Why Carriers suck, and why blizzard won't fix them

I think maybe the tempest should take on an anti air siege role whereas carriers should take on an anti ground role

Carriers should have just stayed cut when they initially cut them from HOTS, they only brought them back because “It felt weird to cut 1 unit” So now we have a dilemma. The tempest was developed to take the carriers place, so thanks to the last second, mid beta, of the carrier, we now have to capital ships. They kind of step on each other because they are supposed to be siege ships. The other problem with the carrier is there is no good way to balance it. It’s either way too expensive, slow to build and sees no use. Or it’s cheaper/faster and we see too many and get that critical mass that is almost impossible to beat. Then you add it the void ray which is kind of similar. So we have 3 stargate units that are kind of designed around the same premise.

Carriers suck until all of a sudden they are playing against teran and all of a sudden they just seem op… PvT is just broken

how do you think phoenix and oracle are “good” units. And he got thirteen thumbs up. Are you guys retarded? Phoenix and oracle are cheese units that wouldnt have even survived in WOL era and the days of longer games. Because you guys are brainwashed under the guise of 15 minute cheese fests in the worst of the three expansions (LOTV) you actually now think the worst units are the best. Of course I shouldnt be surprised. Especially considering all of the plat/diamond smurfs I run into open 12 pool 100% of the time in 3v3s and 4v4s.

It’s an interesting thought. I never considered that interceptors should ever be free, because I’m used to the carrier as it always was.

An interceptor on its own is a pretty sh1tty unit, slow attack and low hp for it’s tech level. A carrier on it’s own isn’t particularly impressive as well.
The excuse given for broodlings and locusts being free is that they’re not permanent. But a broodloord never stops shooting these “temporary” units, and hence there isn’t a moment when you’re not fighting them as long as the BL is alive.
Locusts take longer to respawn, but the only realistic concern is how strong they are in a fight, which doesn’t last very long on its own so locust lifetime is often sufficient.

Essentially, these “temporary” units are always present when a fight needs to happen.

Meanwhile it takes a carrier forever to build it’s crappy interceptors that on top of that you have to pay for.
It’s likely just as common to see a carrier lose most of them and being forced to be useless for a while, as it is for SHs to be out of a fight until they spawn locusts again.

I now feel like interceptors could be free and carriers would still suck lol.

the carrier is the embodiment of a gold league A-move unit and is the best example of such in the entire game. The way carriers function is the most 1-dimentional and easy to use more than anything else anyone could even come up with. The carrier has huge hp, can move over terrain(because its an air unit) and doesnt do bonus damage against anything so there is no thinking involved. it doesnt have any abilities and if you get multi pronged you can just recall a few. not even sure how this unit exists.

Also im not a fan of the A-moving of those units you mentioned but it is WAAAAY worse with carriers.

interceptors are destructible, so they do sort of have a lifespan. BL are indestructible until it does damge. Who can attack what is not the point of discussion xD

Replace carrier with BC and recall with tactical jump and it’s all the same. BC also has the highest armor value in the game. And if carriers lose their interceptors they are useless units. You cant just TJ on top of an army with carriers you actually have to try and position them correctly if you dont want to lose all your interceptors to widow mines.

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Phoenix is one of the few good protoss units and oracle is an useful unit.

im not a fan of bcs either even as a terran but again i think theres even less micro with carriers, and im sure the changes you would impliment wouldnt add a higher skill sealing it would just give them higher damage or something.

A few years ago there was an update that tehy removed where basically you could deploy interceptors into a certain area but they removed it for some reason. Im not really sure why i actually liked the idea they should have just made it more balanced.

Do we play same game? Couple years are Interceptors not targetable with PB

You target the Carrier, and the PB radius damage kills the Interceptors.

Do we play the same game indeed?

Yes, if Protoss player target fire his own Carriers, but in every other situation are Interceptors arround my Coruptors…

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? what are you talking about noone does that, proves the skill level of those who want to build carriers.