Thats like whining about the color being off in your kitch while your house’s basement is crumbling (aka protoss). TvZ is currently SLIGHTLY terran favoured, not even above 55%. If you lose, you very most likely got outplayed.
It only takes to make ultralisk to win the ZvT game and zerg pepe still didn’t realized it after 11 years.
you really hate ultras with a passion my good duke. Can you not forgive them?
I do not give up my hobby.
Just kill Zerg while Ultras are still in larva phase.
Everybody today tries to deal critical damage to Zerg before Lurkers, which are much much much stronger than Ultra (in fact I think Ultras should be buffed a little).
Say that to all the times a widow mine shot ended the game
Almost all of the whining misses it point, whatever the complaint is at this stage. The right mentatlity is getting over the frustrating losses, beginning to ask how to beat it and try to improve.
Are you actually balance whining about mines? So typical for bad Protoss players, try looking at your minimap bro. I know you’re not used to being punished for not having your screen in the correct location for a second or two.
Not really - and I’m not talking from a Protoss perspective at all actually. The post is mainly about TvZ. What I’m implying is that widow mines can do some game-ending damage against Zerg. So when OP says:
It’s certainly possible, but I wouldn’t say it’s to the extent of “very most likely.” That’s why I mention widow mines - because widow mines can turn the tides significantly if the Zerg does one tiny misstep.
Leave it up to a forum monkey to assume that I am talking about Protoss when I didn’t even mention it once. Not everything I talk about is Protoss-related you know.
Yeah, like banelings can? Part of the skill in TvZ is not letting these splash units murder your army for free. Do you think Terran ignoring his SCVs or army and letting banes run into it means he’s not being outplayed?
Please. The only time you can make a comparison between banelings and widow mines is if you’re a Terran fighting on creep. In every other case, it is easy to deal with banelings - off creep, runby, even overlord drop. Do you even play the game?
Yeah, I do play this game and every race I play is higher MMR than yours. Widow mines and banelings aren’t difficult to micro against, the issue is having your screen in the correct play to manage an engagement.
I’m not going to go deep into the discussion of what takes more skill to work with/against. My original point was to say there are times when widow mines get a huge shot, and the win was not due to skill, but rather, luck in a sense (or balance even). Mentioning banelings is not even on the same scale unless you get caught by burrowed banelings or are fighting on creep, and even those take more effort than burrowing and forgetting widow mines.
Ghosts are good. Take your time expanding. Make ghost. Profit.
It’s due to a lack of skill from the Zerg player.
Yeah, it’s super hard to just have banelings move commanded into a mineral line, very impressive two action play. That isn’t more game ending for Terran than Zerg at all, either. MULES XD
I’d like to point out too that the only reason you think banelings aren’t on the same level of punishing as widow mines are is because Terrans are just more used to this sort of punishing play, so Zergs and Protoss will whine about widow mines no stop for the complete same reasons.
I’m not going to stand by this statement 100% of the time. That’s why I say what I say. Of course in your biased Terran eyes, you wouldn’t see it any other way.
For every case you find something that’s easier for banelings, I can find something easier for widow mines. I’ve played with all three races. Widow mines stand out over banelings in almost every case
Yeah, it’s very biased to say that Terrans not looking at their mineral line while banes roll in or not looking at their army when Zerg engages is the Terrans fault and isn’t luck based. I’m sorry I don’t have an internally inconsistent, schizophrenic view of the game.
It’s almost like they both punish poor play, who would have thunked it.
Not even close. But you won’t tell me how of course, because you won’t get into a discussion about “what takes more skill to work with/against.”
All these threads and whine is tiresome. It is known that Protoss is the ez way to win but it does not need to be repeated 1000 times. It is known that Z can struggle vs T in some cases but if someone complains about Maru’s win then lol…
You can see banelings roll in on the minimap. You can’t see widow mines unless you have detection or it’s un-upgraded. I’m pretty sure you are getting lost in your own delusions. Like I said:
You’re not going to win your argument by bringing up scenarios. Widow mines are excellent in almost every sense possible. It’s really clear that in your eyes, everything OP for Terran is just “get gud” but the moment anything Z/P has that’s OP it’s “REEEE REEE NERF IMBA.”
No one denied this
Like I said, bring me a case where banelings perform well and I’ll show you where widow mines perform better. The reason why I said what I said is because I don’t want to enter a shout argument with anyone, especially someone that’s clearly biased and off in the head.
Take this thread and this reply in particular:
Let me ask you though: do you think disruptors are okay?
The only time that you can’t see widow mines on the minimap is when they’re a threat to your army. If we’re talking about whether or not you can see them, banelings win again. If your screen is in the correct position, you can see burrowed widow mines. You cannot see burrowed banelings.
I can and I will.
At your MMR, sure.
But you don’t see Terran players whine about banelings, it was always the Protoss players. Banelings were nerfed specifically for Protoss because the unit was too allrounded? As if banelings aren’t the core of Zerg armies against Terran? The thing about Terran players whining the most is the biggest meme, proportional to the BS we have to put up with we say the least. You’ll find plenty of 5000+ MMR Zerg and Protoss players saying Terran is the hardest race too, and I mention that MMR because it’s who I talk to most often and an MMR that’s considered by most people as good and at least better than you.
Banelings aren’t siege units, you can force engagements with them. Banelings scale better which is to say they can function as a core army unit instead of support. Burrowed banelings while harder to use can’t be seen on the map. There’s probably 1 or two things more I could think of if I spent some time to think about it.
I don’t really have a problem with disruptors as a unit, I dislike how little counterplay Terran has to them. Disruptor DT has crazy synergy too but it wouldn’t really be an issue if IM had a longer range, liberators had a longer range or faster siege time, something like that. If I were in charge of balance, I wouldn’t touch the unit to make it weaker. In principle I really like widow mines, banelings and disruptors. Units that punish bad players are cool. I would try to make them more consistent and then give Terran more counterplay to them.