Why do people keep playing the same 10 year old game?

I apologize for the escape of this inmate. He was being treated at Goba Facility but this cunning character deceived the medical staff. He told them that he was suffering from diarrhea and was sent to the closet, there BatZ managed to escape using the pipes that transport s.hit down the river.

If you manage to encounter a smelly guy, he is our men.


I only use twitter sometimes to follow memes accounts and art/archaeology accounts, reat of twitter is like real life battle net forums,filled with people rating over things 24/7.I’m also the pretty old school and I don’t see anything good in instagram and tik tok, I’m afraid of the new generations that are obsessed over such things.


Lots of massively popular RTS games?
The only game I know that fits that description other than bw/sc2 is Age of Empires 2…
I would definitely appreciate if you provided a few more examples. Trying new games can be quite refreshing, and perhaps one of them will stick with me.

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Yes, popular and RTS on the same phrase is something hard to believe. BW is only big in KR, and sc2/aoe 2 are ‘‘popular’’ for a RTS games, but compared to other actual popular games from other genres can be considered totally dead. If you ask me about other popular RTS games I have no idea, most I can tell you is some strategy related games but not RTS.

I like the game despite acticorp’s attempt to ruin it. :man_facepalming:

But like someone else here said, I too am waiting for the next RTS monstah and I believe Frost Giant will deliver that next RTS monstah.

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“RTS” includes Dota and League. Dota started as a map in Warcraft 3. League alone has 115 million active players while SC2 has 0.1% that many players - League is 1000x larger than SC2. It goes to show that the RTS genre is an INSANELY popular genre, SC2 just sucks big time at being a playable game let alone an RTS one.

They really should move SC2 into a new genre - “EAM” aka “Endurance and Multitasking” because those elements vastly outweigh the RTS elements. I got to 5.5k mmr spamming completely random build orders and even managed to beat Code S level players in the process all because EAM mechanics are so much more impactful on the outcome than any strategical element. SC2 cannot be called a real-time “strategy” game when the outcome is 1% strategy and 99% endurance-clicking.

Blizzard is like a bear and SC2 is the dear that the bear has mauled into a pile of mangled flesh. Once it was a great RTS game, now it’s completely unrecognizable, and will slowly rot away into nothingness.

Yes but classical rts in terms of building bases and units and so on is not popular. Moba however is. Moba might be a subgenre of rts but it doesnt mean its a classical rts. Its still a difference.

Despite that how many Players it has doesnt mean that much. Look at football. Many guys still watch it. Its popular despite its just 20 guys acting to be hurt to get a penalty kick. In a 90 minute match Nothing really happens but the people with Beer bellys seem to love it. I dont care At all. Neither do i care that people like league. If You can be Entertained by something that simple i feel sorry.

Imagine calling Dota and League of Legends RTS…
It’s a separate genre with a name for it: MOBA
Also afaik dota was adapted to wc3 from brood war’s custom map Aeon of Storm(or strife or whatever, don’t remember the name), but anyway, the fact that it started as a custom map from an RTS game doesn’t make it an RTS.
Otherwise nearly everything you can imagine is an RTS, even first person shooters (yes there are fps games in the sc2 arcade)…

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Batz at university. :see_no_evil: :hear_no_evil: :speak_no_evil: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey: :monkey_face:


When I read Batz at university I always remember the ponytail guy.


SMH the real Batz at university went like this…

Professors hate him and yet he can still prove Einstein was wrong.

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Oh hey look it’s the guy who doesn’t know what a functional group is despite claiming to have a PhD in Chemistry. :clown_face:

Imagine not knowing the definition of “RTS” then being surprised that “RTS” is a broad category that covers ANY real-time game with heavy emphasis on strategy hence the name “Real-Time Strategy”.

SC2 does not have heavy emphasis on strategy any longer - the game is close to 99% click-speed & endurance and maybe 1% strategy. You have players like Byun who completely ignore the strategical element of the game, doing retarded builds like 1 factory mass marine in TvT, and he can get away with this because strategy is not a dominant element of SC2.

SC2 is a new class of games that focus on high accuracy/speed clicking and keeping that clicking going on for 15+ minutes (endurance), and that’s about it.

No it was quite simple really. I attended the labs because they were fun, some lectures but not as many, and was sometimes invited to participate in groups that performed research projects at local research firms. The professors would often ask me to answer questions when nobody raised their hands, and would often follow up with a second and third question, which after I answered he’d use to tease the students about how a 4th grader was smarter than them. I still remember their reactions to this day. I remember when he remarked that I was the only one taking notes and that he held up my diagram of a ribosome for the class to see. I still have that diagram to this day, by the way.

Biology, chemistry, and earth sciences were by far my weakest subjects, despite they being the classes I attended (for the most part).

Good to know that counter strike can be considered as RTS under that definition.

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RTS is a broad name but usually what’s understood is games like war3, sc2, aoe where you collect resource, build economy, attack and is nor turn based but on the moment, and is not taking days and weeks like mmo strategies, just shorter games.

No one cares how it’s called if tactical or strategy, only Frost giant could bring such games again because they know what’s needed in competition and even if fast clicking shouldn’t be all, it should matter as much as it did in war3

Real Time Strategy is absolutely Total War, they just happen to have a 4x hybrid-RTS mode for campaigns…

i dont get the concept of university at all in the US. How does it work? Is it like school and you just pick some majors and at the end of the day you have a degree with the major you picked? And why is the percantage of people with a bachelors degree so high? its what? 40%?
It doesnt make sense at all in my eyes. If i want to hire a mechnical engineer i expect him to know his stuff when he designs a system and i dont care about his biology knowledge at all. Its cool to visit more courses but then do it privatly. In most EU countries you almost exclusively have the subjects of your field. And only very very few courses that you can actually select from other studies (biology chemistry and so on). And there are even european standards so every employer knows that this is a real and certified degree. I mean yeah there are still elite universities but at leat there is some kind of baseline.

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Yes, when I went to uni, most of the subjects were related, only around 15% of the total credits were ‘‘unrelated’’ studies, which in some way were related too because it was encouraged. I don’t know the current system because it was changed some years later.


50% of my bachelor classes focused on my major chemistry. 100% of my master degree classes focused on chemistry. 100% of my medical school classes focused on medicine.

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