What's the most brain blasting discovery you've made in co-op?

You won’t believe how fragile these three “super cannons” are. I stop building war prisms after I finish leveling up alarak cause those guys got shot down by any enemy that hits up fast.

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If you’re playing LnL and playing a Zerg commander, you can burrow drones or Zerglings on the lock to capture it while F2ing elsewhere.


Not that brainblasting, but when you’re playing as Alarak, spam-click that top-bar crystal. Something will happen.


i recently realized that vega is a girl (ty’s crew). never noticed before.


The overcharge does give them a barrier, a barrier that is significantly tankier with mastery.

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Swann’s SCVs take only 14 seconds to build, from a usual 17 seconds. That’s an 18% increase in SCV production in comparison to other terran commanders.

In my last game with a Raynor P3 ally:

  • That fleet of battlecruisers is fast, cool and powerful, yeah, sure, but not worth this topic
  • An attack of SCV against the forces of Amon, quite unusual, but alone, may just seems weird
  • But the cool thing was seeing that ally actually completely removed all his mineral fields. I’ve seen 2 or 3 Orbital Command in his expansion, and there were probably more, that’s what (with mules) I assume to be the explanation, and emptying the resources in co-op without making the map last longer on purpose, that I find brain blasting :sunglasses:

I just noticed that recently.

Shh, Vega is secretly just Nova with a extra mask on for some merc money on the side. Why else do you think they look identical from the head down? :stuck_out_tongue:


kinda sounded the same too…thats what brought it to my attn, trying to figure out why it sounded like nova was in my army lol (my allys was not nova btw).

When Dehaka devour collosus he gets the same bonus as from air unit. First i was like, wait he is ground unit.

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If you select a unit then click on the next empty box where the next 1, 2, 3 etc control group is the selected units are added to the group

Simple reason: Colossi got something like a hidden airborne characteristic (they always had), as far as i know due to their model design. For the same reason they are susceptible to antiair-attacks like scourges or devourers.

Ha, rather than brain blasting, the way clicking on group boxes worked initially was hair pulling for me :angry:
Good thing there were options to fix that :smiley:

Artanis in the Campaign screen is wearing his Aiur/Khala gauntlets but Co-op Artanis’ right arm has Zeratul’s gauntlet because

at the end of "The Growing Shadow"

Zeratul dies trying to save Artanis from Amon’s grip, so he wears it to honour his sacrifice.

And Co-op somewhat occurs in the timeline between that mission and the LotV Epilogue.

The dead-by-then CO's are:

Tychus, at the end of WoL
Arcturus Mengsk, at the end of HotS
Zeratul, in LotV, after Growing Shadow
Fenix too, kinda…coz he’s dead in SC1 and his purifier version is revived after Forbidden Weapon.

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You can use air units to bypass a large chunk of enemy defenses on Rifts of Korhal. Especially Tempest with Disintegration.

I cheesed it with P3 Artanis + mass Tempest. Used the zealots/ dragoons from early game + top bar to help defend against the waves. My ally got the bonuses.


The missions that people complain about the most are actually some of the best at speed-leveling commanders. Specifically, Scythe of Amon reverse clears and “Cradle of Karax” / “Cradle of Artanis” are considered to be the fastest at grinding commander EXP.

For those of you unaware:

  • A Scythe of Amon reverse clear is one where you take out the three slivers further away from you before clearing the two closest to you. This clearly necessitates staying on one base, and often requires foregoing the bonus. Most speed runs of this map are reverse clears, and some say that Mengsk is the “king of Scythe of Amon cheese” because he has a relatively easy to execute solo reverse clear.
  • “Cradle of Karax” and “Cradle of Artanis” take advantage of the fact that both commanders have fast expand strategies on Cradle of Death (Artanis requires P3), where, with mastery, you can bum rush the expansion constructs with your workers as a distraction, and destroy the expansion constructs with your orbital strikes (and your Unbound Fanatics if you are Artanis). If you leave the game after securing the trucks, you get partial EXP earned. The actual level grind strategy involves rolling for a good set of mutators on Brutal+6 (preferably ones that don’t make the enemy stronger) and doing this over and over again once you do.
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There won’t be any new paid content for coop. :frowning:


For anti-mutator cheeses, the “vision cheese” used against Boom Bots can be considered brain blasting. (It also works against Propagators, but almost all commanders have better strategies against poops, some of which are brain blasting in their own right.)

Essentially, the Boom Bots (or poops) have vision of your starting structure (and the starting assimilators for Zeratul). There are ways of destroying it early and rebuilding it to deny the enemy vision of said structure, which will result in the Boom Bots (or poops) not moving when they spawn.

Of course, this comes with quite a few caveats, since they will start moving once they get vision of one of your buildings, but there are probably ways to take advantage of this fact (eg. clearing the boom bots from an area by luring them elsewhere). It is because of the vision cheese that non-Polarity Boom Bots mutations are considered solo-able in the first place.

For historical brain-blasting: Karax was once considered the worst commander for Eminent Domain walling, today, he’s considered one of the few commanders that can pull it off at all.


Oh boy, where to start:

  • Rifts to Korhal, when facing Terran Mech (Brutal) has an early attack consisting entirely of vultures that is nigh impossible to beat on certain commanders.

  • Stukov’s Diamondbacks don’t need to be given an attack order. You can just move them around like random particles and stuff melts.

  • The snail trail left by upgraded diamondbacks is slightly bigger than the DB. Move through units and they die insanely fast.

  • Stukov’s DBs cannot ground the shuttles on…that mission. Whatever it’s called.

  • Stukov’s tanks can deep tunnel while sieged. For some reason though, this occasionally seems to bug and remove them from control groups.

  • Stukov’s mech, with the FF mastery is just amazingly powerful.

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