You guys can say whatever you want, but it is obvious terran is the hardest race

and if you want you can prove your words by spending 2 min with me in the marine split micro test, i guarantee you cant get past the first level

With pleasure after you prove your words.

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20 characters

So come back here with leagues above your current with P and Z and I’ll teach you some micro.

i can get diamond with zerg for sure, getting to masters with protoss will be a challenge and might take a week.

But Zerg is EZEZ race? Shouldn’t you get into GM without breaking a sweat? D :


Everyone can reach diamond with all races with a single build. If your race is so hard then you should be way better with the rest of them. But I doubt that.


uhm you did not read correctly what i wrote.
regardless of that…no it does not…you still only need to learn to split your bio and you good to go in all matchups. Working on the details are only required after you reached master which is easy with bio

Protoss Ground Upgrade:
129/154/179 seconds

Terran Bio Upgrade
114/136/157 seconds

Zerg Melee Upgrade
114/136/157 seconds

It’s almost as if Protoss upgrades are balanced around at least partial chronoboosting because it was nerfed due to interaction with Chronoboost, so if you choose to spend it elsewhere you are actually behind in upgrades.


Dont forget Toss need shield upgrades to actually keep up with terran. So even on “even” upgrades, you actually behind if you dont upgrade shields too (which nobody does until extreme late game)

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I don’t really think people get shields even at the ultra late game unless it’s Skytoss where you really need to maximize the value of each of your air units. Regardless, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal for toss to not have “full upgrades” due to armor and shields being split, as long as people complain about Chronoboosting upgrades are at least aware of other drawbacks in the same upgrades they complain about.

i remeber hearing zerg players and some protoss pros are even stating terran is getting super differcult to control and micro properly considering how cost effectent things like banlings and such are.

Agreed. Terran macro is the easiest? That why serral gets away with 3 base opens most games?

Toss doesn’t waste mining time or mining supply dropping sequentially what is to be an entire base. If you dont use warp, you can hold z as gateway finishes which that latency in production may or may not matter to you. Then again with the 3 second count down and acceleration of workers, we all can open like maru.

No, it doesn’t. :face_vomiting:


Pineapple most certainly goes on pizza.


LUL, don’t feel embarrassed to argue with such nulities? Just the atrocity about Chrono makes the dimwit unworthy of a response.
SceLight has a ton of valuable metrics (APM, EPM, SCM, SQ etc etc) another metric for evaluating Macro would also be the average Crono energy per/Nexus or the time a Nexus is 25% energy full…
The nullity conveniently forgot that only the nerff of 15 Upgrades costed us 30 Chrono (in reality a little more than that)…

Ever notice how ONLY Zerg players ever say something so stupid? I get why you do it. You’re role playing being as stupid as a bug. “Terran micro isn’t an harder than Zerg…” “Terran has the easiest macro.”

I wonder how often Zerg players are going to tell themselves they have the hardest race before they realize they are the only ones that ever say it.

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no it doesnt my friend.

You have* played Terran.

No I still play Terran. It’s a fun race to play because I get to decide the flow of the match rather than having to be a punching bag until I can afford to fight (Zerg)

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