Wings of Liberty - Breakout - Can't get to Cell Block B

Just want to drop in to say that Bliz is aware and has it listed on the known issues list. Now it’s just a waiting game for it to be fixed.

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Cosmetic bugs typically are deprioritized due to not being game breaking. For example, a few years back, there was an issue with the Nydus Worms’s death animation at higher graphics settings. The worm died appropriately, it was just the animation that wasn’t working right. Because it didn’t break or block the flow of play, it took a long time to fix, with Bliz even stating that it was low priority.

The Breakout bug does indeed disrupt the flow of the game so hopefully it’s addressed sooner; however, it doesn’t break the mission (doesn’t prevent completion). And with the Nuke work around, it’s even possible to complete the secondary objective. Added all together, it’s tough to say where it’s falling on the priority list.

I hope you fix the achievement Infested Terror as soon as possible because the condition prevents players from completion, right?

Indeed, if the conditions can’t be met, it’s not obtainable. However, it doesn’t break the game. In addition, it’s not a bug situation where it should be doable but isn’t, therefore needing a fix so that players aren’t continually trying in vain. It was right out removed so it can’t even be attempted.

With it not being obtainable and achievements not being mandatory to play the game, it’s tough to tell where it falls on the priority list.

Ok the cosmetic bugs and the invisible wall are accidents and I know you didn’t cause it intentionally, but Infested Terror occurred by your action, removing the unit’s ability make it happen. Maybe just change it to be able to got in Custom Melee games, like Mothership’s Vortex & Raven’s Seeker Missile. Shouldn’t be a hard fix I believe.

Just adding my voice, been a LONG time since I played the campaign I decided to do them all over again… huge bug… very disappointed.

Access to Cell Block B is still blocked, however a nuke can be used to complete the objective and collect the extra creds.

Still broken, two months after being reported. While a nuke can complete the objective, the tanks can’t get out to help win. Makes things harder on brutal.

I noticed this bug and wanted to report it on the forum. but I notice that this discussion has been active since November. Do I have to guess that it will never be solved?

Has assistance abandoned SC2 campaigns?

2020 and this is STILL bugged…

Can confirm, still bugged

Hey look, it’s still not working :roll_eyes:

I have the exact same problem too!

What are you still holding on to? How many days have passed since the last patch? The game is dead and so is the company.

Hello all,

Today’s patch has fixed the cell block B issue!

I can confirm the bug has been fixed for breakout
