Right, so you pylon block a hole into his wall & pray he leaves the pylon alone & doesn’t scout your main. Interesting.
If I have no idea what I’m doing how does my opponent? Another PvP… zzz…
I had a climbing buddy who played sc2 as a masters 1 protoss. He was always on the cusp of a gm promotion & couldn’t ever make it work and it was severely affecting him to the point it ruined his day. So anyway he married a chinese millionaire’s daughter & moved off to portland. Basically haven’t heard from him since then. So anyway the dude would probe scout for proxy gates literally every single PvP. He didn’t bother scouting the main. He always got a sentry & scouted the main later on. He liked robo styles mostly.
So anyway if a 5k toss doesn’t bother to check for proxy gates, that’s pretty cut and dry proof the talent has declined because 5k mmr is equivalent to ~5500 mmr from 2016. 5k mmr today gets you about rank 100 in GM and that in 2016 used to be 5500 mmr (today: https://sc2pulse.nephest.com/sc2/?season=59&queue=LOTV_1V1&team-type=ARRANGED&us=true&bro=true&sil=true&gol=true&pla=true&dia=true&gra=true&page=0&type=ladder&ratingAnchor=99999&idAnchor=0&count=1#ladder-top
, 2016: https://sc2pulse.nephest.com/sc2/?season=28&queue=LOTV_1V1&team-type=ARRANGED&us=true&bro=true&sil=true&gol=true&pla=true&dia=true&gra=true&page=0&type=ladder&ratingAnchor=99999&idAnchor=0&count=1#ladder-top
So a Masters 1 protoss (4900 mmr) from 2016 knew how to beat proxy gate but a 5500 equivalent today can’t do it. That’s a huge skill regression. It’s not surprising honestly. I’ve noticed the same thing. It’s crazy easy to be in grandmaster right now and that’s with cross region play & smurfs which in theory should make it harder. But that’s a cool win none the less. I liked the pylon block to ensure there was a way to get into the main.
I played clowncrunch again tonight & had the dude & his chat crying that hydras are OP by the end of a game. One of the chatters was a 5k gm terran called “ATC” who was saying “hydras op” in the chat. Hydras are giga trash. The only reason to make them is to flex. They just don’t realize they are being massively outplayed by an inferior unit comp. The guy has tanks and ghosts and liberators & he’s still struggling to keep bases. You just do hydra run-bys. Imagine you’re a gangster and you’re shoot up a competitors buisiness. Now you know how this works. You send 12 hydras to snipe bases while the rest turtle on creep & slow his army down with fungal. 9 times in 10 the terran will panic f2 his army and leave his tanks exposed. You surround, pre split, add in a few lings to absorb tank shots. Alternatively you can neural with burrow.
They’re OP and also boring. Ravagers, vipers, infestors and swarm hosts are easily the most enjoyable units that you can use as Zerg. You say you don’t want to play terran because of the lack of difficulty but then mass the zerg equivalent of marines.
You can do lots of interesting things with them, like burrow ambushes to kill bases or medivacs, or doom drops into the terran’s main.
Leveling up a new account. He played zerg & my zvz can beat meomaika and sortof.
EDIT: The dude’s crazy. When I am on my main account, he acts like a normal human being. But if I am an alt, he magically transforms into a colossal tool. I tell him “gl” and he proceeds to tell me I am going to need it. So I lighten the mood with star wars joke. The dudes rants at me in the chat about how his mmr with his offrace is higher than my mmr with my main. The dude woke up on the wrong side of the bed. Anyway I clap him with a meme build and requeue. Get him again, and try to start a conversation about the map we are on & what race is strongest right now. He starts insulting me in the chat, saying I don’t know anything about starcraft. It’s like, woah, chill out dude. So I am wondering what this guys problem is so I check the vod and he’s trash talking me to his chat, crying that I am a stream cheater & calling me various names and saying I “harass” him and that my behavior is “very concerning”. He then accuses a random person in his chat of being me. In the game I commented on how the map is good for toss. The dude somehow concludes that means I am a cheater. Somehow thinking X map is good for toss is cheating according to him. He’s super paranoid and takes out his paranoia on other people.
I hate playing against him, but he’s the only 5k player on this time of night. The dude’s been calling me a hacker for years, for example. He thinks I am stream sniping him when I actually wish I didn’t have to play him. I wish I could just block him & never have to interact again, sorta like what I do with the crazies on these forums. Someone lies about you and I just block 'em and forget they exist. But by blocking him, he will still be lying about me to his chat every time we play. Blizzard needs to allow the ability to block opponents so you never have to play them again.
This is what I was saying about how the SC2 community is a hairpin trigger away from explosive rage. People actually watch him & enjoy it. It’s messed up, dude. Then again, they also liked watching avilo. So, yeah. There is demand for hard-core BM like clown crunch or there is demand for super soft polite people like neuro. Nobody in the sc2 community likes to do lighthearted banter. There is no demand for that.
I actually think the guy is kinda intimidated by me. That might explain it. Maybe he’s having a bad night, but then again he’s been doing this for years. I have this really bad habit of trying to rationalize other people’s bad behavior when what I really need to do is just accept that they actually mean it, and that’s just who they are.
6500 isn’t a semi pro yet?
You’re right. What he said was “Terran is the hardest race.” What he meant was “Terran is the hardest race at some arbitrary MMR that Sentry should determine”
It should be, no? Well actually maybe its too high. There are some pros that are actually at this level or lower. Like wayne, elazer, goblin and so on. Actually 6.5k might be pro
You wanted a threshold after i said its about semi pro to pro. I gave you a threshold. Now you say these are arbitrary mmr.
What are you on about? Doesnt matter what i say you will want the exact opposite next time. Its Like you are trying to Look for excuses to somehow make me Look wrong.
You are also constantly lying about Things that i Said. For example you Claim i say that ALL terrans are more Casual.
How many expos you using to fight vs skytoss ?
Technically neuro, upatree & jason are all pro’s. Neuro is 4900 ish, upatree is 5k, and jason is ~5500. That’s why I always bust up laughing when people say “you’re not good enough to go pro”. It’s like, dude, your skill level has nothing to do with if you are a professional or not. There are loads of plumbers who really shouldn’t be plumbers because they just can’t do the job right. The same is true for any industry. Ironically there are a lot of skilled people who aren’t pro. Skill level really doesn’t have anything to do with the matter.
I did some electrical on a job site. They brought me in to clean up a mess caused by another guy. Few of the plugs nor switches had been installed before the drywaller covered them up, some of the wires hadn’t even been put into outlet boxes yet meaning live bare-end wires exposed in the wall. What little had been wired all had issues. He got all sorts of wires crossed or simply wired it wrong. You gotta figure out how he wired it and how to transform his bad wiring into a correct, code-worthy solution without busting holes in the wall. He put plugs on the wrong sides of two-sided walls. He tied neutrals and grounds inside some of the plugs. The list goes on and on. The power company set up a meeting with him to go over how he messed up the main panel & they are pointing out all the code violations in the national electric code book. The dude said he’d never seen that book in his life.
A professional simply makes a living from doing some sort of work. It doesn’t mean they are good at it. So where you put the MMR cutoff for pro is totally arbitrary.
Didn’t that guy also get in trouble for doing cars up and painting them on his front yard?
Nah that was me. My grandfather had a used car business & I ended up with some of his hot rods when he died. I sold them off. Fierros, firebirds, etc. We had people calling in that we hadn’t heard from in decades wanting to buy his cars. So in utah there is a law that you can’t do bodywork without a license and this is because unibody cars use the body of the car as a structural component. So they’ve had issues with shady dealers pumping out restored cars that had structural issues. But this law doesn’t apply to anyone who sells fewer than 6 cars a year, and it’s really there to regulate the salvage business which is where cars are severely damaged. A guy who worked for a large car dealership in town was always reporting my grandfather’s business and started reporting me when I started working on my own cars. So the investigators came out and instead of being cool about it threatened me with a felony because I applied bondo to the side of a car. Bondo is something you apply to a small dent that bonds to the metal & which you sand until the dent is no longer visible. After paint, the bondo disappears. Felonies are the most severe class of crimes, murders, assault, etc. The police were not sending their brightest because this guy thought it was a felony to sand quarter-sized dent out of a car for purely aesthetic purposes. Even if it were major bodywork the law still wouldn’t apply because I am not a dealer who sells more than 5 cars a year.
Good example of the hydra play I have been talking about.
Must’ve been a bad year for you, champ. If they let you redo your cars in peace maybe you could’ve met that threshold so we can address you as felony Batz.
You know how old people get. They are barely there by the end. Death by old age is a process of slowly slipping away. Death is smeared out across a decade. By the end, they are withered away, unable to do anything they enjoy, and just waiting for the end. It wasn’t too bad for me, but then again I have a mind of steel so I wouldn’t be the best person to ask. I grew up with a medical condition that caused severe chronic pain. Imagine the worst stomachache you’ve ever had and multiply it by 10. My father was skeptical of doctors & so I just had to live with it until it was so bad I ended up in the ER & it was resolved. So anything after that point in life was crazy easy. I’d already beaten life on hard mode.
Got a masters 1 player with the burrow swarmhost move. Just need to get a GM to complete the challenge. Then it’s on to the next one. Burrow is what won the game. Burrowing in the main was the game winning move. They are definitely doing “shadow balance updates” by the way. I’ve noticed spines are better vs ultras & swarmhosts can now walk through locusts. I actually lost 2 games to berry because the spine buff vs ultra makes my 2 base ultra followup considerably weaker vs muta players. I tried it twice on berry and he beat it easily each time because 4 spines apparently beat an ultra now. I had to bring out the tryhard followup which is to simply build spores at the head of they nydus, and that requires the no-upgrade and no ling speed style because you have to get the nydus before he gets his mutas out. You also need queens to transfuse the nydus vs his lings in case he sees it. So it’s a very different build.
You just decided that’s what he meant. You didn’t like ask him to clarify. I took what he said at face value, which of course is flawed, but you straight up decided you knew what he meant, especially when he himself states that Protoss is the most difficult at the pro level.
It is arbitrary. He never said that. You just made up your mind what he meant. Talk to him on stream some time. He’s actually a pretty down to earth guy.
Hes a toss. Ofc Hes reasonable.
Because reasonable People can Read the context.
He didnt say: hey terran is the Most difficult Race on noob Level so its only Natural that we dont have many top pro Level Guys. Thats what you want to Hear.
But obviously we both dont know what He meant exactly.
So He says protoss is Most difficult Race on top pro Level but you say He means that terran is the hardest Race for any Level but pro Level ? Weird.
Guess what. Harstem finally found a replay where he concluded that there was imbalance. It’s TvZ lategame brood, viper, infestor vs thor ghost liberator. I think this is only a challenge that SLAMMER can endure. Show the power of swarm hosts against mech in lategame TvZ.
It’s crazy hard because mech is so bad it’s impossible to find mech players.
Yeah broods are a meme. They have absolutely no use in any matchup. Ghost is busted because a dude with rapid fire can delete entire armies for energy cost only. Not only is it strong, it’s reliable. Add on the insane multitasking challenge of finding nukes and it’s impossible to attack, micro vs the ghosts, and still find where the nuke is going to land. The only two units good vs ghosts are lings and banes, and those are useless vs a terran late game setup with tanks, liberators, planetaries.
Even if the nuke announced where it was at, it would still be strong because a single click from the terran forces 10 or 20 clicks from the zerg in response. Move spines, move drones, cancel eggs, etc.
Swarmhost bane corruptor is the best solution to late game terran at the moment because you mass spines and make 20 banes while you double nydus like crazy. You stay on a low worker count all game, like 60ish. The swarmhost nydus is too mobile for him to be in position & it ignores liberation zones. Corruptors clear out liberators & deal with medivac or liberator harass & spot for the nydus. Banes are there in case he moves out. They are an attention check. You ram the banes into his army if he isn’t paying attention & you try to get rid of either marines or hellbats which then allow a wave of defensive locusts to clean up his push. You can even use the nydus to sandwich him.
Right. See this is why it’s not easy to have conversations with people who say something this stupid. Oh, everybody that plays “my” race is somehow reasonable and makes a lot of sense. People who play the other races aren’t, though.
The most difficult to get to the pro level.
Once you’re at the zenith of the pro level, it’s very difficult to be consistent.
Nah. Its just very common knowledge in this community that terrans have the most amount of whiners and also pretty whiny pros.
Zerg is inbetween there are some whiners like lambo and scarlett. we have heard from them that basically any zerg unit is bad. muta bad, hydra bad, lurker bad, everything bad
With toss idk any big pro that is whining hard Its probably that way because protoss got memed on since the beginning.
So its not based on “its my race”.
Now what? Protoss is hardest to get to the pro level and also hardest at pro level?
Thats confusing
What? He never said anything about Protoss being the most difficult to get to the pro level at, only that they’re hardest once you’re already at the pro level.