Whoever made skytoss a thing should be ashamed

You say this; but directly, the problem is that in multiple of your attempts to be brief your meaning becomes obtuse and impossible to decipher.

More words is, in fact, better, when they serve a purpose. This 40 word post is excellently clear.

That’s why, in particular, this post –

Is so awful. It’s impenetrable because you were trying too hard to use fewer words than the post you were complaining about.

But, of course, you said

When having to read merely 175 non-quoted words.

To use some examples to put in perspective how short that is -

With the line- and paragraph-breaks on one inch margins, that’s barely 4.5 inches down. With both the in-quote text and extra lines for formatting, it’s still seven lines short of a page.

This post is 202 words total. Strictly speaking, most of them are not particularly useful. I could be briefer and more terse, but there is something distinctly lacking when I say just a sting of

Have you tried actually answering questions instead of avoiding them? You’ll find it takes words to do so, not just “I said so” and “I proved it before” - when, demonstrably, by the fact that the question got asked, you have yet to provide a convincing argument.

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This is either an incorrect reading of the argument that was provided to you or does not sufficiently explain what you’re talking about to be useful.

The idea that I believe you’re referencing is that people who are less skillful will have higher preferential views towards familiarity and ease of understanding. Which, in SC’s context, is going to be Terran. It has the highest density of “oh duh” units in its arsenal that have direct analogues to many things both in real life and in dozens of other games.

But I have no way of being particularly confident in that reading, because you’ve used so few words that your meaning is gone.


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Another Response without a valid Point.

Not that hard to understand that People who arent super deep into sc2 (either because they are new or Not experienced ) rather choose the Race that is familiar to Them and get introduced to. Its a simple bias. The First campaign is human (makes Sense because you are human too) so you rather select human. Doesnt mean that ultimatly the Race is easy or the Player is per se less skillfull. Just in that time He certainly is worse. And its a simple fact. Terran has much much much more Casual Players (the Population in Casual leagues is soooo much Higher than the Other races). And thats Not even Something People wonder about.

I dont think and nephest metric proves me wrong. For a Short Time i thought that because the Activity indeed did Not Show less Activity for terran. But this is pretty irrelevant because we can See that those terrans in silver League Play as much as the other races in silver League but Play less than Gold Players etc.

So they indeed deserve to be where they are. Dont know where the contradiction is.

They certainly dont know much about Casual Play.

But are you really trying to say a silver League Players knows His stuff ? Do you really think the only Thing silver terrans is Holding Them Back is their Race ?

Give me a Break.

We Argue with facts and Logic and elaborate ourselves. Something you havent shown yourself and you didnt Show in any Video or Interview you posted.

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Again, this would be a valid point to show that Terran players were the newer players, but this isn’t 2011. The game is almost 15 years old. How many brand new players do you think that we’re constantly getting? We’d have to be getting new players constantly and them quitting before they have any competence.

It absolutely did. You attempted to show that Terran players played less. When I showed you that they actually played more, what was your immediate conclusion? Please tell me.

Again, I’ve proven this incorrect.they have to be playing more per

I’d assume they have greater understanding of the game as a whole. I’ve even talked to them about it on stream. They’ve never stated a threshold at which it becomes true. But I digress. I could literally bring Serral here and have him tell you that Terran is unequivocally the most difficult, you’d come away with the understanding that Serral has no idea what he’s talking about lol.

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Look, sweetie, if you want to get me to read something that long, make it interesting. I don’t read what you have to say because you bore me.

“either new or not experienced”

read again.

They played (slightly) more in one instance when we looked but i gave you the same stat plenty of times and then the activity always matched, meaning no, terran players did not play more.

Why do you always lie?

have to be playing more per? per what? What is that supposed to mean?

Because you never asked?

Serral is famous for saying that especially zerg not as hard as for example lambo wants to act.

Yeah as a whole. But not how it feels like for casual players. You can see them fail miserably in rank roulette. They got better at understanding casual play due to content creators but when they first started to do something like that, they failed miserably.

But i feel you. Someone said something you like, so you arent going to dig deeper or want actual explanations or something.


I asked BeastyQT, but not anyone else. He more or less stated from the bottom to the top.

Right. So you are the one who understands the game. Not the pros. Got it.

I asked you what your conclusion was. You deflected again. I’m glad you admit you were full of it.

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oh. only 1 guy. crazy.

How long was that interview and where can i find it?

this has nothing to do with what i said.

I said the the difference in activity is not high and they mostly the same amount of matches. Back then i did not think too much about it because i should have instantly said: yeah they dont play less as a whole, but the silver terrans in fact do play less than gold/plat players.

so my point was correct since the beginning. casual terrans (players) dont play as much.

but i suspect you want to get to the point of me saying activity isnt worth everything, right? its correct. everyone who knows a bit about learning knows that repeating something is a good thing to do, but it has its limits. you wont be the best player ever if you simply play 10h a day. you cannot say: hey this guy played 5k matches he should be masters now. this is not as easy as you want it to be.

you still did not explain that

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Around 200 words isn’t long. It’s nigh impossible to say something meaningful, nuanced, and clear in less.

People who are bad are disproportionately likely to both pick Terran and not switch races. This does not require newness to SC2, as Sentry said, “not experienced” in quote refers to with RTS.

Says this, doesn’t actually reply to my content because literal third-grade in-class length analysis is ‘too long’.

75 words tight enough for you?


Exactly how many pros do you want me to talk to on stream?

Right. Because of course I’m a liar. I’ll just go back in time to a conversation I had with a dude like 4 years ago and clip it lol.

It’s everything to do with what you said.
Showtime: “Terran is the hardest race.”
You: “No it’s not.”

I did, but you denied it was viable, because of course you did…
Terran has more activity (by 1% to 2% on most occasions, the least it’s ever been is even, literally we’ve checked it dozens of times and the lowest the Terran activity has ever been was even) or equal. It is also roughly evenly distributed among the leagues.

This means that the higher distribution league HAS to have more activity on average. However the margins are to 1%, so if a population subsect has 33% of the total, in order to be viewed at 34%, it would have to have another 3% activity within that league to chose a difference (.33 x 1.03 = .34).

I look forward to how little this finding means to you.

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I wasn’t talking to you. Again, is that what this is about sweetie? I know you want attention but I’m not your daddy.

200 words is plenty brief enough if you have something interesting to say. I read dozens of books per year, but I can’t make it through one of your 200 word posts. Maybe reflect on that?

I think beastyqt doesnt Count as a pro Gamer for an eternity?

So right now you asked Just 1 Guy.

And i want elaborate Interviews with 10 Pros or Something Like an elaborate discussion with Like 5 Pros who are talking to each other.

That would be nice. Thank you

You are.

For example you lie about what i (we) Said. For example that all terrans are more Casual. Thats Not what we Said.

Nope. I Said: they dont know or can relate to Casual Play.

You Said: so you know more about sc2 than the Pros ?

Never have i Seen it in 2%

In Most occasions the difference is at 0%. I have given you the stat multiple Times and it was so often at 0%

When you Go to nephest and compare the Games Played and the Number of Teams in 1v1 you will find that the difference is 0%. Terran has 35% of Games and Teams(Players) in 1v1.

Its worth nothing because its Set on lies.

Not really hard to make any Kind of Argument If we make stuff Up.

I can do that too: i have Seen the Activity of terran at 0% multiple Times so they have 100% more mmr right now than they should have.

I Look Forward to how little this finding means to you.

See? I Lied about what i observed and Made an Argument based on it. Now you have to Tell me how much or little Activity means since terran has 0% Activity :slight_smile:

Actually funny that you wrote that and couple of minutes later you decided to lie hard.

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Right, so you are the guy who understands the game better than a former pro? Let’s just ignore all the other who’s who’ve said it. They didn’t mean what they said. They meant what you want it to mean, eh Sentry?

Either that, or I’ve got to go around interviews scores of pros about which race is the most difficult…

Right, so YOU are the one who knows what it’s like. They don’t.


So my standards of proof are:

Find consistent metrics that prove Terran requires more games. Consistently. Over several periods. AND then also has lower MMR, because playing the same amount but having less MMR doesn’t mean anything. Oh, but we’re not done yet. The statistics can’t contain any clusters, because if it contains clusters, well then that’s because of the people in that cluster, no Terran needs to have lower MMR in every league more or less evenly.

On top of all that, I’m supposed to interview 10+ professional SC2 players on their streams, get them to admit that Terran is the hardest race, but not just that it’s the hardest race, but that it’s the hardest race at all skill levels. Then I’m supposed to clip it and post it here.

Meanwhile, your standards of proof are, but But BUT BUT “the mere exposure effect!”

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Again. This is Not the talking Point. This has nothing to do with what i Said.

How it is to be a Casual / below pro Player ? Obviously.

And Activity and mmr Split by top 50 and bottom 50 percent and apm and spm.

Yeah. Thats a whole Barrage of Standards of Proof.

Meanwhile your “Proof” is: AVG mmr is lower for terran.

Wow. Gj Mate.

If you want to have meaningful quotes from experts…certainly you should do that.

In the academic world you cannot say: Prof XYZ Said this, so it must be true. Even the smartest and Most experienced Scientists need to elaborate themselves.

Another Thing is obviously if they have an Agenda or If they dont actually mean what they say.

For example i also could Go Out and say: hey i have a degree in eletrical engineering so Just Trust me when i say that i can give you a Generator that generates Infinite Energy but big Tech holds me Back and threatens me so please give me 50 k so i can make that Generator.

Would you Trust me ? Based on your logic i could say the wildest Things and as long as i have more experience in that field or as long as i can give you another expert who is saying the Same, i am correct without giving you any explanation.

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In a specific context from a specific position with specific implications. None of which are true where you are applying the quote.

Indeed, you can take things out of context and make people look like they’re saying things they didn’t actually say.

This isn’t the case? If all Terrans play 1% more than non-Terrans that doesn’t mean it’s top- nor bottom-weighted?

Or is that not what you’re saying here? I’m mostly just confused.

I don’t think this is correct. I see the logic mathematically but this is so deep in the weeds that it’s too easy to see done wrong; but much more, it’s also pretty meaningless?

Like… if the average Gold player plays 100 games a week and average Terran Gold players play 103 games a week that’s just still a small difference. I struggle to envision that being more than noise, especially in an environment where there’s so many other variables in play.

You don’t want to engage because you don’t have an actual rebuttal is the entirety of my musings on that. If you don’t want to debate, say that instead. But you clearly do since you keep arguing with Sentry, so.

1- “requires”? Mm, no, that’s not the case. But also, I’ve pulled these numbers, it’s a negligibly small difference.
2- Well, yes, because as has been stated longform repeatedly, Bronze Players Are Bad. The centimetres don’t matter when we’re measuring in miles.
3- Basically all statistics have clusters; also I have no earthly idea what this is even trying to say.



Literally just proved to you that Terran has on average higher activity per league.

Ah, yes. The old "I split them by MMR and then they had the same MMR!!! What a MAMMOTH finding, lol. It should be illegal to think something that stupid, much less say it out loud.

Right! Showtime, the professional Protoss player has an agenda to show that Terran is harder than his race. That’s what makes the most sense. He has an agenda. Not you…

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You mean did some weird mental gymanistics to somehow Claim that even tho there is no difference in Activity right now there is still difference in Activity.

Got you champ.

Your First counter Argument to that was: if we Split Up Humans Like that the height difference between men and women would dissapear.

The fact that you dont get what it means doesnt invalidate the fact it holds.

These are your twisted words.

But again…i Hope you understand why we need elaborate discussions and Not some 5 Seconds Interviews from 6 years ago.


It’s there, it simply has to be, and you know it, because you even admitted that Terran player play “slightly more”

No, it wasn’t You just lied. Again…

It’s literally what you’re saying. You say I keep twisting your words, I’m just saying it in its most raw form. Then you can hear just how insanely stupid it sounds.

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Let’s have a list of all the things you know better than the pros about. Shall we?

Showtime, BeastyQT, Polt, Crank (I don’t have time to list them all): Terran is the hardest race

Sentry: No, that’s not what they mean/They don’t understand the game at my specific MMR, I know better!

Demuslim: Terran has the weakest scouting

Sentry: Nah, no it doesn’t

Uthermal: Terran has a tragic late game
Gumiho: Don’t go late game
Crank: If the game goes late, you can win vs Zerg, you just have to have better control. Against Protoss, no, probably not

Sentry: Terran has an amazing late game!

Literally everybody: Terran has the hardest micro
Sentry: No, it’s situational. Terran doesn’t have the hardest micro! REEEEE

Literally nothing is harder about Terran according to you. It’s hilarious. You’re just plain ridiculous. You and your little gurl posse.

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Sentry is a dude called imeurotrash. He also posts under abs, but I am not sure about Eliwan. It’s very easy to spot alt accounts. If they never interact except to upvote, that strongly suggests an alt account. If they post within seconds of one another, that means a dude on his phone and on his pc at the same time. If they have totally different posting schedules, it means a dude logged into different accounts on different computers. If they have the same carbon copy opinion, it’s the same dude. So usually they will have 1 account that is their main that they put most of their effort into their posts, and then they will have 2 or 3 low effort accounts that do short but agitating troll like responses which have no real substance to them except to troll another poster. So take abs for example. Extremely low effort, posts literally nothing except personal attacks towards me, and Eliwan upvotes every posts he makes but never responds to him and shares the same exact bias and behavioral patterns. He also uses the same vernacular across all his accounts.

Literally the only person in the universe to use the pronoun “batzy” to describe people he doesn’t like. It’s such a strange behavior that you can instantly spot his alts with it.

EDIT: Oh, another tell is if they share really odd opinions. It wouldn’t be sus if two people happened to both like chocolate. But when both people share an eccentric behavior or opinion, that’s highly suspicious. I showed Eliwan 3 ways to calculate protoss’ advantage in grandmaster, he lied and said I had shown nothing. Abs by contrast is shown video clips where I beat parting and the after game screen shows my mmr and he still lies about my mmr and lies that I’ve never proven it. So they both have the same eccentric behaviors. They are the same person.

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