Zergling best low tier melee in game

Wow, so much BS in one post, never thought that was possible. You must have missed parting and zest winning multiple games building nothing but zealots. Guess they must have missed the memo.

Potato: make up the majority of Ireland’s food

French fry: has drastically higher oil than burger despite lower yum yum counts

A mime: attempts to use facts and statistics but fails miserably in doing so and when asked to provide explanations for holes in logic starts whining like a child until people give up explaining what’s wrong with the argument at hand

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People win games with ling floods and with hellion drops (the closest thing to pure mineral melee unit terran has). Not sure what you’re arguing. Winning games doesn’t mean anything. You can get up to GM with pretty much any 2 unit composition you want. This has been shown time and time again. Phoenix/zealot? Done. Queen/infestor? Done. Widow mine/raven? Done. (Go watch beastyqts youtube channel for all the random compositions he has used to get to GM. He even did mass sentry for gosh sake. Sentries to gm?!).

I find these threads so asinine because I watch players like beastyqt show that up to like top 50-75 gm, skill is pretty much all you need. These threads really need to stop because their are tiring. The game is basically balanced. Stop complaining and just play. If you’re not a GM, stop complaining. BTW I’m not a GM. I’m masters and no I have zero room to even begin questioning balance because I have miles to go in terms of my understanding of the game, micro mechanics, macro mechanics, etc. Miles to improve before balance even becomes a factor.

It has been a while since I see any pro game end with a ling flood outside of zvz, care to show me? Because the only way this can happen is if Toss or Terran messes up the wall.

Ling flood in PVZ happens all the time. People nowadays like to drone drill with it as well on the pro level. Lots and lots of recent examples. I think rogue vs zest in the last GSL was a ling flood drone drill, though rogue lost. Ling floods are valid strats and protoss has to guard against it. You’d see it more on evergreen when that map was around 2 seasons ago because the map made protoss walls difficult due to the ramp positioning but its very strong on maps that have ramps again because walling them well is hard. The initial wall can be formed but the secondary wall is hard to build behind them because of the way the ramps forces you to build the initial wall.

It is an awful strat that is hardcountered by a single pylon and served as a novelty for a couple of games last year again I dont recall any wins like that in a while, whereas you see mass zealot builds win games regularly.

My point is not that zerglings are bad, they are great at what they do, but saying zealots are bad is just stupid

Zealots are not bad. Lings are better but honestly right now in the entire game, there are NO BAD UNITS.

h ttps://youtu.be/jlurUKERBfA?t=142

solar v zest with solar winning with a drone drill. Again this is just off the top of my head. If you listen to artosis he says “this is a ling flood. with a drone drill” then he calls solar a scumbag. Lol.

zealots are better at meat shielding in the mid late game and early game rushes. Zerglings are better for map control and to restrict enemy movement with surrounds. They are simply better than each other at different roles. Both are great counter attackers.

Yeah but that was over 8 months ago. and it was at the time this build served as a tricky novelty. As of now it is useless if Protoss probe scouts. My point is that zealot rushes are always a threat, while zergling rushes are much more limited outside of zvz. Heck Zest won a couple of games at Katowice where it was not even a rush he just str8 macroed into pure zealot and won vs bio.

They are all good, just not symmetric.

Marines are good because they target ground+air. And the range allows them to be micro’d and stay alive despite having the lowest health, although this also requires the most micro of the three basic units.

Speedlings are good because of the speed, damage, health, and effectively the ability to be in two places at once compared to a unit of marines or zealots. They are insanely good at 1 click harass, and surrounds on much more expensive units. The best upgrades of the three, since speed+adrenal effectively gives them 100% uptime on ‘stim’ without taking health damage.

Chargealots are good exactly because they don’t require much micro, and can easily take the other two basic units on in a fight, and make great shields for whatever army is behind them. The P player doesn’t need to think much about them, but the enemy player does.

Lmao. All these bronze-leaguers obscessed with zerglings. First, imagine actually still playing this game. Second, imagine thinking Zerglings are OP. SMH. AOB strike again.

but is the oil truely worse than the burger?