So terran not taking a single map of zerg in blizzcon and top 4 all being zerg had nothing to do with ballance?
Same as premier tournament results in 2018?
Games played by pros in a non professional format< Games played by professionals trying their best on a competitive format. ladder games are just best of 1 and onetricking games.
If games played by pros in a professional format are materially different from 99.9999% of games played then they are by definition irrelevant to balance.
The more you try to make pro games special the more your conclusion only applies to pro games. Balance by definition applies to Zerg/Terran/Protoss as a whole. If your argument relies on ignoring 99.9999% of Zerg, then your argument isn’t about Zerg and your conclusion doesn’t apply to Zerg.
,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-. PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA ,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.
This reply is a beacon to all ‘normies’, ‘casuals’, ‘weekend warriors’, and all other such people who don’t spend every waking moment complaining and trolling on the Starcraft II forums. DO NOT BE DISCOURAGED; Starcraft II players in general are not similar to this poster in either behavior or opinion. This delusional and confrontational specimen does not represent us. It is merely the one of the ‘loudest’ among us and it’s minor but detrimental impact on the community persists due to the distinct lack of moderation on these forums and the nature of free to create accounts. Starcraft II fosters many welcoming and positive communities for players of all skill levels and all race preferences. Best practice is to avoid engaging with this user. ,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-. PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA PSA ,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.,.-~^~-.
The trumpish-clown has to refresh the concept of weighted average…
He conveniently “forgets” that some games (the ones at the hightest level of playing AKA Tournaments) have a much bigger weight…
He was debunked and discredited by KingCobra in person on another matter (his morbid fixation that APM is indication of skill)…
Did he change his mind and apologise to the good-posters here that tried to educate him (for wasting their precious time)?
No way.
Tomorrow the flateather will spew the identical BS…
You can’t have two versions of the game balanced for Pros on one side and all the rest on the other.
It’s just a decision on Blizzard’s side on where to balance the game (6800-7400) or 2000-3000MMR.
There are as many balances as you like for each point of the MMR scale.
You are too insignificant to be taken that seriously. He is a Great Player that has his SC2 understanding and puts that in practice 4 hours a day, you are a little theorycrafter (armchair-strategist) that spend the time arguing in the forums.
Sorry but i will take KingCobra’s word over yours any time of day and night…
The chrono buff from 4.0. The Nexus starts with 50 energy now and it gives Protoss a huge early game eco boost compared to before. And stalkers weren’t reverted.
The upgrade and zealot nerfs came after because 4.0 was a huge economy buff.
There is no such thing as “balance for pros”. You’re looking at who wins tournaments between 10-15 players and assuming there’s no difference in skill. This makes no sense at all.
Nobody said the top Protoss pros are a-move noobs, you are. We’re saying there are less top tier Protoss than there are Zergs. How many Protoss players have retired or gone to the military compared to Zerg? A lot more, yet somehow the skill at the top is completely equal? Can you tell me that’s true with a straight face?