What's the most brain blasting discovery you've made in co-op?

Just build in their space :stuck_out_tongue:

Won’t fix the root issue: why are they appearing at all?

Stetmann: Oh no, they destroyed our space station!
Stetmann: …
Stetmann: Gary? Since when do we deploy space stations?

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Not that special, but I played B+3 on Oblivion Express and we got Avenger.

Avenger Probes are just too cute.

Also, huge Colossi getting pushed back by Zeratul’s Immortals look pretty dumb.

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Yeah, the push backs are kinda hilarious. This happens with Alarak as well. And I gotta say I love seeing it every time, when something that shouldn’t normally move gets blasted a million miles away.

Lol, the brainblasting-ness of DoN.

Dehaka ally: “I guess I’m offense?”

Me, Karax P3: “Why is that?”

Dehaka ally: “Cuz Karax”

Me, Karax P3: “Lol”

Proceed to go slow-af mass carriers, taking down bonus, defending 3 entrances on N3, and winning on D4 with a final score of 113 structures to 30+.

The cousin to “Idef” - “Ioff”? :joy:

Recently, I feel like I heard new voice acting from co-op maps.
Maybe it’s just probabilities having managed to hide them from me until now, but it feels like something changed, and it’s brain blasting…a little.
This time it was the tank junkie with the void thrashers that mentioned “teaching them the tango” or something like that.
1 “typo” is slightly intentional here ^^

Discovery: Dropping the Odin in Cradle of Death after the 2 trucks are in place in the last location will cause the Odin to despawn, thus spawning a Tychus in the middle of the explosions.
It didn’t look like it killed him, but it may have been because of P2 power.
Probably would not work on P3.

So, on this week’s mutation I discovered something interesting on Tychus P3. When you first get Nikara, even with her upgrades, she cannot out heal black death on the Odin. It will die to the damage.

But, as I started getting weapon and armor upgrades, that changed, and she was able to out heal the damage easily on the Odin. I do not know why, but since the Odin provided much needed firepower on the mission, this find made a big difference.

I just recently found out that you can set the Imperial Shadow’s immolate and EMP to autocast. :joy:

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How angry people get because they lose a game of coop, especially when they’ve done barely enough to carry their weight. The amount of rage whispers you get after before blocking is just insane. While rare in general, still annoying every time.

Stetmann overcharged stetellite in green mode can give a shield to a ship in Miners Evacuation after it take off.
A bit too late to be useful sadly.

From last week’s Mutation… Ulnar New Year, there’s actually a mutator (the red envelop of resources one) that’s strictly beneficial! Wonder if there are more like that.

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  • The system that pick the initial rally point for the Command Center or whatever equivalent is often wrong, because of some buildings spawning units at a different location depending on rally point, or just because distance would be based on center of resources/buildings without taking in account their hitbox.
  • When you get the bug that lock at level 90 and/or 0/0 XP, it’s possible to just logout and log back in instead of restarting the whole game (tried it while only having the latter issue). Maybe it doesn’t save that much time, but that may depend on individuals computer performance.
  • <rant>Kerrigan P3 (that I finally got recently) hate me: with random map, it always picked Temple of the Past, probably her worst map.</rant>
  • <rant>I thought Raynor P2 was bad, but almost gave it a chance. Then I realized than in addition to cost HP to cast afterburners (could be enough by itself as a disadvantage), there was also a decrease of their effect AND a global units cost increase. No chance for that thing hated by its devs after all.</rant>
  • Energizers don’t auto-target each others with the Chrono Beam, but it is possible to do it manually. The speed boost can be useful if you’re trying to support your ally quicker army, or just move faster for a while.

Please dont listen to terry

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You can mouseover the objectives listed at the top left to get more details!

You can mouseover the hero section so it’ll show in numerical value how far along they are to becoming available (for example, 50/100 for Zeratul at the 2:00 mark).

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You may already know that you can use rally points with Zeratul to locate artifacts from the vision more accurately.
Today in Void Launch, I got an unexpected help, from the yellow dotted line of a research vessel (bonus objective).
Finally they are true to their name and help discover something (useful).


https://ufile.io/kbvmlh41 (replay)
I guess if I can end up with 26 Leviathans “accidentally” in a so-so game against air comp, maybe Abathur P3 is not that hopeless once in a while.

Another discovered: Super Ultra Deluxe MK 5000 Sniping Oracles from Amon Industries.
An abominable Oracle that perform mega micro, killing workers on the path between the main base and the expansion, then immediately going back to hide in the fog of war.
If I wanted to see this kind of stuff, I would play Versus.
I don’t remember the AI ever microing something like that.

edit to avoid double-post:
In Vermillion Trouble, there’s a long delay (maybe it’s longer if Donny is blabbering just at that moment) between the moment you bring the last crystal and the objectives get validated, and the moment the final sequence with the crystal going into the machine start.
Since it was so long, I decided to shoot down my worker during that time.
Good news: you still win the mission
Bad news: the crystal don’t jump on its own in the machine, awww :woozy_face:

you can’t infest a stetelite if you have a P1 Stetman, because they’re “invulnerable”, found that out today while playing Stukov with a P1 Stetman

I managed to check it today: you can get the bonus objective before it is signaled on Cradle of Death.
Still have to guess if it will be up or down though.
Surprisingly practical when you have an ally moving very very slow, and you’re willing to not forcefully carry him without letting him learn a bit on its own.

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