Zergs ruining both balance and fun

Ok, we all know zerg players try to ruin balance in the game even harder (as always and same as always which means: Terran nerfed = zerg team approves and says the game is balanced for now but then after 2 weeks they start the same sh!t over and over again just on different units - it’s a loop). But they also try to ruin the fun. There is a guy on the forum who demand the BC tactical jump nerf all the time meanwhile it was nerfed already (tactical jump now 1 second vulnerability nerf) but it’s still not enough for them (and btw tactical jump is actually FUN, not OP)! As I said… A crazy loop that destroys the game. The game was most fun and had most players/viewers at GOMTvT era with Terran dominance. Now we have a zerg dominance for 8 years - no doubt the game is dying. A-move melee race focused only on macro and unit spam is not entertaining to watch or to play - but you know people want free wins they could play “poop in a can” if it would be imba. Just for wins. Fun doesn’t matter.


Not this s again. Seriously, you guys invest way too much time complaining about a game. Games should be fun and enjoyable, not something to be whined about.




This is the best advice I have seen anyone give on these forums. I agree a game is meant to be fun to play. If you do not have fun playing the game then quit.


It’s currently not fun but we don’t need to quit. We should change it to make it fun once again.


Meanwhile Terran community: “QQQQ I can’t A-move my 50 mineral marines into a set up Lurker line QQQQQ NERF PLZ”


The bad thing is I can’t move ANYTHING into a set up Lurker line due to it’s new range… By the way this is a good example of ruining both balance and fun. Lurker now OP, and unfun to play against because there is literally no counter to it except air but Lurkers can be protected by anti air so GG.


Though ghost and siege tanks exist. Look, you just described a siege tank with a some marines in front. I’m not saying lurkers aren’t good, but you have to look at what is crazy about your race first.


They did. You seems to be a bit outdated if it’s coming to balance. I mean “balance”. Lurkers has the same range as ghost now so you can’t use snipe on them.

Siege tanks would help - I agree. But this is a problem I mentioned in the past (this year) that is: Zerg all units has the counters to literally everything meanwhile Terran units has the counter to certain units. Tanks in TvZ counters: Roaches and Lurkers. Lurkers counters: everything on the ground except tanks.


You also forgot that Tanks counter Hydras, Infestors, and Queens. Lurkers on the other hand counter Marines, Maruders, and Thors.

Zerg is meant to have answers to Terran units. Vipers are suppose to help deal with mech as they are meant to punish units with no mobility.

Terran is meant to have access to most units early on in the game. This allows Terran to get powerful units early on for powerful timing attacks.


Actually they alone don’t maybe except pure Infestors but Infestors doesn’t have infested Terrans now so they can’t even defend alone.

It should be opposite. Zerg can easily defend the pressure in early game VS Terran and Protoss also zerg usually ends the late game just by a one single attack (sometimes with remax which takes 30 seconds - imagine Terran making 10 battlecruisers in 30 seconds from one starport [injected larvas]).

This is unfun which I mentioned in the thread. Timing attacks are unfun. “win by timing attack before 10 min mark or die” is bad. Playing as Terran is like “hmm which all-in I will use today?”. It isn’t supposed to be this way.


Timing attacks and all ins are not the same thing dude lol


They are unfun and repeatable. This is also the reason I don’t play too much 1v1 anymore because most of the timing attacks are all-ins in TvZ so stick to timing attack and execute it properly or die late game TvZ.

So here’s the problem, a race that is suppose to win later into the game get repeatedly nerfed and the race that has good map pressure early on keeps getting buffs for late game. This ends up in Zerg having a much harder time in a match up that was fairly even. HOTS was a prime example of what mech should be. Mech was powerful, but could be broken if the Zerg played correct. Now with Thors counter brood lords, emps on vipers, Liberators countering ultralisk, and Siege tanks having more single target damage, the game has turned into Zerg desperately trying to create a good late game army that terran keeps on countering.

Infestors use to fungal an entire army and Vipers blinding clouded the immobile army. However, each patch keeps on removing more ability for Zerg to break mech. Dark himself even said he could not play ZvT in the late game and that is coming from the 3rd best player in the world. Serral found a strategy, but it is just a bunch of vipers abducting everyone.

Terran right now is a problem. However, I think they should keep Terran as they are. Terran is what a race should look like at the moment. Zerg just needs a rework on late game and Protoss needs buffs.

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This is exactly what your do with siege tanks to other races, hell, even in TvT and you do it earlier than 10 range Lurkers.

Are you seriously telling me you can’t start treating the MU a bit more like TvT when you spot that composition?



Hey, wait. Does we think about the same race?

Swarm hosts kinda ruined it. If swarm hosts would be removed from the game then we would have a balance. Zerg would need to do anything more than swarm hosts to win VS mech and it would be fun, STOP THE MECHANICAL MAYHEM OR DIE, you have the faster expand possibilities, early game defense but you need to stop the mech! You also have tools to do it like vipers or infestors but swarm hosts… please… swarm hosts ruined the game.

Yes, but the rework should be kinda nerf-rework. They should work a bit different but be weaker.

It’s kinda different. When I focus on lurkers counter-play then the swarm gets me by spamming other units and I’m instantly vanished. The 30 seconds remax make it even worse.

So what did we learn from this situation, which is the same for TvT? Don’t let the siege tanks (Lurkers) set up by your base. Catch them in the open and then treat it like TvT.

If they swarm you with lings, well, shoulda gotten some mines or hellbats. If they go swam hosts that’s swarm host lurker. Just go kill the idiot and float buildings. Etc, etc…just adapt by scouting.

This is not how this works. Zerg expands faster and have better late game so if we have tanks wars (or tanks lurkers which you say are almost working the same) zerg is slowly getting the advantage then they have enough tools to wipe you out.

Mech doesn’t need to worry about swarm host anymore. Battle mech which is cyclone hellion destroys any swarm host play. Which is kind of sad as the Swarm Host is meant to be good against mech. Swarm Host is only good against turtle mech and they are still niche. I really think they make Swarm Host require the burrow upgrade to spawn locust, but decrease the spawn locust to 38. I also think adaptive talons should effect Swarm Host as well. The problem with mech is mech has a good mid game and late game. Swarm Hosts are meant to halt the progression of mech units, but they cannot effectively anymore.

And it’s YOUR job as Terran to go deal some damage to clip their wings. Hellion runbys, banshees, medivac drops, a bc opener, liberators…whatever works for you…but you HAVE to pressure a zerg player. If you don’t they spiral into a crazy army that’s bigger and more diverse than yours.