What's the most brain blasting discovery you've made in co-op?

Isn’t it far easier to just use a drone for 100min, then simply run away?

mhm that’d be much better solution, or just don’t attack in the first place and go ape nuts with airstrikes.

Just saying that’s possible.

Kerrigan Nydus Worm, using its ability to create another travel point somewhere costs resources AND has a 15s bt. I always thought it only lacked the creep spread and detection of an Omega Worm. Honestly, they could’ve left Nydus for Kerrigan P1, and it wouldn’t have been too bad.

Recently bought Stetmann.
I haven’t reached level 15 a single time yet, but I do get the message that Gary will have its speed reduced by 90% outside a stetzone (supposed to be only in one of the prestiges).
I don’t remember if it was on a tooltip of a stetellite or a hatchery/lair/hive.

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Yes, his P2 Bestestest Buddy has this disadvantage. Enjoy Stetmann.

Yeah… methinks the devs didn’t “properly allocate” those types of messages. I’ve been seeing that with other COs as well, like (IIRC) being on Tychus P2/Lone Wolf, but the mouse over texts saying my gear cd’s are reduced but cost more (which is really his P1/Tech Recruiter one). However, once it comes time to actually use them, they do work correctly, now with the correct description!

In general, you’re on a given prestige level, but the tool tips tell you the attributes of other prestige levels!

Kerrigan had this problem as well with a tooltip regarding her P3, tells it on all prestige’s, before they patched it out.

It’s not prestige related, but Mengsk’s tool tip on Royal Guards has the prebuff numbers for their mandate generation. At least in this case, the HUD has the right numbers at the top.

Another cool feature are abathurs vipers on the excavation map. You can drag the escape ships all they way to your base with vipers pull ability. Don’t know the name of the ability.

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Excavation? Make me think of the first WoL map where you get an artifact, or the one with the laser drill, but neither is in coop.
There’s a “(Miners) Evacuation”, but could the ship while landed be really moved around?
Another map with ships is Void Launch, is it about the shuttles? Would they lack the immunity to Abduct?

Does this still work? I know this was a thing but I thought it was later fixed. Perhaps I’m mistaken, if someone knows?

Just realized that Zera’s Abrogator’s projectiles can be selected and controlled. Not super useful, but doable.

The viper abduct on the ships on ME? Yeah you can still do that, can be used to work around or trivialize certain mutators on that map, looks pretty hilarious too xD


Me and my friend abducted 4 Ships into our base and started them at the same time.
The lag was just bloody insane because of the sheer number of the spawning infested as well as Scorched Earth mutation :frowning:



Lmao, try that and add Alien Incubation + Walking Infested.

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Stetmann P1 can make attack waves bug: if they try to target a stetellite around the time they spawn, then the stetellite become invincible, they will just stay where they are doing nothing.

Dehaka’s Devouring one can heal Aurana’s Transport. On Hard and Brutal there’s deterrents to stalling that don’t exist on Casual and Normal. So, it might still be possible to stall Malwarfare forever on lower difficulties.

Another way to stall/halt the overload % on Lock & Load is for either player to have units on all the Red locks (Amon’s). You don’t need to claim them, it pauses as long as one of you has a unit there. Ie. the lock is contested. And the central pillar stops shaking. This can be used to extend the game. Though, the sub-announcer keeps complaining about needing your ally’s units there. Not sure if it being WIP Acquired was a factor.


Sub-15 Karax P2 ally left at the start, so went 4-base Zag P2. (Using their nexii and probes.) Had it stalled at 88% for 30ish mins. Then moved an overlord while trying to stall it at 99% but mistimed the return trip and lost after an hour. Worth the discovery.

(Usually this mission is extended by having at least one Neutral lock and the other Green, in our control; and never let the Neutral lock fall to Amon’s forces. But this strat allows extending even if all locks are Red.)

When Nova takes add-ons from allies they gain max health but not current health.
Aurora’s Transport can be moved with Fatal Attraction.

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Fenix Conservators also cast and maintain Guardian Shield when they’re in energizing mode