What buffs do protoss actually want

Direct quote from July 1 Community Update:

Rather, what we find more concerning and what we are focusing on for our next update is how players view and talk about the Protoss matchups.

They don’t specify the sources.

You can, but they couldn’t do it after 10 years so I wouldn’t have much hopes

You know what, the few mech PvT match we saw this year produced some great games…so we might be on the right path, I’ll concede to that

They could already give back GC to Carriers, they buffed Infestors so much that it would balance PvZ lategame and PvT, idk about TvZ tough.

That’s all I’m saying. Bio in TvP is doing great, Mech in TvP is so close to breaking out of the egg and becoming viable. It just needs a few key changes(I know which ones to do since I’ve been testing for over a year narrowing them down) to make a solid playstyle foundation.

And what if I can achieve it?. I like a challenge and making more units viable in different match ups is always a good thing.

I guess it makes sense that MyOhMind is apparently the only person with any ideas.

You can’t be mad at blizz for neglecting toss this long or proposing dumb buffs if this is the state of things.

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Other people propose ideas, but Mind seems to be the only one willing to drown people in his opinion on design.

More so what nerfs we need to do against zerg.

-Infested terran energy increased from 25 to 50
-no longer scales with upgrades
-neural parasite range decreased from 8 to 6

-requires hive tech

-Creep tumor cost increased from 25 to 50
-now also has the armored tag

-Feedback damage increased from 0.5 to 1 damage per energy
-Feedback range increased to 9

-Graviton catapult reinstated

Void ray
-Cost decreased from 250/150 to 200/100

-immune to all spells

Feedback range is already 9.

No, it was nerfed for a good reason. Because you wouldn’t be able to use caster units or any other energy unit remotely close to a late game Protoss deathball.

That would completely kill the spell entirely since it would get out ranged by everything.

That would kill all mid game nydus worm usage.

The only spells it needs to be immune to are mind control(NP) and stun(Abduct)

Not how it originally was. Carriers would be OP with the old GC back because the base launch speed of interceptors was buffed to make up for GC being removed.

Make a full fledged balance mod and see how ZvP and ZvT would play out with these changes.

Who are we kidding?. You won’t. All you want to do is destroy Zerg because of personal feelings and you lack experience playing as Zerg in the first place.

The days of massing Carriers to auto-win games should never come back. Just like the days of massing Raven’s.

to be honest the protoss buffs i would like to see to get them into fighting shape vs zerg (it might seem strong without terran changes to deal with it)

also i didn’t want to crazy changes

Adept: Upgrade to hit Air

Immortal: Cost 250/100 again

Sentry: cost 50/75

Observer: cost 25/50

Carrier: revert the patch that killed them but nerfed interceptor total HP to 60 from 80 [aka less meat shield] forcing retreat earlier
and Change of shield to hp values on carrier to 100/350 so they are more likely to get perm dmged

high templar: revert feedback change

M-Ship: spell immunity

Tempests:+dmg vs massiv for a 3 shot vs broods

Something about Voidray’s

btw i thought about a reaper upgrade to remove its gas cost could be nice maybe require a armory so it hasn’t proxy use but to take them as not medivac supported harass

That should be part of the Adept, no upgrade required.

Robo’s are cheaper now.


Massing Carriers to auto-win the game should never come back.

That would make late game Protoss OP since any unit with energy would be instantly killed if they tried to fight a late game Protoss deathball again. So no, never again.

NP and Abduct are the only spells that the Mothership needs to be immune to.

Broodlords have 225HP with 1 base armor. Do you understand how stupid broken it would be if 1 Tempest with no upgrades could 3 shot a 225HP unit?.

Well the real question comes back to, why would you use them over marines?.

They are already getting Flux added back.

about the tempest i meant with upgrades of course

adept air attack should after an upgrade from start it would be broken with phoenix

M-ship: yeah but you forgot raven lock down missle

read everthing about the carrier part not just pick it a part

and it just what i would like to see with immortals sentry and observers

btw Voidray flux vanes are not implented yet like the tempest abillity they wanted to give as compensate for a nerf and then took it away

Reapers without gas cost would be dangerous because they would be even more mobile as harass than marines since they need medivacs espacally vs zerg and terran because zerg queens wouldn’t be able to deal with a hit squad of 10 reapers as example and the dmg they recive would be healed also it doesn’t risk 100/100 medivac+ 8 marines to get lost for harass vs missle turrets or spores not to mention you have +15hp and still +5hp more after CS while even have better dps than marines without stim and this even not counting the movementspeed self healing of the reaper

Bring back HotS immortal.

IM doesn’t remotely do the same things NP and Abduct does.

You would see more immortal sentry all-ins vs Zerg.

It wouldn’t be broken because that opening and build is very gas intensive, also it’s fragile. Adept-Phoenix got phased out of the meta because Terrans learned out to counter it, which means Terrans will re-learn again.

Also you have to consider how the upcoming balance patch is going to change things for TvP.

I did, and it doesn’t make sense because it just makes Carriers weaker. Since Interceptors die quicker and making most of the HP of the Carrier shields doesn’t make sense because shields don’t have armor values while the Carriers HP has an armor of 2.

wrong the carrier should have more more hp i meant 100shields and350 hp because then you can inflict more perm dmg and of course it should make the carriers from back there weaker

about the adept i already stated you more than enough it would be broken like that i even tested it with your mod and i never said i would like see major change for terran since it would be needed to deal with this

about sentry immortal all-in yes it might come more often but zerg has enough tools to deal with them they can’t sit on 3-4 bases drohne like crazy while scouting everything Toss has with speed overlords it will just allow protoss to be more agressive vs zerg btw because they can scout so easy it shouldn’t be a problem anymore it was only dangerous because protoss players denied scouting

hey rabiDrone hots immortals now would be broken with sb healing them but i could really see that the barrier has the same effect rather than just plain 100shields more for 2-3s

Wow, what a surprise !
Protoss is going to lose lategame vs Z.

Carriers in SC2 already have 150S/300HP

Adepts are worse than Stalkers because of range differences and base damage differences against non bonus damage targets.

I’ve had masters players play TvP with it recently and you counter it like you did with the original Adept-Phoenix or you go Mech or Bio-mine.

It’s not impossible to beat, only doing a few games with it vs doing lots of games with it. Also I’m currently revamping parts of the mod again.

yeah but with less shields you can regenrate less hp result

like take 2 vikings hit 2time each with 14x2 missles 112dmg raw
vs 100s/350hp it would be 10 hp perm dmg not regenrateable hp dmg
while the 150s/300hp would just end up with 38 shields and heal up the dmg they took

if you can’t break the carriers with one attack they would be more brused than before because you could end up with 100s /1hp aka 101 total compare to 150s/1hp 151total in worst case for both since you doesn’t want to get hull dmg on your carriers and the opponent is frustrated he doesn’t killed it

but going into the next battle it gets every fight against more dangerous for the protoss to lose the carrier

it makes them also more vunerable to splash from parabomb or thor/libs splash

the main part i see it as good change is your long term plan keeping the strong units alive gets really hard

also you can see what i mean with archon drops because of their shields regen they can show up deal dmg heal up and deal dmg even if they take dmg
and after awile they stand there as new
the same quick healing is the reason mutas are so strong but also weak at the sametime they are amazing if you can’t catch/kill them with a hardcounter but once they there muta feel useless

Carrier in 3.8 till 4.71 gave you meat shield inform of interceptors and their big shield hp when you try focus fire if they survive and flee because of storm as example they came nearly unscrached back while you bleed units of course they are less ridiculous then infested terrans since they drain at least minerals for the interceptors

not deleting zealots