Why has cannon rush not been fixed?

It’s not a good look for the game when people have to look up guides just to stand a chance at defending a rush. No wonder alot of people quit. I’m not defending other rushes, but at least I can imagine a normal way to stop them.

nah dude, thats 100% woman logic. Your playing a game trying to win. No matter how you win a match weather its regular gameplay or cheese your still gonna hurt the other players feelings if he loses. And logic like this is what ruins games. And yes it 100% is, look at all the terrible games that have been comeing out trying to incorporate logic like this into. Look at how many companies are going down hill fast becuase they want to worry about feelings and dei and all the other woke bs logic.

Huh, gee not having to look up guides for games…like every single game in existence has had guides to it, and looking things up is almost always required. come on thats a lame excuse and you know it.

No, it’s being able to respect someone else’s existence?

I even agree with you that contextually your opponent’s feelings shouldn’t be much of an issue. Your argumentation’s otherwise fine, but involving sexism is just godawful.

Not even because I’m a lady, just the simple part that not having brought it up would have improved your position.

I have seen zero companies fail because of these and I’ve gotten notifications over a lot of fascinating examples of issues.
For example, companies failing because they’re full of bad designers, lacking perspectives, insufficient playtesting, improper flows - and an unreasonable number of harassment issues, and implementing these sorts of policies doesn’t help them with those issues, sure. But it’s never because they take time to work on these things that is why they fail - it just brings it to the surface.

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you should look up whats going on with sweet baby inc. then there games are trash cause of what they have been doing. Look at bud light, and what happen with that. And nothing i said was sexism, its simply stating that you are acting like a girl by worrying about peoples feelings. thats not sexism thats call you out for being lame. Again your playing a game to win, the worrying about how people feel isnt what you should be doing in a competition style game, and if thats what your worried about then you shouldnt be playing competitive games. Stick to solo games so you dont hurt peoples feeling if thats what your worried about. Again no matter what you do, unless you purposely go out to lose every single match, then your still gonna hurt there feelings. So by worrying about peoples feeling your now contradicting yourself by winning the match instead of purposely losing. See how your feeling logic flies right out the window there. This entire argument is lame, its like going into war and asking the opposing forces not to pew pew people in the neather regions just because its the privates. Its war right if you gotta clean shot on some one nads then you pew pew them right there right. Same goes with trying to win games. if you think you can win with a cannon rush then by all means do so, cause your trying to win right. The saddest part of this argument is the fact that all it takes is a scout to shut down a cannon rush, it takes 1 worker to go across the map and see what hes building. Its one of the easiest things to spot in this game yet you all still cry about it. why. Its been in this game since sc1 and youd think after all the games you guys say you play that you could see it comeing from a mile away, yet here we are to this day still listening to the same few fools crying that its unfair and broken. like come on you all cant be this bad at the game.

Lolwut. Please don’t drag down masculinity by being so pants on head stupid.


if your worried about peoples feeling then, please start losing every game on purpose as so to not upset your oppenents feelings. I bet you 100% you wont. And if you dont then you just a big ol hypocrit

This is the definition of sexism, yes. Prejudice and stereotyping on basis of sex.

“Caring about feelings is feminine” is exactly a stereotype. Saying that it is unmanly is prejudiced.


There you go putting your pants on your head like I asked you not to.


Eliwan, let me guess you vote left, and voted for biden. No need to argue with people like you its pointless. Pride and feeling brigade. Enough said.

Kelthar, seriously if you so worried about hurting your oppenents feeling please start losing on purpose every single game and show us that you are so concerned about your oppenents feeling that your willing to lose to make them feel good about themselves. If not your just a hypocrite.

Most people don’t have such fragile egos as yours that I have to worry about hurting anything when I play against them.


im not the one here complaining how cannon rush is unfair. This game is a strat game anything goes, your not going to win every single game and will probably lose the magority of them unless your pro, trust me you aint hurting my feelings.

There’s those pants on that head again. Try thinking about what youre saying a little bit next time. For example:

Is statistically impossible even without the matchmaker trying its best to avoid that. If youre losing, someone else is winning.

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really cause all it sounds like is your spewing garbage out your mouth right now to sound superior. Most people dont win the majority of there games untill they been playing the game for a long time and even out the odds from there begging. Thats a fact bud.

Ok, im going to take it real slow so you can keep up, right?

If you lose, the other guy wins, yes? You with me so far?

So if you lose a lot, the other guy wins a lot.

If the other guy is winning a lot, he isn’t losing a lot.

Ergo your statement that most people lost more than they win has to be wrong.

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except that your not just playing only one guy, your playing lots of people ergo your statement is false. actually theres alot wrong with that statement as every individual is not the same, some might win more than other, some might be totally rubish and never win a game. some might be mediocre and win half and half. but hey nice try there to look super smart. You can take the L now and see yourself out.

The same can be said of you here?

The definition of sexism does not change because you don’t know what it is.

Similarly, your ability to argue this subargument is nonextant.

I’m just disappointed.

The entire point of the matchmaking system is to prevent this, yes, and if we look at ladder statistics we can see it does a pretty decent job with the lowest win rate players having around 37% win rate and the highest ones having 70% ones.

This is true! The overwhelming majority of players have 50% win rates. Sort of by definition - that’s how the ladder tries to place people for match making.

That’s not actually relevant to Kelthar’s argument. I failed to see what Kelthar’s argument in that last post is driving at, but this isn’t the correct rebuttal to it.

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yes the ladder system does try to prevent this but again as you already areed there majority of people still lose more games than they win. So really if you already agreed what was the point of even bringing up the ladder system in the first place.

Kelther argument was yeah i dont know what he was even driving at a point in making but yes what i said is still relevant since he was talking about 2 people and not many people as where his entire argument just fell apart and went nowhere.

you wonder why its pointless to even have a conversation or argument with you, you brought up sexism and and feelings, when were talking about strategies in a game. Again if your so worried about peoples feeling in a game, please go ahead and lose every game as to not hurt the other persons feelings. Unless you are going to do this, then 100% your a hyprocrit, and thats a flat out fact, and you should of never brought up worrying about hurting peoples feelings in the first place. So unless your tru to your beleifs frankly anything you say that comes out your mouth is straight up bogus

You know whats the best part of this entire thread, it started off with people complaining about cannon rushing being toxic and one guy saying that its cheating. And the only negative thing i said is that if your worried about hurting someones feeling while playing a strat game then you shouldnt be playing a game to win against an opponent in first place. and that is girly boy logic. And then here comes you eliwan, almost on cue running in here talking about sexism and hurting peoples feeling and you proved my point exactly that its only people like you who worry about stuff like that. So thank you for proving my point entirely.

I specifically said the exact opposite of this.

Try again.

You brought it up first. You know, by being sexist?

I cannot, in good conscience, simply say “I agree with the person being sexist”, I must be specific that even though there is sexism present in the form of “b” it does not make the “a” section wrong.

This isn’t quite a strawman so I’m not sure what to call it as.
But it is not what I said, and not relevant to what I said.

I actually didn’t. This is, of course, very logical, because as previously stated, I agree with your point:

The solution to losing to rushes is to adapt your strategies to become less vulnerable to rushes, not to somehow patch out rushes - the same as it is for any other strategy that beats your own.
The solution to feeling bad about performing cheeses is to not do them, not prevent other players from doing them.

Fortunately, amongst my virtues and flaws is being unable to compromise on my beliefs.

This is why I don’t play to win, but instead do whatever I find fun that doesn’t look like it’ll immediately suck.

However, by saying that in your fifth post, you have made your post disagreeable and the entire stance.

The rest of your point isn’t sexist and none of your argument hinges on this insistence that caring about peoples’ feelings is ‘girly’. The argument is stronger and more agreeable when you don’t say this.

And I need you to know this, because I would love to just put a like on your post, that I agree with its content or think that it is generically good, instead of writing my own because I find some part of its content majorly objectionable. I must rebut this horrific content, because it has been unjustly linked to something that I sincerely believe.

As a human being I cannot, ever, let someone imply that caring about feelings should not be a skill that 100% of the population possesses.

I can also say that, as you say: Minding the opponent’s feelings doesn’t have a place in StarCraft. Some players are just here to win, and the game’s got hard rules so there is no need for social contract ones like the classic “10m no rush”.