What it is like being a Zerg GM during ProtossCraft II

And thanks for ignoring the Zerg wins this year. It’s good to see you can never admit you’re wrong.

Sentry is a troll by the way. I’ve talked to him before. The complete lack of common sense would indicate he’s maybe 90 iq, but the fact that he can use a computer obviously contradicts that conclusion, thus he is a troll pretending to be dumb.

He also only posts once on a blue moon but is highly familiar with the forums, meaning he is an alt account that a troll switches to when his other accounts were suspended.

nice bait, batzy :slight_smile:

even the casters are fed up with this :smiley:

Case in point. Ignore the troll. He knows he is wrong.

no. i am not stretch ^^ nah i rarely waste my time and energy for this plebs. arguing with stretch is like hitting a wall… but its fun because its so easy to dismantle him

Oh I know. I just like making him look dumb.

Looks like Sentry is completely out of bs excuses for Protoss. A rare sight.

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You make me look dumb? well that hit me hard. last time you claimed that vipers are soooooo squishy :smiley:

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He cries that arguing against you is like talking to a brick wall, while conveniently glossing over the fact that GM representation, tournament earnings, total tournaments won, GM win-rates all prove Protoss is overpowered.

OmG WhY Is It So HaRd To wIn DeBaTeS WhEn LiTeRallY All ThE FacTs DisAGreE WitH Me. I KnOw It MusT Be My OpPoNnEntS FaUlT! HeS LiKe A BrIcK WaLl REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Bad choice of words for a wikipedia editor to use. It doesn’t calcualte relative “skills”. It provides a rating for a player that can be used to predict game outcomes. The number itself says absolutely nothing about a player “skill”, or the “skills” they are able to use to acquire the wins. A player, for example, could cheat, and still be given a rating that can accurately predict the outcome of a game that they cheat in.

No, MMR doesn’t “measure skill”. That’s just something unknowable player tell themselves because it makes them FEEL good. If it were otherwise, there would be no need for tournaments or ladders. We would know a players rating and thus they woudn’t have to play a game. We could just determine their rank based on their MMR. And what fun would that be.

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Let’s ask the official sources once again:

The Elo[a] rating system is a method for calculating the relative skill levels of players in zero-sum games such as chess. It is named after its creator Arpad Elo, a Hungarian-American physics professor.

Fact denial is not a valid argument.


To Sentry Zerg is overpowered 100% of the time and Protoss is always weak. It doesn’t matter what’s happening in the game, his opinion will always be that. GM could be 100% Protoss and nothing would change for him.

He thinks late game is “fair” now while practically every Protoss on ladder is going straight to skytoss.

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said the guy who thinks zerg wasnt too strong last year :smiley: lol

even oldwhovian admit that. nice clash between you and him in twitch chat btw. now i think much much higher of him.

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Okay Mr Smart Guy Who Can Cut and Past from Wikipedia, what is this magical “calculation” that can determine how “skillful” a player is at playing the game? Show me the math for determining a players stutter stepping chops or their ability to never get supply blocked. I’ll wait here for an answer.

Anything that affects a players odds of winning is an aggregate in the Elo ranking. Let’s create a flow chart to help your understand:

Does this affect a player’s odds of winning → it is included in the elo ranking.
Does this not affect a player’s odds of winning → it is not included in the elo ranking.



Protoss dominates GM for 2 years straight, currently peaking at 45%, wins the majority of tournaments despite being banned from the majority of tournaments, etc etc, but ZeRG Is StIlL Op BeCaUsE My InSaNe BiAs PrEvEnTs Me FrOm EvEr ChAnGiNg My OpPinIoN

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You’re right. A player’s ability to cheat affects a players odds of winning. So does them having a cold, or an itch on their nose, the temperature of the room they are playing in, the effectiveness of the keys on their keyboard, their network ping, the backlighting on their LCD monitor, the distracting noise in the room next door, etc, etc, etc, ad nauseam…


nice try troll :smiley:

we all know that protoss pros arent looking sharp in top tier tournies.

Are you seriously arguing that things that negatively affect a player’s ability to win the game doesn’t affect their skill level?



No. I do believe I stated the exact opposite of that.

What I am saying is that it’s absurd to believe that MMR is a “direct measurement of a player’s skill”.