Tournament wins never matter. But I was just pointing out AGAIN that you’re wrong about 2018.
So zerg dominating in 2019 worse than any race has ever done in premier tournaments and even surpassed their own broodlord infestor period in therms of prem wins (wich was considered one of the most imballanced metas of all sc2) says nothing about the ballance during that time?
Global finals terran did not take a single map from zerg.
Also im not sure if i remember correctly, but protoss never beat zerg in pvz if zerg used swarmhost + nydus.
So yes if you do look at premier tournaments over a longer time and they seem to indicate a trend of 1 race doing significantly better than the 2 others there is very likely to be a ballance issue.
Also the amount of zvz’s, nevermind the zvz final, was overboard obnoxious.
I main zerg. Protoss right now have higher representation because they have more streamer options/YouTube personalities to follow that are GM. Harstem as one example, is what Lowko used to be for zerg. Another big thing for the lack of zergs is because some of the nerfs they received make it more tedious to play or not as fun.
For me, when I returned to the game I was very disappointed that infestors no longer spawn infested terran, the mind control aspect of it is now really bad in comparison to before, and they have some garbage microbial shroud that I’m sure has usage with hydras, but it’s not really worth investing in them anymore. To be honest I just stopped using infestors all together and it feels like zerg is -1 full important unit, especially since we are reliant on spellcasters to compete in endgame. Ultralisks, the epitome of zerg evolution and one of the coolest units zerg has, is too expensive, takes too long to tech to, and it’s usefulness has a very short window of time (-1.5 units). Another thing I absolutely hated when I came back is they made creep spread even worse, one more thing extra to constantly manage even more than before. This is not a problem for the pros at Serral’s and Raynor’s level, but I play StarCraft after a long day of work to relax and have fun - these kind of changes make it not as fun as it used to be.
Back on point and what I’m trying to say is that this isn’t because Protoss is OP or whatever you are eluding to, the lack of zergs is because it’s lost most of the fun it used to be as our options feel significantly more limited. I would try not to direct your anger towards Protoss but instead talk about constructive ways to improve zerg.
A race getting tallies in a useless metrics is meaningless, yes.
Swarm host nydus was probably broken but it was a new strategy that became popular at blizzcon and never had a chance to impact any numbers because it got nerfed really soon after. It’s also the type of strategy that 99% of the player base wouldn’t be very good at either, even foreign Zergs besides Serral and Reynor weren’t good at it.
No, it doesn’t. Zerg performance overall went down even in 2019. 2019 was 1 or 2 Zergs doing much better than usual in tournaments and it completely skewed everyone’s perception. That’s why tournament wins is a garbage metric to look at.
This bird think. City of poor man. Become rich. If bill gates move in… LUL
I am sure. Poor man will love to learn. How rich his town is. As he eat a cup of rice… XD XD XD
Let’s suppose you are right that there are more streamers. We’ll take that for granted even though you haven’t shown it is the case. How does having more streamers magically change the skill level of the entire protoss population? Are you saying literally every protoss player watches these streamers?
Do these streamers magically boost the pattern recognition in players’ brains? Do their hands now magically move faster? Do their eyes gain more resolution to be able to pick up on motion in the game frames? Does their intelligence become more fluid?
Wow, these streamers are pretty much GODS.
Reality check: Protoss is overpowered.
Do you even play starcraft?, protoss players are united by the khala,every improvement and knowledge is transmitted to every protoss.
Yet grandpa innovation beat serral’s brood infestor play to win WESG BEFORE it was nerfed. Serral is a great player. He’s the best in the EU region hands down. The region lock pretty much guaranteed he was going to win most premier tournaments. It has nothing to do with balance. Balance affects a win-rate maybe 5% but Serral outclasses everyone in the EU region by much more than that. You can’t base your analysis of balance one data point. It’s absurd to do so.
Apply your logic to literally anything else:
- The temperature in Antarctica is −67.0 therefore planet earth is −67.0 degrees.
- Bill Gates is a billionaire therefore all humans are billionaires.
- One airplane crashed therefore all airplanes crashed.
- Etc.
Sky is dark an night. So sky is dark all the time… LUL this is from jan 2019 1 year before wcs global finals before any nerfs to swarm hosts and nydus, so no it was not a new strategy at all. From my understanding zergs just stopped using it for some time and it resurged before global finals despite no ballance changes affecting it unless im missing a patch.
Broodlord infestor era was towards end of wol when infestor fungal held units in place, not before broodlord range nerf.
Broodlord infestor era is considered to be one of the most imballanced periods of starcraft 2 ballance wise.
1 Race is dominating the pro scene with more different players than ever before even more than during periods the game was considered very imballanced, must be coincidence.
Neeb won that game with a casual amove on 2 bases. Not exactly the best example of how OP zerg is.
WoL was a completely different game, sweetie. It was also 10 years ago. The recent brood infestor era is what we are talking about because it’s the one relevant to the current balance scenario. It’s the reason why infested terrans were deleted and Protoss air armies are now unstoppable.
Serral winning a few tournaments != zerg dominating the pro scene.
Protoss actually won more tournaments than Zerg did.
Again, you can’t base analysis of the pro scene on 1 data point.
How is it irelevant if broodlord infestor was considered one of the most imballanced strategies of all times, and zerg in 2019 did better than when they had this strategy on this patch does that not mean 2019 zerg was more dominant?
2019 premier tournaments
total played 17
zerg 11 wins
terran 3
protoss 3
If we remove serral who won 4
Zerg 7
terran 3
protoss 3
So even if we remove serral, wich does not make any sense to begin with for 2019 zerg still won more premier tournaments than terran and protoss combined.
Also the reason to use only premier tournaments is because theyre usually played offline so no ping issues, most of the best players participate meaning we will not get situations like in lesser tournaments having 1 or 2 players clearly the favorite and its determined by a massive skill gap between players (yes wcs na was somewhat uneven and not as stacked as other tournaments but ill keep it in since a protoss won and it makes it look less zerg dominant).
I agree, however we here have 17 top level tournaments played over a year in time span leading up to a finals that showed the same pattern as we seen troughout the year we can concluded the probability that zerg was extremely dominant in 2019 due to imballance is likely unless you honestly think zerg players where just overall better than the other players wich seems less likely.
Because it happened 10 years ago in a completely different game. I didn’t read the rest of your post.
With that level of bias, no surprise you think everything was fine.
20 is a few out of several hundred.
1.a small number of.
Making factually correct statements != biased. Calling factually correct statements biased = biased.
Late Jan is when the nydus buffs happened, but it usually takes a while for a strategy to become popular. Swarm host nydus really became popular just before blizzcon and got nerfed very quickly after.
Are we really going to base balance around the same 5 or so people winning every tournament… I guess who ever race is winning means said race is OP at that time…
I dont want to talk about who wins what tournament. Its irrelevant.
The one thing the matters (since 2018 toss patch) is that the game has not been fun since. toss is broken. shield batteries are broken and should not be in the game.
Blizzard do the right thing. Clean up your trash and fix your game.