Will zergs stop crying now?

Reminds me of the time Maru and Dark played each other’s offraces and Maru’s Zerg went something like 6-0 vs Dark’s Terran. Think Dark tapped out at 7-1 or 8-1 after taking one PvZ.


I haven’t been on for a while and I am not good as the average player now a days, so my comment here will probably not be cared about maybe not even read, but I have to say that nerfing the zerg in some regards was not okay especially the infestor they made it so the playable and only unit of its type disappeared off the face of planet so we can’t have infested terrans that have been in our lore and campaigns they should just add the unit so they can hatch the hive for 10/10 with low health and low attack or something like that and this would prevent them as another way against reapers and the sort, and they removed the best qualities of the neural parasite where you could control any unit as long as the infestor was alive (also being allowed to move with it, but not really against this point). So even if this message is not read or is not cared for, I just wanted say this to the people crying about the infested terran and their neural parasites being to powerful because that is what gave the swarm its function, It is collect essence and to corrupt everying and give to the swarm not just some dumbass abilities that need lots of energy and lots of skill because that is no fun to players who arent skilled and just want to play the with it abilities in some aspects as well as being balanced. I believe if we can come to bridge way that connects our disputes we can have a fun game.