Whoever made skytoss a thing should be ashamed

Again. It was an assumption. That was both correct an wrong. Terrans dont Generally Play less. But silver Players indeed Play less. Those terrans belong there.

Yeah but how many Changes were Made to zerglings or Marines? None. Why? Because they are perfectly Strong.

Why was zealot Changed so frequently? Because it indeed was weaker than those other 2 Units mentioned. It needed Buffs.

And again: i talked about 2017 protoss vs later protoss.

How do i Scramble? We have it black on White that terrans deserve to be where they are based on multiple Stats Like Activity or apm or spm. The only “Argument” that is left for you is: " some Pros say terran is Harder"

Hahaha. Thats weak. Because in all seriousness do you believe that IS the reason why terran is 40% to 50% silver? :smiley:

And what Part about it ?

The destiny Part ? You mean a retired Player who is notorious for raging and who is raging in this exact Moment because He is losing vs skytoss while all He does is a moving corrupters aswell? (Note that it was Like 1 or 2 years ago when He Just quickly logged into sc2 for His viewers)

That is a really smart Argument. Wow.

Where are your quotes from actual discussions in an actual serious Format ? And dont give me those 2 Seconds Player interviews where they banter vs races and Players. Wtf.

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Not in Pvt, NEVER actually, it was every time good or f broken.

But this is the problem in Protoss player mentality, they think every unit has to be great in all match ups, while Terran Mech units are 80% garbage against toss units.

[But Terran Silver players play slightly more - which Sentry neglects to mention]

Also, you had no idea of that at the time, but your narrative never changed for a split second. Please tell me I’m wrong about this?

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Literally at the time stamp said that Protoss was considered the easiest. You know, like everyone else on the planet?

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But they dont ?

Because there are a Million other reasons that are reasonable why terran is flooding silver League.

In the Same sentence its about the f2 a moven Race. Please. Zerg has even less Micro (before lategame spellcasters) but they never get flamed for it.

Something Something bias and Not factual Arguments ?

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Ghosts are incredibly in powerful in TvP. They just aren’t a core army unit, because you’re making them for EMP (a support/utility spell), and not for their stats, and EMP damage is capped by the shields of Protoss units - 1 EMP is the most that most protoss units can be hit by with any effect.

Saying they’re mediocre in the match up is like saying Vipers are mediocre in any match up. There’s just no need to make that many of them because a few is all you need to completely swing a fight, and there are diminishing returns if you make too many because they’re expensive.

As far as “nerfs/buffs”. Snipe was adjusted because of TvZ - its power level in TvP was effectively unchanged, then they completely reworked it into steady targeting, which changed the functionality so it would be more specialized and ineffective vs banes/lings.

EMP was buffed (a buff noone had asked for), then that buff was ultimately reverted, as it was clearly too strong.

Ghost cost was adjusted from 150/150 to 200/100 in WoL, then eventually changed to its current cost of 150/125 ~6.5 years later (they were made a bit cheaper overall to make them more accessible earlier in the game due to the changes of LoTV).


I literally proved it to you. Stop lying please.

Prove them? Rather than just endlessly speculate and circle jerk?

So glad you at least admit Terran has the hardest micro.

THIS is the crux of the issue. Protoss also has the easiest late game. Late game armies should not be easy to control.

I sure am biased. Just like Showtime! (and Crank, and Rotterdam and…)
INB4 “REEEEEEEEEEE! That’s not what they meant (even though they said it), I know what they really meant!”

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I would rather take the Protoss storm instead of EMP, any day.

You certainly did Not. Or Else you would quickly Post Them.

There is no way i could prove Something to you even If its a dead on Proof and we have it black on White. You live in your own world.

Situational. I think yes, Overall terran has the Most Focus on Micro (doesnt Always mean the Micro is hard tho). But as you know, Just spurting Out General Statements is a No No Thing to do.

Also? What do you mean with also ?

Please Show me a serious discussion of Pros where they analyse the races and Talk about Balance. And how hard or easy they are in situations.

Its pretty weird that i need to provide 100 proofs of everything meanwhile your only Argument left right now is “in a very short Clip or Interview someone Said Something without giving explanations or context”

Cool. With that strat you can convince everyone!

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This doesn’t mean that Ghosts are currently a bad unit, or that EMP is a bad ability. Storm is just more flexible and uncapped (although the damage also can’t be stacked).


Nobody said the unit is bad or the ability, but people think ghosts and emp are OP in TvP, which is not true at least right now.


No, EMP is certainly not overpowered, but I don’t think that was ever Asamu’s argument.


Zerg at least has a difficult late game.

I have proven everything I’ve said. You refuted it for years with literal zero evidence before you made one single argument that I admitted was at least relevant. Then I proved you wrong yet again and you refused to acknowledge it.

I only resorted to the “(literally every single) pro agrees with me” only when you started with the “Oh, but Eliwan thinks I’m right” nonsense. You made the “popularity” argument about some nobody Protoss, then I came back with a professional who plays YOUR RACE and you think you know what he means, but didn’t say.

Face it, you got schooled, buttercup. It’s okay to be wrong. I’ve been wrong many times. Hell, I believed in a magical sky daddy for almost 30 years. But it’s not okay to be unwilling to admit it.

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But where ? What ? I cant remember a single Thing from you that was actually factual.

Like terran is harder because 40% of silver is terran?

Depending on what you See as evidence.

For example you are the only Guy i know that would say that terrans popularity has nothing to do with the fact that we are “terran” and the Game is literally adverted to us as Humans or that terran is Designed to be most familiar to us because guess what there are 2 alien races and 1 human Race. Ofc the alien races are Designed differently. They are Alien races…

All These Things apply heavy psychological biases on us. These psychological facts are real and can be named. This is therefore evidence. Its obviously doesnt mean These effects are equally Strong for every Person and obviously some People prefer the complete opposite but thats Just how the real world works. Nothing is Just 0 or 1. Its statistics.

And obviously this was my First Argument since the beginning. Next to the Argument that you cannot actually use a statistic where 1 Race is much much much much more popular and expect that everything will still be even.

And the third Thing that i have Said since the beginning that more Casual Players will Pick terran. This is factually correct (we can use psychological effects or the fact that terran is flooding Low League or that terrans in Low League deserve to be there because their metrics Like Activity apm and spm is simply Not good enough)

Silver terrans are in fact Not master Players. Im sorry.

So there are 3 big reasons i gave you 2 years ago and you are still fuming because you cannot invalidate that. You have literally 0 reason to believe what you believe but you dont Care at all. You Just want to whine.

You came Back with a 2 Seconds short of Showtime explaining why He didnt have a terran in EU to train with.

Does He still have the Same opinion ? Now that there are 2 terrans in eu that overshadow anything that protoss has ?

You Just want to believe that all the pro Players will say: Bourne, you are such a good Boy, you Made it to m1 with terran. We are so proud of you. You have Like 100 mmr less because terran is the moooooost hardest Race.

In reality they dont Care about us in Low Level at all :smiley:

You needed 30 years to figure that Out ? That explains a Lot.

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You’ve really not.


Right. You “can’t remember” how you literally proved yourself wrong on multiple occasions.

Nothing has ever been evidence unless it agrees with you. I wouldn’t expect someone with the IQ of an English Bulldog to notice much, but you have to realize the common denominator.

Literally never said that, but yeah, keep lying, you pathetic little girl.

Stopped reading there. Again and again, brevity.

Oops, almost forgot. You probably don’t know what “brevity” means.

Translation for the hard of thinking: Brevity means keep your posts concise (short? is that dumbed down enough for you?) I don’t have all day to read your plethora of lies.

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“I havent been reading your posts, I just know that I’m right and youre a liar. I cant/wont prove it, but I won the argument, so there.”

Oink oink little piggy.


If you could prove me wrong you would state it Here.

Kinda ironic coming from you. You literally denied that those psychological effects exist only because i cannot straight Up Point it Out in any Metric of nephest. Meanwhile Proof of concept exists. Its reasonable to Argue with effects that were proven correct in many occasions.

Ofc you didnt :smiley: ofc. You Switch your Point of View 50 Times in a row. How can i keep track of what you believe or Not when everything you say doesnt even make Sense?

Someone got realllyyy salty Here :smiley: after all you try to lecture me? What about all the Things you Said? Like Splitting men and women into 2 groups would diminish height difference. Or Same BMI means Same Body. Or that you created a formula based on nothing and calculating every terran needs to have 25% more mmr ? Big gabe sitting there with 8k plus mmr Just because Bourne Said so :smiley: or believing that silver terrans have anything to do with Balance. People in silver know so little about the Game. They are there because the Game is hard, Not because of the Race.

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I have. You just say “2+2=5” and move on with your day.

Never once did that. Argued their validity with regards to designating those “familiar” with those “less skillful.”

Actually you 100% did. It just didn’t turn out the way you wanted it to and proved you wrong. You don’t only not believe me when I prove you wrong. You won’t even believe yourself.

Also? Professional players know so little about the game. The people who know a lot of about the game? Kelthar and freaking Eliwan. Those are the real maestros.

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