Why has cannon rush not been fixed?

That’s why I didn’t start a new topic. Why are you even on the forums if you don’t wanna read complaints. That’s the main point of them.

because your all funny and make me laugh. It would just be nicer to have them all in one thread instead of jumping between ten to read.

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In general I tend to think that strategies that require little to no skill on the attacker’s part, while requiring massive skill on the defender’s, are pretty “toxic.”

I do hate that term, toxic, though – every girl’s ex is “toxic.” The way he’d beat you in arguments…


You never once said something that excuses the use of cannon rush. You just droned on about this and that and your emotions and feelings for days.

You need to learn to read. but i guess you cant since ive already stated multiple times i only play zerg and you still accused me of being toss cannon rusher.

Sori guys in order to play the actual game and whine about balance issue is one is your in probably masters 1 or 2 . Your basically have basically a say about game balance. Honestly im not one of those pepo but the game is not balanced around below it. If your basically mentally retardid for tactical gameplay just play zerg or if your mechanically retarded just play toss if your basically retarded masochist play terran. Just wall your ramp fast and learn to hold position marine ez pz if you cant defend cannon rush make a fast wall on ramp. The actual hard part is actually punishing a cheesing player and you macro at home not the actual cannon rushing part.

If a person wants to cannon rush you, they will. There’s not enough time to wall.

bs theres plenty enough time

Are you talking about in 3’s?
In 1v1 the probe gets there at 0:40.

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at 40 secs you should have enough minerals for both barracks and first depot after that all you got to do is watch and build the second depot. if the probe get in worker that thing to death and any pylons that it built. its not hard to know where on the map the best possible spots are for cannon.

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Okay, I’ve found words on the topic from one of the original Warcraft creators. Apparently they also had heated debates about ‘buildings being able to be placed anywhere’. The original Warcraft had roads, but they didn’t function well. They didn’t have time to fix it, so they scrapped them altogether in Warcraft 2.

Here’s the original post:

(Question from random dude)

[July 26, 2012 at 5:03 am]

I hated having to create roads/paths as a prerequisite to building a structure. Removing that requirement made Warcraft 2 awesome.

[Reply]WarcraftDev says

I plan to talk about your point in a future post, but the short answer is we were — in retrospect — too scared of the consequences to allow players to be able to build anywhere on the map. It was something that was argued back and forth extensively — we passionately argued every design point and all won or lost our fair share. I remember Allen Adham was very critical of the idea of allowing base-building anywhere on the map — “what happens if an enemy builds a barracks right next to your base?” He led the day on that point.

After launch it was clear that the road-building requirement was the greatest flaw in War1, and was therefore one of the first things fixed in War2 — mostly a matter of ripping out code.

If we had more development time we might even have fixed it in War1, but boy was the entire project a race against time.

Source: h ttps://www.codeofhonor.com/blog/the-making-of-warcraft-part-1


You could be kept in a torture basement and given extreme gradual brain damage from age 0 and not end up being one of the people at blizzard who made WC3 reforged or protoss “balance” in either game.

Think about that.

Found the problem. Be prepared to defend it.

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Failed “argument.”

Nobody is prepared for everything at every point.

I remember you from 5+ years ago and you still haven’t learned what an argument is.

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Just scout it, once they have invested and are in your base they are behind,kill the probe immediately and use queen,zealots,or tanks, immediately rush after the cannon is shut down and u will win,chances are they have no units and can’t micro and macro at same time.

you’d have to scout extremely fast. The problem isn’t the Cannon Rush though generally. It’s the Tempest follow up.


No, in other words, learn to scout?

So you think Serral would lose to the cannon rushes you face? :thinking:

Do I think maru would lose to nydus, roach pushes, that a GM who has been playing for years would lose to a 3.6K skytoss player, that maru would lose to ultra infestor etc etc.? Yes and I’ve been confirmed right.

Best way solve this is switch nexus and pylon works.

If give nexus power grid and pylon extends it it would solve Protoss major were u can easily knock out pylon it becomes gg.

Plus’s if make pylons get thier own power after warp gate comes online.

This will delay or make very risky cannon rush since can’t build anything drop nexus and then try to do it.