Why do people keep playing the same 10 year old game?

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I heard that back in August 2020.
He’s too limited.

@CrusaderKing I deeply respected you Sir before, and now even more ^^

I am genuinly surprised how one can go politely through a conversation with some abomination for such a long time. I’ll learn from it.


Oh look an alt account already proven to be one of Anesthetics alts appears to defend his other accounts. Lmao.

@The XD guy

Don’t forget to block CrusaderKing on your every single multiaccount.
At peak times you created 5 accounts per hour, so if you start blocking him everywhere, there’s hope you’ll forget about existence of SC before you’re done.

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Again with the projection…
We were making such progress…

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It’s quite simple really. The psychology of trolling is well understood. Low status males seek for attention because they are weak and ignored. They would rather be hated and recognized than be treated as if they don’t exist. So they are hanging on to a thread at the very bottom of the social hierarchy; creating mayhem because it makes them feel important in some sense.


See? You can admit toyour fell deeds, every once in a while, but are too cowardly todo it personally, so you use other people as surrogates to your own emotional imbalances.
You have to work on that.

Like opening 10 billion thread about Protoss balance?


I’ve spent a considerable amount of time in teaching positions. It’s hard for me to see people as either intelligent or not. Many students I taught at university chemistry far underestimated their ability.

I don’t wish anything negative for Batz, but I do think he halts his own learning experiences by thinking he knows more than people in their respective fields. For example, I would never exclaim to know more astrophysics than someone who has a masters/PhD in the field.


You were wrong about something simple in BW. I forget what it was, but it’s in a recent thread. Something that real SC players are assumed to know, you were wrong about it.



“Specific and objectively verifiable” really isn’t a hard standard to meet. I know people on these forums are quite challenged, so I am being patient and understanding. I really shouldn’t have to even explain these criteria, nor why they are needed, but here we are. It just goes to show my tremendous amount of patience. Not a single other intelligent person on the planet is patient enough to post on these forums except for me. Flack for example is far less patient. Berzerk comes closer but still nowhere near. I alone am the only one willing to teach you the basics of rational thinking.

No, it’s not. Though a minority would fall under that explanation, in half of the cases is a way to ridicule people which one despises and has nothing but scorn. Irony and satire are rarely devices used by people with insecurities that seek attention, in most cases it is the opposite.
Insecure people are too emotionally involved to relax and troll, they are angry and take a defensive posture be it passive (Eucmi, Batman, Pikacu) or active (you).

Thrasher is a troll (not a bad thing in my book), but no one can describe him as insecure.

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Hmm why is that? Oh wait the betas are trying to up their perceived social status by taking pot shots at chads from the safety of their … keyboard. Ironic, isn’t it?

That’s completely delusional. Satire is a communication tool and it can be used by anyone for any reason. Someone can easily mask insecurity under the guise of smug sarcastic remarks that are intended to make them seem as if they feel relaxed and at ease when in reality they are writhing on the inside and hoping someone doesn’t call their bluff. A PERFECT example of this was Anesthetic and his troll accounts (nomufftotuff, shonix, madumlao, dellarian, etc).

LUL, BatZ that just a couple of months ago screeched that Psychology is a…pseudo-science now it is using precisely that to make his point.


Psychology is a descriptive tool but lacks any teeth for predictive power unlike any of the real sciences. IQ for example is a horrible metric for actually measuring intelligence, but it’s a good descriptive tool for talking about intelligence and using it in conversations from a metaphysical sense.

It’s like the Boltzman brain theory. It’s a perfectly valid interpretation of the laws of entropy that the universe was created from a statistically unlikely drop in entropy. All the air particles in a room tend to fill the volume of the room, for example, but by pure chance it is possible they could all zoom to one corner. Well that’s basically the dominant hypothesis for how the “big bang” occurred. But following that line of reasoning a small cluster of particles are much more likely to have a drop in entropy over a small distance than that all the particles in the universe happened to drop into a single point, so it makes sense that it’s more likely in an infinite universe with infinite time and matter that matter just happens to drop into the perfect arrangement to create your brain for a for a few split seconds. In other words, statistically speaking, there are trillions and trillions of your brains floating around in space for every big bang that has ever happened. Statistically speaking, it is likely that you are one of these brains than that you happen to be one in a big bang scenario.

It’s a useful thought tool to describe how insane it is to assume the universe was created in a drop in entropy, but it’s not a testable hypothesis or otherwise useful scientific tool. So we can safely say that the universe being created by a drop in entropy is fundamentally wrong.

Batz is a caricature of projection.

People who are paranoid, accusatory, etc. are often the most likely to be the subjects of their own accusations.

A cheating spouse is constantly paranoid their non-cheating spouse is cheating due to projection. It’s a far developed psychology concept.


You got it wrong. Insecure people talk about sht holes places of others and mock about others to hide their insecurity from admitting they are from some miserable place.

Hiding origin but never stopping to mock about locations of others, whether you call them dumb americans or some EEuropeans… Does this ring you the bell?

Calling rodents when the actions of the very same are that of a rodent (again hiding behind own insecurity, nationality, hiding profile, criticizing players that play the game while not showing what YOu cant do)

What do you call some hyper-ironical and hypocritical person when all they say to others is valid… to themselves?


Gotta love the alt accounts crying in unison that it’s psychological projection for me to notice they can’t answer chemistry questions. Ah yes, this troll’s inability to answer a simple question in the field he claims to be an expert in is just a manifestation of my own insecurity which causes me to not recognize his expertise. Better get all his alt accounts to chime in, so it seems like he has a popular opinion!

It’s pretty insane that a so-called “chemist” would rather theorize about a person’s mental conditions than answer a simple question about diluting vinegar in water. But this guy is a terrible troll so he just doesn’t see how insane his posts are from an outsider perspective.

His alts are all using Felix in some way. Except for IronFelix.


If you are or were a life long blizzard entertainment gamer you would understand. When someone plays each game at or near release and has cultivated an inconceivable amount of fond memories with people who you merely met in-game. Those game’s and your account progression becomes more than a game, the people you befriended become more than other players. It becomes an active part of ones life, and often played a role in being the part of life that was a safe haven from the struggles and monotony of one’s in person life. In many cases including mine, all those players you meet along the way become life long friends, and you know them as well as anyone outside of the game. Those important relationship’s where each others time and roles in each other’s lives are intertwined with all of those games. Blizzard entertainment created the first and to this day most impactful gaming community where players time spent with other players eventually created bonds that are as strong as and in no way different to the one’s people make outside of the game. A true culture, who believed in and trusted blizzard to understand these things and do their best to maintain and further build upon those games. I’ve tried to explain all of this here to people before and in earnest it is not something completely perceivable by someone who has not experienced it.

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Yeah but didn’t Classic Blizzard pretty much invent multiple “game genres” ? So warcraft and starcraft are the original “RTS” for which the description is catered to exactly those games lol. C&C qualifies because it’s a clone, but anything that deviates even slightly form the SC formula is no longer an RTS…

Diablo being the original “action RPG” same story. The “genre” was created to describe Diablo, so naturally people argue that anything that is not literally Diablo or clone “isn’t a true ARPG”

semantic nonsense.