Why whine about balance and smurfs?

There is no more resources for active development and balance for the SC2 scene - as well as a sharp reduction in player base. Most players admittedly play their main accounts and use the F2P accounts blizzard allowed to smurf on players of a lower MMR class. These combination of factors lead to:

  • Less new players due to skill requirement/possible bullying on ladder
  • Lower chance (pretty sure it’s zero now) of actual balance changes to the game based on current meta/gameplay
  • More current players artificially inflating number of active accounts.

As I posted before I say again - Blizzavision doesn’t care. I don’t care - so why are you all still whining? Get over it and play candy crush.

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look at the game if you dont believe me. i never seen so close beating with just 3 dark templars and i have skytos. its gosu in a silver disguise. its … its unbelievable

You might just have a point. why ccomplain about a game where the developers clearly do not care. I think its more so the complaints is that there are not any alternatives unless I go back to BW. WOW. could have been an alternative but we all know what they did to that. It is just as bad as SC.

Reminds me of all the complaints people have about madden but there are not any alternatives so they keep playing becuase well they don’t have a choice. And then complain that the game is broken. Now that game not broken becuase of balance issues like SC has but broken is broken.

I know developers arent propably here and my point is not to touch balance of the game, instead I want to make this gosu player famous who was able to beat skytoss with 3 dark tempars.
He is propably better than top GM players, because he is so recourge effective. He only used 40 apm by the way so he had low stress but very accurate pixel perfect moves.

To be fair, in defence for the whiners, there is a good reason why:

People complain because whatever they are complaining about matters to them. They still want to maintain the (business-customer) relationship with the company which is why they complain.

Though whether what they complain is legitimate, valid, unreasonable, and whether the company wishes to address the concerns is questionable, and often ignored by the people who complain.

Gamers of today have changed from:

  • “Let’s figure out how to solve this issue”; to
  • “Game companies, please change the game to how I want to play.”

And many of them don’t realise it. As a result, they just keep getting more and more frustrated under the impression that companies are not listening to them. If the players do not know the intention of why companies do certain things, then they run a pretty self centred view in life, when in actuality, they are probably not the company’s target audience.

There are some occasions where trolls are addicted to attention (and probably likes / replies counts - dopamine addiction anyone?), and therefore constantly attempt to post click bait topics / discussions via multiple accounts in hopes that they get more numbers.

(Though as I always questioned, to what purpose / where is the value in it? I have no idea myself. The closest conclusion I can draw is that they need something to feed that ego that they cannot find in real life.)

The answer to yours is pretty straightforward.

Topic #1. You’re welcome.


Why i have the impression that this part is directed to the infamous Troll, Trumpster-Flatearther that many know under the name…BatZ?

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It doesnt feel like he replied for me because i dont feel i belong neither of the classes he mentioned.
I dont take this game too seriously (or as seriously as others), why let me explain.
I play multiple online games, mostly for last 8 years I have played call of duty. That took a lot time and focuse out from blizzard rts games, before that I was pretty consomed on wc3. After army I wasnt so interested in putting all focuse on sc2. But I felt it was still enought similar to wc3 so i could be rather good gold level player who still has a lot more knowledge on rts mechanics than most other gold player, also my apm is from my pro wc3 times and rarely goes below 150 unles i am very very tired.

Not brag about myself tho, I far aknowledge that many of the players knowledge has greatly surpass mine and im fine with that.

Its just when on these silver level matches (where I purposely are) because I dont want to play this game competively like I used to play wc3 but instead to have some fun, when somethink really weird and unexplainable almost happen I come on these forums to figure out what happened and how…

I dont want to change balance. I dont even have any race I relate to specificially in this game so I dont think I am biazed in that way.

And I dont whine because infact being good at wc3 or cod means a lot more for me than being good at sc2 even tho I find sc2 extremely relaxing and fun sometimes when I want to take off focus from wc3 or cod.

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Why whine about balance and smurfs?

When you have a 58% win-rate in a highly disadvantaged matchup, the only thing holding you back is balance:


I think most people have just stopped caring about sc2 these days. We know the balance team isn’t very good at their job so either deal with their trash panda balance and weird design decisions or play another game. It’s just that simple.