Why nerf BattleCruisers?

They’re terrible early game units. The only way a BC rush would work is if your fighting someone who’s MMR is below 2400, Plus if they see you commit to making more BC’s then they’ll just mass Vikings/Void Rays/Corruptors and its gg.

If your going to nerf Tactical jump like that, at least give Battlecruisers a cloaking field or something.


I mean they could have given it parity with recall and make it 4 seconds.


“If you nerf this unit, at least make give it buffs” xd Terrans whiners are amazing.


Sounds like “If you don’t eat butter, eat it now.”

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I recommend deleting TJ from Terran army and giving it to Protoss Tempest. CC can now recall instead of Nexus.


When it comes to nerfing TJ the balance team has to be really careful not to over due it because TJ is the only thing keeping the BC viable. TJ does need a nerf, but there is so many ways to do it:

  • Increasing the cooldown(one of the nerfs proposed in the balance patch)
  • Make it require vision
  • Lock it behind an upgrade(that seems to be a theme in this balance patch anyways)

The main reason is that they’re too safe because of the ability to instantly teleport across the map for repairs if they’re in danger, and BC rushing has been meta at the pro level vs Zerg.

I think the 1s stun nerf on teleport is pretty reasonable to address BC rushes, but there should either be an upgrade or something to remove it in the very late game, and a buff to some Protoss anti-air unit that helps them against BCs in the late game. Locking it behind an upgrade is another solution.

That said, the infestor change of removing the neural parasite research already addresses the “problem” of BC rushes in TvZ in a pretty heavy-handed way, and I’m not sure they were really a problem in the first place, considering I haven’t seen a BC rush game in quite a while, and the last few times I did, it didn’t go well for the Terran.

This wouldn’t matter because scan exists.


It would because the Terran would have to waste a scan and time to TJ on to your base instead of currently just clicking the BC and clicking in the FoW in your base.


Hilarious how it’s alaays the most venomous of the Zerg crybabies that’s always pointing their finger at “Terran whiners,” isn’t it?


No way. The proper fix is to make it sitting-duck half (2 sec) the time the Recall does. Also, even in that situation TJ is not Global like Recall but on individual BC’s.
1 sec is too short to punish this free-damage no risk unit (TvP).
A 550HP unit is not a zergling/marine that you have difficulties selecting and managing.

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BCs are most likely not going to be seen in the meta for a long time with just the 1 sec stun. They might as well remove tactical jump and reduce the bcs dps a bit and give it some more burst dmg since that tends to matter more in the late game.

That change would outright kill the BC entirely. Making TJ have a longer cooldown and require vision would be much better or locking it behind an upgrade.

If you remove TJ, the BC needs its 6 damage ATA back and also a range of 7 and better movement speed.

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LUL, how melodramatic. All terrans have to do is begin TJ not when BC-HP is 50 but…150. TJ is not like Recall that is Global stuns 4 sec and has a Radius that let’s half the army stranded to die…
TJ in order to be balanced must have a stun-time in the range of 2-3 seconds. Terrans should begin to understand that each advantage mus have a minimal-commitment.
Babies at kindergartens learn this thing at 3-4 yers of age.


BC’s don’t have the movement speed to escape or the range to keep enemies back. So TJ is vital for solving both problems.

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BC have the exact speed of the Carrier. I don’t see Carriers have per-Carrier Recall. Also BC in a frontal battle demolish all Capital ships and all counters (that are not even counters - Stalkers)…
It’s time that terran race takes some minimal reponsability toward their OP unit.


Carriers have 8 launch range and 12 leash range. BC’s have 6 range.


Have i ever created a post after a patch where i ask for a compensatory buff after a planned nerf that make the unit as strong or even stronger that it was before ?

But each proposed patch, we see dozens of posts like that coming from… terrans…

So when it has been happening for more than three years, yeah, calling “terrans whiners”, is not an insult, just a finding.

So i don’t know why there are so many terrans players that act like that, but it’s a fact, even among progamers, terran players are never objective (with a few exceptions, but really few), while i see plently of progamers zerg and protoss try to be as objective as they can about balance, and they dare critizicing their own race, while terran progamers dare calling their race weak just after they won a tournament…


Well my oh mind, interesting to see you suddenly talking about this issue again. Its almost like ignoring me didnt work, so now youre back to your same old arguments from a couple months ago.

Some facts:
-BCs had tactical jump for years and were not viable
-Buffing their dps and giving them move and shoot instantly made them viable
-I predicted people would just rush it and it wouldnt be the lategame unit its supposed to be, these were the wrong buffs to do
-CryOhWhine over here ignored the warnings and steamrolled it through the forums every day until it made it into the game.

Now hes trying to tell you what you can and cant do to the battlecruiser like hes some balance expert. He’s the direct cause of one of the dumbest changes to a unit and the whole time he claims this is to make it good in the lategame xD

Dont listen to him.


So bitter, TJ has many ways of getting nerfed but if it’s over nerfed the BC will vanish again.

TJ right now is a necessarily evil, but it should at bare minimum require vision and be locked behind an upgrade. Both those changes would put a stop to early game BC plays vs Zerg.

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Yeah clearly I’m the bad guy for correcting a mistake I warned you not to make.