When will next new commander come out?

You mean Izsha, Overmind, Niadra and Zurvan? Those are who are left and they all are Zerg. (Although Zurvan is Primal.)

Yeah, one of those. And not a gimmick like Stetmann.

Gimmicks are the point of coop. Overmind/Izsha/Niadra/Zurvan without a gimmick would be pointless.


Well, for Arcturus; (aside from being Dominion) we didnā€™t know what his gimmick would be.

For Overmind; Iā€™m thinking It, Itself would basically be the base. It could also have access to Brood War units.

Zurvan could have food as a top bar resource. He could build Feeding Pits near him to giving him food increasing his resource. Maybe have 3 Feeding Pits near Zurvan with about 3-5 Drones gathering food?

Nova CO uses Nova as a hero.

Iā€™m still not quite sure what your point is.

Terran has Hero units.

Okay, and who said they donā€™t have heroic units? The entirety of Tychus as a Commander is a group of heroes.

You quite clearly said Terran COs have a large lack of HUs.

Ah, youā€™re reacting to that post. Letā€™s see, out of six Zerg Commanders four have heoric units, out of six Protoss Commanders three have heroic units and out of six Terran Commanders only two have Heroic units. Plus Swannā€™s laser drill if you want to be generous.

So yeah, Terrans are lacking.


But, out of those, Protoss and Terran have the most HUs. Also Dehaka playersā€¦ They really enjoy killing me in coop. Idk why, it makes them lose the game and shows their low IQ.

Well, that was the original design philosophy of Coopā€¦
All Protoss would have Spear Of Adun for their abilities
All Zerg would have a hero unit
I forgot what the deal with Terran was, but suffice to say, they ended up breaking away from that uniformity.

And depending on how we define ā€œgimmickā€, just look on the info section for each CO, as well as their lv1 talents. That typically tells us what their gimmick will be, and how we should be playing them.


Iā€™m not expecting anything til Spring since quarterly reports seem to be their thing now according to other game forums.

How about this as a gimmick: The next coop commanders does not release in a buggy, almost broken state. That would be a nice gimmick I could get behind. But maybe too ambitious?

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Well I would like to rather have gimmicks with needing a month to be fixed.

ā€¦ its almost been 2 months since the next patchā€¦ T-T

the problem is not the faction or the unused units, the problem is the skinset.

The Ihan-rii skinset is already used, all the others have (or should have) a proper skinset.

-Artanis: Daelaam (default)
-Vorazun: Nerazim (still waiting for that skinset Blizzard :rage:)
-Karax: Glacius Purifiers (if you confront the Glacius Purifiers skins and the Cybros Purifiers skins they are a lot different. Here too Iā€™m waiting for the skinset)
-Alarak: Forged
-Talandar: Purifiers
-Zeratul: Ihan-rii

How you can see, all commanders have (or can have) a proper skinset.
Rohana or Selendis can have the Golden Age skinset, maybe they will use Golden Age for Rohana and Selendis will have a Golden Armada skinset, or an Akilae Tribe skinset, or in the opposite way, Rohana will have a Preserver skinset. Tassadar (Ourus) can have a SC1 skinset, since is really likely that Ourus will be used when he use the Tassadarā€™s avatarā€™s ghost, since there is data about a Tassadar commander.
Jiā€™naraā€¦ wellā€¦ I higly doubt she will be a commanderā€¦ the reason is quite simple. She donā€™t have a full body model, soā€¦ what they will use for the Co-Op menu? A floating Jiā€™naraā€™s head? They donā€™t even bothered to do an Han full body model even if she is the one that have more power as a commander, since Horner have just two structures, 4 units e half of the abilities. Han have literally all the rest.

The Skins sets are visual. Glacius Purifier and Cybros Purifier are still Purifier. Golden Age is still Templar. Itā€™s what the units can do is what matters most. Using the same skin set means nothing. Itā€™s how the Commanders plays that brings the players. Both Raynor and Swann are both Raynors Raiders. They both use the same basic Terran skin set. Biggest difference is that Raynor focuses on Bio while Swann focuses on Mechanical.

Zeratul using the Ihan-rii skins wouldnā€™t stop Ouros from using them if Blizzard felt Ouros fit using Ihan-rii. My argument is Ouros makes sense commanding Ihan-rii.

Because they are the first commanders, but they stopped use the same skins for commanders, they want to make each new commander visually different. And after Alarak we didnā€™t see anymore commander with the same skin, Abathur was the last one, and I hope they will add skins for the missing ones, like how they do with Zagara.

Do you think Blizzard wil make classical sc1 skin and make them for a Coop commander skin?
Actually that would be bad@$$ed

Overmind - All Zerg Heroes (Matriarch, Torrasque) and defilers
Tassadar and Selendis - Tassadar and Selednis having Super Carrier Ganthidor
Gerard Dugalle - Super Advanced Earth Technology (Super Medics and Valkyries)