Whoever made skytoss a thing should be ashamed

So what does this mean? Or do you mean terran? Its pretty confusing now, honest to god.

So if we talk about “most difficult to get TO pro level”, what are the guys who are getting to pro level? What subgroup of people are GETTING TO pro level?!

…Semi pros?

Yeah, shouldn’t have expected you to get it without me spelling it out.

Terran most difficult to get to the top level with.

Protoss most difficult once you get there.

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Ok but who again is having a hard time to get to the top level?

First of all how many players are at the top level? If you say the top 10 how many people are there who have a hard time to get to the top 10? Like 20 people?

Anybody who isn’t in the top level? More specifically, people in Masters to low GM.

You’re always stretching the dude’s quote to mean whatever you want him to mean. Top 10? When did he say literally anything that specific? What he said was “Terran is the hardest race.” What you heard was a totally different thing.

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In order to get to the highest level of play you need to be at a very high level of play.

This is well within reason to assume. And very high level of play is what? Mid-GM?

Ok, another question. He said he doesnt have terran practise partners, right? Who does he want to practise with? … certainly not masters to low gm :slight_smile:

You get the logic of what i am trying to say?

This is exactly what im trying to say. Who he wants to practise with? Also i said its important for like 20 people. You know? very high level players trying to get to the highest level of play. Ofc you can say hey maybe he wants to play withing top 50 or 60 of all players. That still means terran is only harder for about 0.00001% of players and not like every single silver player has it harder. Thats what you are trying to say or try to hear from the statement. But that doesnt make any sense.

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Right, so he wants to be practicing with people who are mid to high GM, and those players who aren’t there (because the race is too difficult) are going to come from where exactly?

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Nope. Only high gm. Depending on the definition ofc. If we declare mid gm like top 100 to 50 we, right now, have players goblin offrace (terran) / krystianer offrace (zerg) / harstem offrace (terran) or tlo main (zerg) in this range.

You see a pattern there? They are not suitable practise partners. If your next opponent is maru are you gonna practise with goblins offrace terran? LOL. No.

Meaning we only want actual high level players to practise with. High level practise partners arent there he says. Who can rise to be high level practise partners? Exactly…people who are mid and close to top gm. And who are they? They are the maybe 20 terrans in between top 100 and top 50 gm on every server. Meaning terran might be too hard for those 20 terrans in this range of play.

Thats it. Thats all.

Ghosts and what?, you would build like 3-4 ghosts and the rest of the army would be different.

There is now way you will go mass ghosts against Toss as if you are playing against zerg, that is the most stupid, weakest strategy ever against Protoss.

The stupidity on these forums is incredible.

Exactly. You have given yourself the answer. Thank you. No need to be offensive.

I also said:

…critical mass OR tech switch. I was not implying that you will go for only ghosts. Nor did i imply that critical mass always means 20 ghosts. Critical mass means critical mass. Can be 5, can be 20. Its about the context. I think 99% of sc2 players can understand the context perfectly.

And also…its part of a joke you know? Dont you know the copypasta in twitch chat about ghosts? They are pretty good…

Its kinda sad that you imagine a scenario that i did not say to be true and then mock my intelligence. Also…thats pretty ironic.

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Ghosts have been nerfed many many times (both snipe and emp)

Yeah it is a necessary unit in tvp, but it is not even close how good and efficient it is in tvz.

It is slightly above mediocre in TvP which needs constant fk supervison and micro.

The fact that you would put ghosts vs zerg and ghosts vs protoss in the same sentence means you either are a complete noob or you do not know wtf you are talking about.

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Im a master with every Race but OK

This is so freaking wrong its hilarious.

The Last emp “Nerf” was Just the buff getting revoked.

But anyway. I wont feed the Troll anymore. So gl hf, Bye.

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Too bad you can not formulate one idea properly, which actually is worse.

Ghosts vs Zerg and Ghost vs Protoss,

Jesus, think about something before you post, it so stupid.

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You ever notice it’s always the same thing with you? Didn’t matter what he said, you’ve never given a moment’s pause. Did he SAY “Terran is only hardest at the highest level?” Or did you just decide that’s what he meant?

Again, it was you that presented player inactivity as a probably possibility of Terran’s lower MMR distribution. When I proved you hilariously wrong, did you even stop to think you might be incorrect in your conclusion? Or did you just pivot into the next argument?

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Interesting that you hold the Ghost to such a standard, but not the Charge Zealot. I thought the Zealot got nerfed? Please explain.


One, the Zealot has been bad at points in its life. Not really true of the Ghost.

Two, the Ghost’s EMP changes are a perfect reversion:

4.10.1: Added Enhanced Shockwaves (EMP Radius 1.5 → 2.0)
(4.10.2, .3, .4; 4.11, .1, .2, .3, .4, 4.12, .1, 5.0, .1, .2, .3, .4, .5, .6, .7, .8, .9, .10 - 21 patches, no changes)
5.0.11: Removed Enhanced Shockwaves, EMP radius increased from 1.5 to 1.75
5.0.12: EMP radius decreased from 1.75 to 1.5.

Sure, with a long gap between them, but the 5.0.12 EMP is the same as the 4.10.0 EMP. They felt the upgraded EMP was too much; so removed it, but the upgrade was added for a reason, so they gave it a different buff. Then decided that it wasn’t needed.

This is not true for the Zealot’s various charge adjustments? For full context, LotV beta started with increasing their raw speed, then shifted to the impact damage bonus for launch, 3.0.4. 3.8.0, 22 patches later, decided to add both things, giving them Stalker speed and keeping the impact damage. 3.14.0, 8 more patches, lowered the cost of Charge.

There was then a long silence for the Zealot - 4.11.0, 50 patches - though many were small and some not for ladder - later, they decided they wanted to nerf its up-front combat. Because Charge offered too much - the maneuverability and damage made it hard to deal with and easy to use –

(on separating Charge and Charge Impact Damage)
(oct 3) We believe the power spike gained from researching the Charge upgrade could be a bit too high for its cost and comes a bit too early in the game, therefore crowding out other gateway options. With this change, we’d like to smooth out that power curve. After this change, we believe Protoss will have a more difficult time defending early third bases against Terran, as well as pursuing all-in strategies against Zerg and Terran mech with Chargelots.
(oct 29) We’d also like to put a pause on these changes for in favor of some alternate proposals. For Zealots, we hear concerns regarding Protoss’s resulting overall power level after this change.
(on movespeed)
A concern we’ve had regarding the Zealot is its raw frontal power, especially when compared to its ease of use and the relative difficulty of defending against them. Thus, we’d like to try this change that aims to exchange its direct power in favor of increased mobility. This change would also restore the age-old relationship between weapon-upgraded Zealots and carapace-upgraded Zerglings. Because an exchange of damage for speed moves its power into a drastically different area, we categorize this change as very experimental. We’ll especially be looking at how the increased speed impacts their relationship against kiting Stimmed units.


You’re kidding, right? Early LotV and frankly the majority of HotS that was the case after the WoL snipe nerf and the initial rework of the ghost in early LotV.


Actually I didn’t know this was the case, somehow this knowledge passed me by - so thank you

Not true, but also completely irrelevant.

And the Zealot went from:

  1. No damage with charge
  2. Damage with charge
  3. No damage with charge but moves even faster

In other words, a net buff, which your daddy lists as a nerf (because at one point it was arguably stronger). Meanwhile, he’s discarding the reversion of EMP, which was doubtless a nerf.

Except you didnt.

While its true that those silver Players arent less active than their zerg or protoss counterparts they are still less active than gold Players and Higher. Meaning that there are terrans who dont Put the Work in is completly correct.

Because simply adding some Ghosts completly invalidates 2/3 of StarCraft.

They buffed a unit that is already extremly good.

The difference is: the Ghost did Not need a buff at all while the zealot needed it.

How do you keep failing to See the Point ? Are you that dense? I was asking you how protoss got buffed AFTER they Had their Prime Time in 2017. They Had 8 DMG Impact and faster movement Speed in late 2016 (Impact DMG from 30 got nerfed to 8 in 2015). The price of Charge was lowered in mid 2017 but AFTER that they only got Hit with 1 Patch and it was a Nerf. No Impact DMG but they got faster.

This was my whole Point.

Protoss in 2017, good.
Protoss after that, bad.

You are the one who is jumping from Point to Point to Point whenever you are losing. Like Seen above again. Now you come Back to Players Activity. Dont know why because it still says that silver terrans deserve to be where they are. And you did that after you lost the Argument which Players are even able to practise with Showtime. Showtime will Not practise with People Like you or me. He wants to Play with actually good Players to practise. Like for example clem. He needed Clem to practise so He can prepare for the koreans.

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Yeah, except you know I did. You literally posted it without checking, then I did, and you immediately flipped to “Oh, activity doesn’t matter”

Irrelevant to the argument. Not to mention, the Charge Zealot is one of the best units in the entire game, and it’s a core unit. Literally the last unit anyone should ever try to change.

I never stopped talking about it. It’s always been there. I just love how you scramble

Here’s yet another guy with no idea what he’s talking about (in addition to literally every pro who’s ever had an opinion about it):


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