Oh no, what have I become!

Lmfao. The people on these boards are coo-coo. There is no other word for it. This is not normal behavior, sorry, it isn’t. Well adjusted human beings don’t get offended over such inane things.

This is kelthar trolling to the T guys. Only he could be offended by such random things as being, uh, well, normal. It’s a crime, guys, I edited a post. Call the cops.

You become suspicious when someone acts normal and I become suspicious when someone doesn’t act normal. If you shared more about yourself it would be a bit easier to accept that you’re a real person, but you’re nothing but a kelthar alt account because you don’t do normal stuff like talk about yourself and share your experiences. There is only one person on this board who has ever had that kind of bizarre take on social interaction my man. It’s just too obvious that you troll these forums from multiple accounts and upvote yourself. I have never, in my entire life, met someone who thought it was abnormal to talk about yourself. Are you living under a rock?

Remember what I said about boundaries, kelthar. You need to respect them. Do you understand what boundaries are? Do I need to explain them again? You need to stop obsessing over me and attacking me 24/7. It’s not a nice thing to do. Do you know what nice means? Being nice is when you respect someone’s wishes, ok. I don’t like it when you attack me like this. Nobody likes being attacked. Do you know what it feels like to be attacked? How would you like it if you were attacked? It wouldn’t be fun, would it? No, it wouldn’t be fun. So why do you do it to other people? See, you need to respect other people’s boundaries. Can you do that for me?

Do you see this probe next to my name? Do you see the word “Kelthar” on my posts? Thats how you know its me posting.

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I am not 100% certain that Adventurer and tehbatz are the same person, but tehbatz changed his profile several times, hid his accounts, had similar takes and posting styles, and as far as I can tell, this Adventurer account only started posting sometime after the tehbatz left.

For anyone who actually dealt with tehbatz back in the day, they sure do seem like the same person.

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Also, he’s admitted to being Batz a couple times when he posts a pointless anecdote. So theres that.


I had forgotten about that. Unfortunately, I do not have particularly good memory. I just remember that the association was made very quickly.