No I do not.
I don’t know what job you have, but mine is 8 to 11H a day, with sometimes additional nighttime. And so during the week, my playtime can be quite late, be performed under sleep debt condition and at hours where there are >30% of smurfs. Not to mention must-answer phonecalls.
So yeah, playing ranked at those moments would only achieve my ranked MMR being destroyed. On the contrary, I can sleep, choose moments when I’m not going to be disturbed, and will mostly play to win during week-ends. So week-ends are ranked time for me.
That is not certain, and would take way longer, as my winrate is lower due to unfavorable circumstances during the week.
On reverse, some players might be able not to play to win even in ranked, but I’m not one of them. The first minutes of unranked allow me to better focus on improving specific things rather than trying getting every possible little advantage benchmark style (which unfortunately I tend to do in ranked, and in unranked passed the first minutes).
Both our MMRs are at stake, only mine isn’t my main. I do not lose games deliberately, and if my opponents didn’t either, the matchmaking should still get opponents of similar level. And so if he lost, it’s that he made some mistake that earned him a deserved defeat.
And, considering the ragequits I do earn against more than half opponents, I do suppose that they don’t like defeats whether its ranked or not.
It’s 1v1 and I do not choose my opponents. Of course it’s all about my skill, my level, and my fun. I do salute my opponents, do GG upon defeat, and don’t offensive GG if they weren’t rude. That the most considerate one could be in 1v1.
As for caring about others that do 1v1 below me, that’s one of the reasons why I’m surveying several leagues in my smurfs threads. I do not know if the devs will ever consider the smurfs issue, and if they do, and might’ve reached a leagues where there are almost none by that time. But if I can spare to others the crapfest I’ve been through, I’ll do it.
By default your unranked MMR is the same than your ranked one. So if you’re facing much stronger opponents than your ranked level, whether they are unranked or not, it’s rather a smurfing problem. There are also moments where there are so few players in the pool that you get match against users of farther MMR than usual, but that’s linked to the amount of available players, affects you regardless you play ranked or not, and would only worsen if the unranked and ranked pools were to be separated.