Wings of Liberty - Breakout - Can't get to Cell Block B

This is still a problem. Just adding my voice to it.

Please fix this issue.

Still in Breakout mission when you reach the first base, allied scv sometimes didn’t build the bunker, only the barrack

Tons of side effects in Campaign caused by Blizzard’s “balance” so far now. I can leave aside graphic bug but some affect objectives/achievement earning. Seems like they take a piece from here to conceal another hole, leaving a new one. :dizzy_face:

I’ve posted a report of an achievement which can’t be got due to removing Infestor’s ability in patch 4.11.0. Please kindly go there and give me some voices.

When is this going to be fixed! Super frustrating as I speed run this level for fun on a regular basis.

Come on Blizzard, we are not paying to play buggy games and support your chinese overloads.

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Same thing happens to me.

Yes, this is still broken.

Yep, this is still broken. And I’m on US time settings so the solution is a no-go.

Still not fix for this bug? Come on Blizzardit has been over 2 months now if not more.

Concur, Tosh cannot access Cell Block 2 atm…

Same here. Playing from Sweden (EU), don’t think that changing region settings will do much of a difference. Please FIX THIS BUG!!!

But yeah it works when you nuke (took me 2 nukes). You can and probably should do this with one nuke…

Same here, I play campaign at least once a month, and have done for almost a decade but now I can’t do this mission and quite frankly I am rather miffed. Bear in mind I am British, and that when our passive aggressive attitude to life is taken into consideration this basically means I am about to go on a killing spree in my pyjamas whilst drinking tea, this isn’t good!

Also not amused at pyjamas being auto corrected even though I have everything set to British English. The world has gone mad!!! :slight_smile:

Given that this has clearly been going on for months, and I paid for all 3 iterations I would like a full refund. OK, how about let me out of Bronze league in ladder? :wink:

Okay. You’re out of Bronze league and back into practice matchmaking.

Blizzard stated this on most common issues post, but not sure when it’s fixed. Shieeet

I have the same problem. Why hasn’t Blizzard solved a serious bug for so many months?

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I have the same bug, it’s a joke that blizzard didn’t fix it

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The Campaign’s got so many bugs, here are two more easily eye-catching :

Thor’s 250/330mm ability missing Muzzle Flash effect (WoL) (someone reported it long ago and no words from devs)
Protoss warp-in missing shape-forming effect

Now this invisible wall. REALLY blizzard?? I don’t really understand you. You messed up Co-op recently? And got no time to check out the Campaign’s bug? SHAME on you !! SHAME~!

Same bug for the mission, Tosh cannot go into, and Siege Tank cannot get out from Cell Block B.


Same bug, there’s an invisible wall at Cell Block B

Bug is still there. Playing in America on Hard.