What are the most brain-damaged matches that you have ever played?

I’m sure this isn’t what you’re referring to, but a herc/tank opening with Swann is not only efficient but optimal even when facing an air comp

To this day I’m still given a lot of sh1t for “spawning the first thrasher early”.

Another good one is when allies on DoN tell me not to attack at night and instead go back to the base to help defend, when I’m killing two birds with one stone - defending an entrance by intercepting the infested on the way to the base AND destroying structures

While I shouldn’t have expected much from a P3 Zeratul, it was still braindamaged enough for this thread.

It was Brutal+ on Oblivion Express. We had Scorched Earth and Laser Drill. Once again I was playing as P3 Alarak.

  • He didn’t build a single combat unit and spammed cannons
  • Didn’t care about the drill, so I went there, dealt with the base and made sure the drill won’t cause any more problems for the rest of the game.
  • Once again typical for players like this… uselessly clearing out the map while probably jerking off to his tornadoes, was more important than some trains.
  • I mean, yeah, playing P3 Zeratul while not building or controlling units, not phasing your cannons around the map, and no researchable upgrades etc must be boring as hell, but you know there’s still an objective in form of trains. HIs cannons covered the bonus rail, and some part of the bottom rail, at least.
  • Before I forget, he only had one Gateway and a Cybernetic Forge. He never intended to build any units. Good idea for B+, isn’t it?

Some players really need to get out of Co-op and go play some Heroes of the Storm, DotA or Arcade. The typical suspects are Kerrigan (my experience with Kerri players is so bad I just leave most of the time), P2/P3 Zeratul, P3 Nova. Tychus just disgusts me in general. Most Dehakas and Alaraks are helpful, actually play the game (micro/macro, don’t sleep on top bar abilities) and do the objectives.

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Now to actually respond to the thread, a few come to mind:

  • 99% of matches with a Raynor ally. I cringe as soon as I see “Raynor” in the loading screen, as I’m pretty sure they won’t play well. At least now with p1 there’s an “excuse” for poor macro, but even then, a surprising number of said p1s choose to mass BC for some reason.
  • On the same note, people who mass capital ships in general. Whether it be tempests (a garbage unit outside of a small niche), carriers (literally Karax’s worst unit, and just a poor playstyle for Fenix), BCs with Raynor etc. I just don’t get it 99% of the time

A few specific ones that come to mind:

  • Nova ally built nothing but ghosts on RtK vs the thor/tank/vessel comp. I can’t help but think it was a meme or a challenge or something
  • Recently I had an Abby ally tell me “finally someone with an appropriate level for brutal” in the beginning of the game, who then proceeded to open with 4 overlords
  • As Swann on DoN, my lvl 1 H&H ally built a wall of depots at the entrance and proceeded to mass widow mines and a few hellbats. I guess… u def?

It’s 2020 and people still build the useless Tempest, BC and Carriers. LOL

It’s 2020 and some people still haven’t discovered Attack-Move.
Okay, who can worsen that chain lol?

edit: especially annoying when you send your units hugging Raynor/Tychus medic for some love, and they get rejected. The fact they get killed on their way for not mastering that basic don’t make up for this.


Had a similar brain damaged game on ME. [EDIT: on MO not ME, I meant Mist Opportunities, my bad]

Went Fenix lvl 10, my ally was Kerrigan full masteries insta left and I went against Terran air.

I figured I’d try out scouts and that I would get detection either with Omega worms or with arbiter. Worm was misplaced and on cooldown, arbiter vision was not researched and each wave had several banshee clocked … the bots got crushed while my whole army was just looking sad nearby. Those things kill bot real fast too when you are stupid enough not to have any ground unit there (Kerrigan had respawned but for some reasons could not take the worm to come back quickly so she was on her long way back).

Felt really stupid on that one.

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It happens! I’m glad I’m not the only one talking about our own mistakes. Not having a ground presence when you need to defend something is such a classic one, right? And yeah, I think I’ve also had issues forgetting that you need to research Arbiter detection, if I’ve been away from playing Fenix for a while especially.


Oh, believe me. I have enough problem with cloaked and burrowed that the first thing i get for any army is detector.

I can afford to not have some fancy units and upgrade but never detection.

Guardians are really good.

bots? You mean shuttles right? on ME?

I’ve learned the hard way that until you have a proper deathball army, don’t cloak your units. They at least attack you instead of the shuttle which is what effectively saves it. And yeah, if there’s no ground presence, abberrations & regular infested have nothing to attack and go directly for the shuttle. Same applies to bots on MO.

Some brain-damaged moments, rather than matches:

  • Kerri with 24-30 mutas ready to use assim aura and immo wave on double train on OE. Kerri gets neural’ed and can’t do jack. Mutas start attacking train and another infestor neurals them. Then I’m left with Kerri and 2 mutas to clear top train. Fortunately, ally had full army and cleared 2nd train and 2nd bonus; and then the last train. WhyTF can Kerri get neural’ed?

  • On Malwarfare on brutal, with Kerri, got a Zagara lvl 5 ally who complained that I should do something with Kerri like give him resources instead of just “moving her around”. (FYI, “moving her around” = intercept attack wave which ally completely ignored; and going for bonus. Transport still at high health.) Ally goes for pure ling flood against Terran mech and uses the side-corridor instead of the top path. Repeatedly gets shredded, loses Zagara twice by the time transport is at the top terminal. Told them to make banes. Replies with “shut up peasant”. My response: “happy to just watch you play”. Transport gets attacked by a small-med wave of marines. I’ve got Kerri and a few hydras are standing by but not doing anything (coz I know I can wipe them in 2 secs). Ally sees this and leaves. Woohoo 4-base eco for me! :smiley: I wipe that wave and continue on with the mission. Make 3 more hatches, for a total of 7 along with 6 omegas. Utterly wiping Amon while constantly re-maxing on mutas and ultras (after making 15 overlords). Loads o’ fun. Come to the last terminal. Wipe the top base with great losses (mis-timed immo wave). Re-maxed. Then felt over-confident - had a rock-slappy moment and went for the bonus and the double tower spawns midway. I respond too late and lose the transport :sob: :-/

    • this was on EU, at lvl ~60.
    • ally’s profile showed them to be a Diamond league 1v1 player
    • Would’ve loved to win that mission and msg them with “thanks for leaving”.

That does not sound as bad as the time I completely screwed up void thrashing while leveling up raynor p1. Completely screwed up the mission timings by spawning thrashers too early and kept getting my bioball obliterated while my cooldowns were unavailable at the wrong time. Allied stukov was not helping much, but we lost mostly because of me.

Or the time I lost last week’s brutation because I decided to use death fleet against zerg bases. I will let you guess how that went.


There’s a lot of brain damaged people… based on this topic :stuck_out_tongue:

I found a new champion, in short: a guy who was attacking his warping structure.
I didn’t realize some people could be bad enough to never know nor imagine the existence of a Cancel button :astonished:

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Just finished a Cradle of Death game playing Nova. Wasn’t fully focused on the game, but I wondered why my resources were so slow to gather all game.
Then it hit me at the victory stats screen. I forgot the expansion…


Lol now that’s a good one

I’ve been having a streak of potato allies recently, and some of them were hilarious

  • Abathur going mass roach against zerg air; he was running P1 so not even brutalisks for basic AA, the guy just kept pumping roaches and throwing them at the enemy bases Zagara style, then when a huge wave of mutalisks and guardians wrecked his expansion and started mauling his main he attempted a last minute transition to mutalisks, but by that time I already cleared the last set of void thrashers
  • Fenix just surrounding the temple with cannons and parking the hero unit there as well, then typing things like “lets just camp the temple” “let them come I have cannons” and finally “PLEASE STAY IN THE BASE” while I was clearing the map and intercepting the attack waves with Teleportanis
  • Swann going “mass” Thors in ME; first ship I had to defend by myself obviously, and it’s not like the 7 thors he built throughout the whole game did much besides dying and getting rebuilt
  • Raynor. Just Raynor. P1 Cattlebruisers, opening with 10 supply depots/barracks, building pointless empty bunkers everywhere, making 10 marines and calling it a day… Raynor is like a box of of chocolates, bad quality rockslapping chocolates.
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I’m starting to think there’s some kind of challenge involving not taking an expansion no matter what on EU servers recently :worried:

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Yeah, met some of them in NA last month too.