Zergs work harder for their wins

If you watch the game, Maru was always behind on expansions, and he still got rushed. He tried to bunker rush, and that didn’t work, he only won a game on 2 bases to darks greedy 4, and finally he did a perfect Hellion drop and it was even. Not impressive for Terran as a race.

Zerg is ahead in expos but terran is ahead in tech. Income is usually even due to orbitals being worth 4 workers each. So terran is advantaged here because he’s ahead in tech which is a thing you can use to actually win. An extra base is a vulnerability, not an advantage. That’s why terran is generally considered a mid game race where their power curve exists pre hive tech. The goal of TvZ is to pressure the zerg into making banelings. The banelings cost gas that slow down hive tech, keeping zerg on lair tech and that prevents 3/3 upgrades and adrenal. Terran meanwhile marches straight to 3/3 since gas is basically irrelevant to bio plays. That’s why TvZ is favored in the mid game for terran and favored in the late game for zerg. This exact mechanism is why Reynor lost to Clem in the final game. Reynor simply couldn’t afford upgrades or hive because the baneling bankrupted him. So TvZ is pretty flipping boring in general just because it’s the same old thing being played out on repeat for years at this point.

Maru didn’t get a chance to attack because Dark was massing Queens, the bunker rush failed, basically he didn’t have a good option until Dark got mega greedy.

Well it’s a weird map so it’s hard to infer anything except both players tried something and Dark got lucky with the counter. I think if a zerg takes the gold on the outside on that map it is impossible to defend a 3 rax reaper. All the elements a zerg would use for a 3 rax reaper defense would be absent in that scenario. It’s literally the dream scenario for 3 rax reaper.

Well, Maru tried to get the gold base as well, I think these players have an idea about their chances, and Maru bunker rushed, which we could guess was his best chance, according to him.

I don’t think he had much practice on that map. Again, there are really good options for terran in that scenario. Reapers have access to both sides of the gold’s mineral line. The zerglings have to split between 2 locations separated by a huge travel time. What this means is that the reapers can hop between attacking the front and the back and it’s literally impossible due to the travel times involved for zerglings to be in the right place. It’s the most terran favored map in the pool and he lost it. Nothing but a practice issue here.

Yeah, alright, if I want to be rude, I can say you’re not a pro, so they might know better than you.

It was rude for me to do that but at the same time you were hopping on the troll bandwagon. What do you expect. I don’t even care that you disagree over inject. I know I am right on that and that’s good enough for me. The problem for me is that I absolutely despise kelthar with a burning passion. If I could block him and forget about him & his troll accounts, I would. But bnet allows him to harass me in every thread I create. The dude’s been harassing me for years. I’ve literally never seen him contribute to a discussion ever. I’ve never seen him not reply to one of my threads. Every single post he’s ever made is a low effort sarcastic comment meant to start a flame war. He will lie and misrepresent over the most petty things. He will disagree for the sake of disagreeing. Then he pretends on his alt accounts to have a bunch of friends & upvotes himself to the moon. Aka he’s simply a cyber bully. He thinks he is really clever, but that’s not how life works, man. Disagreeable people don’t have friends. The trolling is just too obvious, but it’s impossible to stop & it’s relentless. That’s why I have a zero tolerance policy for anyone who magnifies and encourages him. If you aren’t one of his alt accounts, then sorry that you got hit by the shrapnel. But that’s exactly what he loves. That’s who he is.

You’re blind.

You have confirmation bias.

Yes, Kelthar is quite pithy, but your read is completely wrong.

I don’t think that tracks, seeing as Kelthar’s much more likely to just not be spending brain space on trying to remember minutiae that don’t matter.

Are you mentally all right? This isn’t exhaustion and depression speaking?

Because it doesn’t sound like you’re okay.

You should remember to take occam’s razor. It is in fact more likely that multiple people disagree with you than that one person is so dedicated to hating you that they would do this.

Because, rationally, if they hated you that much, they would leave instead.

That’s not true at all. Some of the most disagreeable people I’ve met have had significantly larger outreach than me.

It’s that they all had whatever trait I found completely unacceptable in common. Unfortunately, the thing that you find to be disagreeable in Kelthar is something I find extremely agreeable: Calling out people on being stupid and making sure people don’t post hysterically wrong things and go unopposed are good for bystanders.

There is no trolling! I’m flabbergasted.

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Etc. See. Kelthar trolling to the T. Oh, we have a problem here, so do we approach it like adults, start by recognizing the issue & validating one another’s feelings? “Ok, so you feel this way. I don’t agree, but your feelings are valid and I want to understand them so we can work out a solution.” You see, we’d be working towards a resolution. Is that what he does? Nope. That’s not what he does. He always escalates and always deflects blame - “the problem is all your fault, not mine.” Got it? It’s my fault he keeps attacking me in my own threads. Legit insane. Kelthar trolling incarnate. His goal is to attack people, not to resolve the the issue. If you notice the issue, he will attack you for noticing it. He actually thinks that this can trick me into thinking Eliwan & Kelthar are two separate accounts. I’d have to be as dumb as a rock to fall for that. So if you start upvoting his trolling, I will just assume you’re one of his accounts. I don’t got time for this nonsense. I will block anyone associated with him in the blink of an eye and I will not lose a minute of sleep over it.

You understand I’m not phrasing anything that way because you started the adversarial half of this, yes?

And like… No, your feelings are not valid. This has been said; you actively believe something that is patently ridiculous and that everyone has told you isn’t the case.

There’s being stubborn and dense, sure, but it wasn’t in veiled language at all.

… ?


Two different people are in fact two different people. You comprehend this concept, yes?

Please just stop coming here instead. It would be easier and faster for you and better for everyone else to boot.

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You are in my thread, sweetheart, attacking me instead of debating the topic, like you did off your other accounts. This trolling is just awful, dude. I like how you pretended to be friendly on your guyzameister account to backstab me latter, that was cute. But anyway there is this wonderful thing called boundaries. Leave me alone and I will leave you alone. It’s not a hard concept to understand. The fact that you will not respect boundaries is complete and utter proof who is the aggressor in this situation. I have no doubt a month down the line one of your accounts from this thread will pop up and start attacking me again. You’ve been doing it for years, so why would you stop now.

Lmao, now you’re doing the same thing mindspirit was doing, accusing people of being alts. It’s hilarious, I hope you’re trolling.

Too many aggressive videogames seems to mess up the brain, makes you super wary or something.

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Kelthar, my man, you need to learn boundaries. You leave me alone and I will leave you alone. Your trolling simply isn’t welcome.

Just leave
20 characters

It’s my thread, dude. Thanks for proving my point. Go make your own thread. It’s called boundaries. I don’t like you, Mr Kelthar, you don’t like me, so lets just shake hands and agree to never interact again.

Okay, I didn’t know you owned it, lmao. On a public blizzard thread. Oh my

wah wah wah, it’s my thread on a PUBLIC DISCUSSION BOARD

Isn’t it interesting how quickly the mask came off, and over a debate over apm none the less. So friendly, but your protoss bias overpowered you in the end like it always has over the years. It’s your biggest tell for your alt accounts.

Dude, I could easily prove you wrong, but I guess it’s better not to.

In true kelthar fashion, he makes a claim and absolutely refuses to provide any proof. There is one thing and one thing only that will convince me you aren’t Kelthar. Stop defending him. That’s it. But you can’t do it.