Zergs ruining both balance and fun

Not balance whine. I want bad design addressed and fixed.

One word:Nydus
20 char

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Was addressed and fixed. I complained about too. Or more accurately, I ridiculed it for being so ridiculous. Then I saw the OCEAN of whine about it and decided it was going to get nerfed without me helping. I dont usually make threads unless I think something isnt getting attention and it should. Ie, the BC

Welp. BC was adressed too, so I guess everything is fine.

You can stop whining.


It’s not bad design, at least not in my opinion. As others pointed out, it’s perfectly fine. You’re the one of the few who has an issue with it, and you’re of the minority. Most people don’t seem to mind tactical jump, and it adds flavor to the game.

Your opinion is subjective, as is mine, and let’s leave it at that. Just tone down on the spam.

You cry about one unit teleporting itself once a minute, yet defend your whole army teleporting with no CD. Grow up.


You must have missed how the BC was buffed in the first place lol… One dude… Spamming threads…

And no, I’m not the only one who thinks it needs to be fixed. I’m the only one with the time and patience to repeat myself over and over to people like you who, for some reason REALLY dont want to see the bad design of the BC get addressed. I wonder why that is btw :thinking: carried much?

I’ll just leave this here:

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From same people that thought BCs are too much while used less and infested terran should cost 50 energy and have aa DPS of Thor.


Not the same.

Terran doesn’t have Abduct, Parasitic Bomb, Blinding Cloud.
Terran doesn’t have super fast speed units.
Terran doesn’t have nigh-instant remax.
Terran doesn’t have free map vision.
Terran doesn’t have teleportation of his entire army anywhere on the map anytime he wants.

And speaking of tank, it takes 3 seconds to siege and unsiege, so 6 six second total for repositioning without counting movement.
Lurker burrow takes 0.7 seconds and its movement speed is faster than that of tank.

In TvT we can use Liberators to break tank lines and it takes slightly less than 3 seconds for liberator to siege. So it is almost guarantied that your opponent will take at least one shot from lib, probably 2 (you have to unsiege tank AND move it out of Lib circle).

You can use Vikings to scare away enemy Liberators.

In TvZ however lurkers will unburrow long before Liberators will siege. If Lib is sieged Zerg can instantly kill it with Abduct, and if Terran tries to build Vikikngs they will just die to Parasitic Bomb plus hydra or corruptors.

Not to mention that burrowed Lurker is invisible and unlike Zerg Terran doesn’t have free detection unit morphed from supply depot.


Bcs weren’t problem even before, people already figured out how to defend it, besides there is no drawback to research overlord speed you get perfect information for 75/75 even 100/100 was worth it. Also zerg is massing queens anyways, as they counter every build terran can do. Which is so stupid, instead of making right units. Terran has to build right units to each all in, otherwise die and zerg holds every build you can do with one overpowered unit…

It would be good idea to nerf queen and make hydras t1 and balance them so you can’t all in with them.

Terran is stronger than zerg now you dumb noob

Then set up a tank line and scan

It takes 4 tanks (3 if you have +1) to kill a lurker with any armor upgrades

xDDDDDDDDD I see it different way. Zerg players are just too bad to learn the game even after 10 years so they demand constant nerfs for Terran - and it’s actually happening.

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Did you even see the last patch notes? Lol constant nerfs to terran xD give me a break lol such bull

Terran dosen’t have a 65% winrate?

IMBA get these races nerfed.


i swear to god, if you would replace the word terran with zerg and zerg with terran, you would have exactly the situation, we have for years now :smiley:


The one that little buff both zerg infestor and protoss adept meanwhile doing nothing to Terran? Yes, I have seen them. It could be worse. They could also add random Terran nerf as always.

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Heres comparing Terran with Zerg units
Siege Tank
-Siege tanks counter all early game aggression
-Siege tanks cost less than a lurker
-Siege tanks can be built earlier than lurkers and have more range
-Snipe does 170 damage after a channel at 10 range
-Counters infestors, Lurkers, and T3 Zerg unit
-EMP gets rid of all energy based units
-Can call down nukes on spore forests
-Thors counter every single Zerg T3 unit except the Viper
-Thors cost as much as an Ultralisk, yet do much more than an Ultralisk
-Requires little to no micro to use

Do you not see how good Terran late game is at the moment? Ghost trade all biological units for energy at 10 range. Siege tanks counter most ground armies. Thors counter all of Zergs air units and counter Ultralisk. Terran is not weak, Terran is ludicrously strong.

Cmon, a-move a zerg army made of lurkers, vipers and hydras into siege tanks, marines and mines. And win 100% of the time. Go on.

Then you say you don’t whine. Gj.