Weakest Co-op commander?

It’s definitely not easy, especially vs mutators. Firebats will naturally move to the front which is great vs banes, but marauders move to the back unfortunately. I’ve never actually used both at the same time, just MM, MMM, or MMF.

If you’re using P1 for a brutation surely you’re going bio. Otherwise you’d choose P0/P2/P3.

sometimes I still go biomech with p1, I just need a solid early game which p1 does provide
very rarely do I have time for a full clean transition to mech, not that I want/need to

I though vulture was a decent “early game”. No?

It’s not really (imho). Even for something like first wave it sometimes is barely in time (rifts to korhal) and is super fragile early on without offering real damage or tankiness of its own. I dont use them too much, and mostly after I’ve cleared the starting area so that i have space and time to plan for the next waves. siege tanks also deal too much damage (preemptively poking and baiting enemy entrenched positions is harder. Would rather use siege tanks of my own or a marauder firebat)

Vultures are really only good for their spider mines in coop, too frail and their dps is terrible. For RtK that first wave is gonna have to be deflected by marines (at least, in my experience), other maps you can rely on the first banshee and Hyperion calldowns most of the time.

With a solid build you can get 2 vultures out by 3 mins but why do that even if you are p2

I thought vulture is like Cyclone, except you mine while fleeing.

Early mines on P0 is helpful against mutators like HoTS where you have easy access to the spawns, e.g Temple.

Though you usually wouldn’t play Raynor unless you wanted more of a challenge.

Depends heavily on the prestige, since some fare better than others with different combinations of mutators. I remember Alarak was considered somewhat weak in mutations until prestiges came and now P3 is all over the place.

In short, too many variables to define the weakest.

With the mine nerf from ages ago it’s a lot harder to do that as Raynor.

Han and Horner is by far the weakest of them all.
This commander struggles, especially in Mutations.
Obviously you can make it work, but you need to work so much more.

Ah, i see. Just tried it. Iirc mines were much more powerful back in beginning.

I’d go with the idea that Vultures are good for map vision. You get to see areas you visited and peak at waves. Not to mention teleporting assist for ally. :slight_smile:

They could use some qol fixes
The main problem with many terran commanders that rely on fragile units is that they are punished harder than others by many mutations

Yeah, they were, but at the time they were OP. With the latest commanders/prestiges it would make sense to give him back his pre-nerf mines.

Well if they were OP for regular matches, maybe they can just include mines in the mech prestige. It would be cool if stimmed vultures layed +100% sized mines or something. Hehe

Early game Raynor defense is reliant on 4 marines + bunker, but that causes another problem. Many mutations require a strong defense in early game, and for Raynor, that interrupts his 4 CC opening and leaves him weaker for the rest of the game.

I thought it was 3 cc actually?
Scv to 17 pop, barrack after the depot, drop the cc, delay first orbital a bit, drop 2nd cc (3rd with starting one) then get the orbital.
After that start adding ccs when minerals float too much

It might be 3 CCs, but I usually build 4 initially. Building the second CC before the barracks saves you from having to build another supply depot.

Some maps/mutations force you to build a barracks first, which leaves you noticeably poorer in the mid-game.

2nd cc before barracks? do you actually go to 15pop then? it seems like a bad compromise if you do imho
if you want to build 2nd cc asap actually do it by skipping even the extra scvs. especially if we are talking p3.
yeah, being forced to not only build a barracks but also marines and even a bunker sucks balls. on the other hand, p3 on a map with no early threat is great, instant orbital

Yup, second CC before barracks makes sense, as long as you can get your expo quickly. Barracks before CC makes sense otherwise.

P3 really should skip SCVs and just OC right away.

Unless RtK or mutators say otherwise, of course.