Why is my forum portrait different

Is this a bug? Can only I see it? in sc2 I have a carbot marine portrait, but on here it’s a damn sc2 trophy?

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For some people, the portraits don’t display correctly. I have the classic Protoss selected in-game.

Ive found that logging out and logging back into the forums sometimes will trip something and cause it to load the correct portrait.

Turning it off and on again, so to speak.

This doesnt work for everything, but for portraits that arent new that dont load at all like Leviathan’s, it fixed for me.

im not sure, but i think i have the same problem

Do you normally play in a different region maybe? It could be that your NA profile has a different portrait.

I gave it a try and cleared the browser’s cache for good measure and I’m still the generic SCII portrait. :confused:

I took a look in MS Edge, which I’ve never even launched before so it’s as cache-free as possible, and it also shows the same generic portrait.

What’s weird is I don’t think my portrait is something you can even select in the game. But with the way the profile pages are all garbled, I’m not surprised.

I first noticed this happen to dukenukem, who one day had a zerg portrait instead of marine. Then I saw it changed my portrait from infestor to kerrigan, and then earthenkiwi from protoss to infested.

I believe it is a resurgence of a bug from the old forums, although this one seems to be targetting the bestest of posters.

because good website design

You can select a portrait ingame, but for it to be shown you need :

  • To have that portrait selected in your NA (US) settings (and so to change your region in the launcher if you’re not NA by default).
  • To have played at least one ranked game on NA.

Then your ingame portrait/avatar will be displayed here, on US SC2 forums. :cowboy_hat_face:

It’s a bug indeed. I do have the Stars’ party avatar selected, and it gives me Kerrigan Xel’Naga.

Not that I’m complaining though, this avatar is neat (could’ve been the broodlord one instead :laughing:). And as it’s a very minor issue, i didn’t report it. If a significant portion of us are affected, it might become legit to do so, though. :thinking:

I meet those for sure. It used to show my selected portrait a while back, but it changed to what’s there now and has been stuck there since.

I just mean that the one that shows here (generic SCII insignia) isn’t one that exists in-game.

The generic SC2 is the default one, which you get when your US account isn’t detected ingame.

It might be interesting to change your NA ingame avatar, and to play one more NA ranked game though ; maybe the more recent version of the forum does not register older ingame settings ? :thinking:

I’m going to make a thread linking back to this one in the bugs report, maybe, once the other bugs are corrected, they’ll take time in looking into it.

I’ve changed it a few times in attempt to get it back over the months. Logged out and in after changing it a bunch of times as well.

I don’t think the ranked game play is a criterion. It always showed my selected one regardless of what game modes I had played. As far as ranked goes, just as recently as last season, I played about 50ish or so, but it had no effect.

I thought Kachinski was the default. I have an alt account that’s never played ranked; it’s correctly showing the selected portrait (Kachinski).

Well personally, I’ve been having the default SC2 generic one for years, and as I notice Poutree had a custom one while he had only one game played on US/NA I figured playing one NA ranked game would solve the issue. And it did for me :


Now if you have recently played NA ranked games, it might indeed not be the issue at hand in your case. Maybe it’s related to you being an MVP on current forums version ? I’ve not seen others MVPs in SC2’s forums, so we lack of comparison points.

Does your alt account also has the MVP status ?

EDIT : reported the issue in the bugs section. :mag:

I suspected that as well a while back. But I have a 3rd account that is not MVP flagged and it’s stuck on the generic portrait too. So:

This account (MVP) - stuck on generic
2nd account (not MVP) - stuck on generic
3rd account (not MVP) - displays selected

…so there’s no pattern it seems.


Does your 2nd account has a recent NA ranked game played upon ?
— If yes, 12 to 24H after having played it, and after logging out and back in, then there indeed is no pattern regarding your bug, and it’s entirely a website API thing.
— If no, the MVP status could still be suspected.

#2 hasn’t played a ranked recently (I barely ever log into the alt accounts). When I get home today, I’ll give ranked a try with it and see what happens.

I suspect this may be the case because of how the profiles pages are garbled.

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Why is this a difficult bug to fix?

It’s not always a matter of easy vs difficult. It can also be a matter of priority.

Generally speaking, the games’ websites have typically been low priority. Wow’s “armory” is commonly described as ‘permanently in beta’ because it has always had updating issues.

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Just curious, when was the last time you tried to log off and log back in? For me and a bunch of folks on the forums it was the API issue that was causing issues, after that was fixed I got mine back.

Somewhat recently. I have two other Bnet accounts that I swapped between trying to get this account back to normal. No dice. :confused: