One, the Zealot has been bad at points in its life. Not really true of the Ghost.
Two, the Ghost’s EMP changes are a perfect reversion:
4.10.1: Added Enhanced Shockwaves (EMP Radius 1.5 → 2.0)
(4.10.2, .3, .4; 4.11, .1, .2, .3, .4, 4.12, .1, 5.0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, .10 - 21 patches, no changes)
5.0.11: Removed Enhanced Shockwaves, EMP radius increased from 1.5 to 1.75
5.0.12: EMP radius decreased from 1.75 to 1.5.
Sure, with a long gap between them, but the 5.0.12 EMP is the same as the 4.10.0 EMP. They felt the upgraded EMP was too much; so removed it, but the upgrade was added for a reason, so they gave it a different buff. Then decided that it wasn’t needed.
This is not true for the Zealot’s various charge adjustments? For full context, LotV beta started with increasing their raw speed, then shifted to the impact damage bonus for launch, 3.0.4. 3.8.0, 22 patches later, decided to add both things, giving them Stalker speed and keeping the impact damage. 3.14.0, 8 more patches, lowered the cost of Charge.
There was then a long silence for the Zealot - 4.11.0, 50 patches - though many were small and some not for ladder - later, they decided they wanted to nerf its up-front combat. Because Charge offered too much - the maneuverability and damage made it hard to deal with and easy to use –
(on separating Charge and Charge Impact Damage)
(oct 3) We believe the power spike gained from researching the Charge upgrade could be a bit too high for its cost and comes a bit too early in the game, therefore crowding out other gateway options. With this change, we’d like to smooth out that power curve. After this change, we believe Protoss will have a more difficult time defending early third bases against Terran, as well as pursuing all-in strategies against Zerg and Terran mech with Chargelots.
(oct 29) We’d also like to put a pause on these changes for in favor of some alternate proposals. For Zealots, we hear concerns regarding Protoss’s resulting overall power level after this change.
(on movespeed)
A concern we’ve had regarding the Zealot is its raw frontal power, especially when compared to its ease of use and the relative difficulty of defending against them. Thus, we’d like to try this change that aims to exchange its direct power in favor of increased mobility. This change would also restore the age-old relationship between weapon-upgraded Zealots and carapace-upgraded Zerglings. Because an exchange of damage for speed moves its power into a drastically different area, we categorize this change as very experimental. We’ll especially be looking at how the increased speed impacts their relationship against kiting Stimmed units.