Which Zerg Brood/Pack is the strongest?

Happens off-screen. Like all the cool Warfield or Kel-Moria stuff.

^This. She also uncharacteristically held off from pressing her advantage and then went quiet for four years. From the Epilogue we know she started to be concerned about a more powerful force and greater threat on the horizon (paraphrase), and began building up and finding new strains from there.

I can’t prove it, but I’m of the opinion that she was already under Amon’s influence at this point; thus the reason she was acting out of character.

Whatever Blizzard retcons it to be.

Since you guys are being pedantic and nitpicking:

“a bunch of losses” is not equal to “a majority of her forces”

The bulk of her broods were just in a battle too. She’s not going to be strongest here vs building up for 4 years.

What qualifies as in-character? According to Wikipedia her only consistent personality trait is her lack of identity. She acts completely different in every campaign she appears.

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I don’t see how its pedantic. If you have two forces of 100 troops each fighting each other, and both are wiped out, that’s still not a bunch of losses if your army is a million troops strong.

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Do we really consider one Zergling in a mission to be one Zergling in the lore?

No? I just picked two numbers that compared nicely to each other. Any resemblance to actual gameplay versus lore numbers is entirely coincidental.

It just seemed like you were relating losses in the mission to lore casualties in an 1:1 ratio.

During the “Brood War,” it would be using, and then massacring anyone that was in her way to being top-of-the-food chain.

She started letting a lot of people live, people that could, in time, be threats to her.

Letting them be seems out of character.

100 is a bunch. Not relative to a million, but that has nothing to do with the core point I was making.

No, she made sure they could never return to power, which is why it’s stupid the Dominion is top dog again in SC2.

By that definition, almost everything is “a bunch” though. It makes it meaningless as a term.

It isn’t. Its only top dog relative to the Umojans, who don’t have a real army in the first place, the KMC, who are dubiously even a single organized faction, and the Raiders, who have a single battlecruiser.

Since Bart is a normal person and unlike me, is asleep…

It is up to me to protect Terran honor against this disgusting Alien propaganda!

Mighty Dominion Fleet of Emperor Mengsk lets you pitiful cold hearted creatures live only because of Emperor’s vast resource of Patience and Mercy.

So put a sock on it.


Bunch (noun) - a number of things of the same kind

At no point did I imply it was the majority or even a large relative amount. The core point was that you’re not going to be stronger after a battle than after a period of rebuilding. This holds true even for the bulk of her forces on Char that have been through several recent battles.

Skehan seemed to get it, whereas you’re being pedantic for no apparent reason.

You made a statement that was incorrect in real common language, if not in technicality, and then based a point on it. What do you want me to do, not call you on it?

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I expect you to stop replying after I clarify what I meant instead of being nitpicky and still talking about it.

I’ve played Brood War like 90 times. Do you really think I forgot that the bulk of Kerrigan’s broods were on Char? :roll_eyes:

I think if you make a point, and its based on something you said that was wrong, you should shrug, say “yeah, ok, I said that badly, what I meant was X” instead of trying to defend saying something foolish that we all knew was wrong. And now youre in here trying to berate me for starting a fight when you were the one who got belligerent about it.

You said a thing. It was wrong. Own up to it and move on, theres no need to turn it into a giant issue.

Uhm, no. I’m not apologizing for something where it’s both obvious what I mean and also technically correct. I don’t care that my post could be interpreted in a way that’s incorrect and easy for you to jump down on. You’ve got it twisted; that’s not how that works.

Sure, my initial post wasn’t clear and I clarified my stance in post #33.

I leave for one minute and hell breaks loose.

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That settles it: she definitely was under the influence of Amon already.

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