When clicking "play" , SCII opens up but its just blank?

I haven’t found this precise issue in search, but I did restart, run repair, reinstall, reinstall my nvidia drivers- No idea what else could be causing the issue. Any other diagnosis ideas?

what you mean blank. please describe

All of my computer monitors go black- completely black. If I hit the windows key, the command bar pops up and I can see it is SCII that is open, and then I can close it- then get back to doing anything else on my PC or anything else inside the battlenet app. If I click play on SCII though, it “opens up” into an all black screen.

you have an improper resolution. change your res, if you have wide screen, note that sc2 does not have widescreen support meaning your gonna have to drop it down to regular to make it work.

Thanks for the reco!

I’m at 1920 x 1080 . I tried dropping to 1280 x 720 but no impact.

I haven’t made any changes to my PC since 2018 when I built it! Core i7 9700k w/32GB ram and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB w/3 Acer IPS 21" monitors

Hi, I had this issue recently. What I did to fix this is to run the game in windowed mode. You can insert the “-windowed” command through the Battle Net launcher. Then you can change your settings in game from there.

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Great thank you!

You win a massive trophy for sure. I went into Variables.txt and changed the DisplayMode=2 to DisplayMode=1 and voila, it works great.

Thanks a lot for saving me!