Zergling best low tier melee in game

dps per supply = 20(+4)
with adrenal = 28.6(+5.72)
hp per supply = 70
cost per supply = 50/0

dark templar
dps per supply = 18.6(+2.065)
hp per supply = 60
cost per supply = 62.5/62.5

dps per supply = 9.3(+1.165)
hp per supply = 75
cost per supply = 50/0

and people complain about protoss

Because zergling hp/ supply is distributed in more units it is much more vulnerable to high dps and aoe, hence why in reality dps is lower than the actual number unless you are able to get a wrap on the enemy. In other wosds, a large percentage of zerglings die before they are evn able to get an attack in.


in today’s episode of - Should i, or should i not be on the balance team.

this one, a solid no.


Still brain dead ppl here Theorycrafting into GM

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dark templar is lowtier? in what universe?

also if DT are lowtier you can also add DTarchons in there, and battlehellions due to the short range they have they are effectivly melee-type units

DT archon
dps per supply = 6.25 (0.75)
hp per supply = 90
cost per supply = 62.5/62.5

dps per supply = 6.3 (0.7)
health per supply = 67.5
cost per supply = 50/0

i’m excluding the baneling here since it can’t per definition survive if they attack sucessfully

looking over the numbers you either hit hard or have more life to tank in the earlier stages not to mention taht DT are freaking cloaked are so you have either abuse splash damage to get did of them or have invested in some form of detection, also not looking at the splashdamage that hellbats and archons are capeable of since lings, lots and dt don’t have that …

by low tier i mean not ultralisk, and hellbats/archon is not quite melee since you can get maybe 2 or 3 rows of units attacking at once, and no melee units aside from ultralisks have aoe, so in a comparison of low tiers, zerglings will wipe the floor with everything else. dts being cloaked is not usefull for anything but cheese since it provides no real advantage when detection comes out.

It’s the best but not because their HP and only when they are fully upgraded, before that point, chargelot is better. Zergling main advantage is their speed and high dps, they can surround and do a lot of damage during runbys and you can split them because they are numerous, send lings to the main, leave a bunch at the nat, and they will create chaos.

But that does not mean other units are exactly worse, they still have their specialized use which fits the race, but as all rounder unit, lategame lings are the best.

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Vulnerable to aoe? yes, they take like 4x aoe damage compared to the other units, but not high dps as they take a maximum of 35 damage per attack and in general make everything cause craptons of overkill against them

actually it is since the cloaking prevents the dt of having better stats since the natural camofluage (mangled spelling but who cares really? :smiley: ) doesn’t warrant more overall life or stronger attack

yeah you could mention lurkers or mines also have bigger attack values or more life but unlike DT you have to prime lurkers and mines prior to an attack by burrowing them at places while darktemplar swipe left and right to show their affection but since dt are creepy wierdos they are forever alo-arrrrrrrghhhhhh

Zerglings are the best melee unit in the game. Fast, microable, and cheap. Protoss and Terran would trade zealots and hellbats for zerglings instantly.

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You can kite zealot even without leg upgrade

The realistic answer is that each unit has their own set of specialties that make them shine in their own way.

The realistic answer is that since each unit has its own set of specialties, some units must be better than other units. Across all pro games since 2018, Zerglings net 0.71x of their investment cost, Zealots 0.65, and Dark templar 1.02.

The trolls will say BUT BUT BUT the ZEALOT IS THE WORST! That’s where unit comps come in because units provide more value than simply killing stuff. Zealots for example are a meat-shield Protoss uses to keep their splash safe. So to gauge just how powerful the Zealot is, you really have to look at how it contributes to the overall efficiency of Protoss:

PvZ has a 105% efficiency for Protoss and a 93% efficiency for Zerg. Protoss unit comps are straight-up better than Zerg, and that includes the zealot.

Protoss’ efficiency is especially concerning when you consider the average supply for those games. Protoss is usually 25% lower in supply the whole game, and despite this they achieve ~13% more efficiency than Zerg. It really goes to show how absolutely busted maxed-out Protoss armies are.

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Yea sure, I am thinking of high dps, not burst damage, so stuff like marines and adepts which are high dps are better against them than other melee units.

For example, marines are good vs zealots, but they are even better against zerglings, I think that is pretty evident. 2 marines vs one zealot is definitely not as good as 2 marines vs 4 zergling, even though Zergling dps and total health is higher than a single zealot, because you take out one and already a huge chunk of dps is gone. How bad zergling fare against marines I would suggest is the main reason banelings are necessary.

Also, equal supply, Zealots usually win vs zerglings.

Zealots are the worst unit in the game Zerg can just making Zerglings for free all day and get infinite damage and scouting NERF ZERG!!! :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

Zerglings have a 400% efficienty over zealots because 4 units > 1 unit!!!
Z e r g is absolutely busted!!!

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Zealots: make up the majority of Protoss’ unit comps.

Protoss: Has drastically higher army efficiency than Zerg despite lower supply counts.

PPP troll: ThE ZeAloT Is ThE WorSt UnIt

Protoss is good IN SPITE OF the Zealot, not because of the zealot.

The zealot only really shines against tanks in TvP.

In ZvP it is countered by pretty much every unit Zerg has in any large or even medium scale engagement. At least in Brood War it countered Hydras cost for cost (unless very large number or in a choke).

However, it is Protoss only mineral dump unit so it is used to worker harass (with or without prism).

This causes Protoss design to be completely ****ed such that they get extremely abusive tech units or those get nerfed and Toss sucks. It is to the point that Toss has 3 different splash units (plus archons technically). And Colossus are kinda meh, especially when you have to choose between Colossus or disruptor production.

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Talk about a complete clown theory. Go ahead and try to win a game without making any zealots. Just try. Post a pic when you get to GM.

Again, they are the only mineral dump for Protoss so they are necessary. Protoss are pigeon holed into building them which causes the balance team have to give Protoss other tools that people find abusive.

If you can stop worker harass, you shouldn’t have a problem with zealots. Especially as Zerg.

You said Protoss succeeds “IN SPITE OF the zealot”. So go and get GM without zealots. If zealots are a dead-weight, then nobody would make them. People do make them and they make a lot of them. Some people like PartinG often make nothing but Zealots. This is an insane level of pure delusion even for PPP standards.